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Fallout 76 Leads To Surge Of Interest In The State Of West Virginia https://tinyurl.com/ycucou6y West Virginia is not just a fantastical dystopian hellscape depicted in the trailer for Fallout 76. It’s a real place in the real dystopian nation of America! Thanks to Fallout 76, the state is now seeing interest from actual tourists. The new online survival extension of Bethesda’s wasteland-roaming mega-series is set in West Virginia. Ever since the game’s trailer debuted late last month, people have been planning their post-apocalyptic getaways. Case in point: West-Virginia tourism websites like WVExplorer.com have seen a surge of traffic. “Typically we had been getting around 2,000 people a day,” the site’s publisher, David Sibray, told West Virginia news channel WCHS. “Now we’ve been up to around 30,000 people a day.” Employees of Camden Park, an amusement park featured in the Fallout 76 trailer, have also reported an upswing in interest. “We’ve gotten calls in the office about people wanting to buy T-shirts from here just because of the game,” Camden Park employee Autumn Smithers said to WCHS. Will tourism follow? It remains to be seen, but residents are hopeful. “This is kind of a first, that we have been in a video game, and that will impact us like this,” Camden Park Ride Supervisor Shawn Wellman said. “We’ve never had this kind of national publicity, so we are waiting to see what happens.” And while this metric is far from precise, it’s also worth noting that the YouTube video for “Take Me Home, Country Roads”—the West Virginia anthem featured in Fallout 76's trailer—has basically become a Fallout 76 message board. “If I see one more god damn Fallout joke,” reads one of the most upvoted comments on the video. ==== 西維吉尼亞州是Fallout 76中設定的故事發生地.... 在Fallout 76在E3公開後.... 在西維吉尼亞州掀起了觀光熱。 像是它的觀光網站 WVExplorer.com 本來每日流量只有2,000,現在變成了30,000。 而在Fallout 76中有出現的 Camden Park 遊樂園也接到許多詢問電話,想要購買T恤等各 種紀念品。 現在西維吉尼亞州的人還在消化這種情況.... 另外一提,Fallout 76宣傳片中的歌 Take Me Home, Country Roads,即為西維吉尼亞州 的州歌。 -- It is difficult to communicate a life with words. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1529407587.A.80B.html
a37988233: 當地應該要給遊戲公司贊助了 06/19 19:28
※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 06/19/2018 19:30:55
TotalBiscuit: 這麼強都還沒出就掀起觀光熱潮 06/19 19:33
ARNOwww: West Virginia~ mountain mama~ 06/19 19:40
sxdcfvgb2001: 這首歌我第一次聽是在普羅米修斯2聽到的 06/19 19:48
chunyulai: 西維是南北戰爭前夕 從維吉尼亞獨立出來加入北方的州 06/19 19:51
kuninaka: 哪有這麼扯 06/19 19:51
kuninaka: 跪求UBI出AC台灣 06/19 19:52
chunyulai: 之後戰爭結束也沒有和維吉尼亞合併回去 好奇~~ 06/19 19:52
gammablue: 我覺得trailer版本的country road真的好聽 06/19 19:53
dbfox: 這首我第一次是看心之谷時聽的,雖然那首是翻唱XD 06/19 19:54
laoinwin: 心之谷+1 去年好多電影有用 羅根好好運 聖約 金牌特務二 06/19 20:00
tnnua: 打贏當然就宣布獨立囉( 咦 06/19 20:03
abbei: Merlin:Almost heaven, West Virginia~~~ 06/19 20:06
asdasd02tw: 但影片裡的歌聲不是原唱就是了www 06/19 20:16
blackstyles: 說好的電玩打打殺殺 增加犯罪率呢 06/19 20:18
chauliu: 這一定是B社業配啦 06/19 20:23
damnedfish: 網站點閱率=觀光熱潮,ㄏ 06/19 21:21
lovinlover: 就統計來說 兩者是正相關沒錯 06/19 21:28
YJTony: 羅根好好運用得最有感覺 還有介紹這首歌的背景故事 06/19 22:14
MinuteMan: 沒甚麼好ㄏ的 06/19 22:27
yoseii: FO3 FO4 選的主題歌我都覺得恰如其分,非常好聽 06/19 22:35
yoseii: 例如三代的 I dont want to set the World on Fire 06/19 22:37
yoseii: https://youtu.be/pLvsmho1lGA 06/19 22:37
yoseii: 以及四代的 It's All Over But The Crying 06/19 22:39
LordSo: 至少我以前連他在哪都不知道.. 06/19 23:20
coox: 次文化侵略帶動國家地方整體發展的例子很多啊 06/20 00:47
coox: 日本的電玩和動漫畫就最好的例子 06/20 00:48
ynin1220: 推 老歌 06/20 01:03
TotalBiscuit: 次文化(X) 還沒發行的遊戲(O) 06/20 07:01
sillymon: 心之谷第一次聽+1 06/20 10:19
vvanch: 玩了Fo4都想去波士頓了 06/20 12:54
cress0128: 玩全境封鎖想去紐約 06/20 17:21
hinanaitenco: 小學愛聽國外經典曲就聽過了 沒想到現在又會紅 06/21 12:47