看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
置底交換區使用說明 發表推文前請先詳閱使用說明。推文後即視為已詳閱使用說明 #1PBut0ud (Steam) [ptt.cc] [公告] 交易文章使用說明 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1496288704.A.E27.html 建議使用以下推文格式方便板友搜尋: [換] (遊戲名) 換 (遊戲名) ★本板從9/15開始,禁止金錢相關交易。 詳見 #1PgXB9hO (Steam) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1504318153.A.AD8.html ★本板從10/20開始,禁止遊戲以外物品之交換。 詳見#1Pu8R2fq (Steam) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1507886786.A.A74.html 注意事項: 禁止金錢相關交易,違者水桶60天 板規2-7 禁止拿遊戲以外的物品來交換遊戲,違者水桶60天板規2-7 每人每月置底交換區交換推文數上限為8則,超過者水桶14天 板規2-7-4 每人每月同項交換品只能出現2次,超過者水桶14天 板規2-7-3 禁止所有數位遊戲平台帳號之出借、買賣、租賃等帳號轉手之手段。 板規2-7-8 以上規定同時依照板規規定刪文、水桶。 = 請交易雙方自行注意交易風險並承擔相關責任 =
sunandmoonof: crusader king 2換https://goo.gl/ZfnWTD03/01 07:58
watchdog: [換]月華劍士/KOF13 換 Sonic Adventure2/ 03/01 12:34
watchdog: Sonic Generations Collection 03/01 12:35
watchdog: KOF13已換出 03/01 13:24
Huanger: [換]https://goo.gl/YgazUW 換 超級雞馬 站內信03/01 14:39
ooooooo286: 想請問一下這裡只能交換遊戲嗎?能不能交換折價券或03/01 15:09
ooooooo286: 是steam卡片呢?03/01 15:09
※ 編輯: hn9480412 (, 03/01/2019 16:36:51
kelvin0004: 卡片可以交換卡片 不能換遊戲 折價券不能交換 03/01 17:55
snzwhi: 歡迎直接提案或站內信,不限願望清單https://barter.vg/u/ 03/01 23:31
snzwhi: 3930/t/ 03/01 23:31
snzwhi: https://barter.vg/u/3930/t/ 03/01 23:32
almastria: https://goo.gl/F7tmKN 歡迎站內信 03/02 01:53
a139815: https://imgur.com/fHjjqt2 換Mutant Year Zero 03/02 02:42
Huevon: [換] Slipstream 換 Aaero 03/02 02:47
Nevar: [換] https://goo.gl/jnM3hs 站內信 謝謝 03/02 02:51
Huevon: Aaero已換到,謝謝Steam版 03/02 03:05
Huevon: [換] Paradigm 換 Sniper Elite 3 03/02 03:08
ZuYu: [換] https://reurl.cc/51YvR 想換3月包的Late Shift 03/02 05:18
ZuYu: 已收到Late Shift 順便隨緣收個Cultist Simulator好了._. 03/02 05:29
Angesi: Battle Chef Brigade 換 Late Shift 03/02 08:50
leo19981: [換]How to Survive+METAL SLUG 3 換 Tower Unite 03/02 09:15
squrar: 交換清單 http://0rz.tw/Dz67n 可多換1 請站內信 03/02 10:13
lucas: [換] https://goo.gl/jZToqL 站內信 謝謝 03/02 10:22
lepad: [換]ABZU/Stellaris 換 Late Shift 03/02 11:02
lepad: Late Shift已換到,謝謝Steam版 03/02 11:40
geken: [換] https://goo.gl/2PhHLr 換Tower Unite或Northgard 03/02 12:02
smming: 交換https://imgur.com/z3vUykA 03/02 13:44
geken: Tower Unite已換到 感謝~ 03/02 14:47
JUSTduck: 鼠疫二換 突變元年:伊甸園之路 03/02 15:42
Metsu: [換] https://goo.gl/PCGycE Fight'N Rage, Tower Unite等 03/02 21:16
Metsu: 換Northgard 等等,詳情請見清單喔謝謝! 03/02 21:17
watchdog: [換]Shuyan Saga/Aaero/METAL SLUG X/Slain:Back from h 03/02 21:43
watchdog: ell 換Slipstream/Besiege/project highrise/Rocketbird 03/02 21:45
watchdog: 1 or 2 03/02 21:45
LINAKI: 三月/四月遊戲互換清單 https://goo.gl/Vguxhb 03/02 22:17
changtzhcun: 鼠疫2換人龍0 03/03 01:46
x200725: https://goo.gl/WcCBRn 請站內信討論 03/03 17:00
MAiKAZELaTeX: [換] https://goo.gl/fFbjLD 歡迎站內信討論 03/04 01:51
unsh: 全境封鎖+DLC 換 古墓奇兵崛起或其他 歡迎來信討論! 03/04 05:19
andrew110294: Late shift換 Yooka Laylee 03/04 07:58
tkigood: [有]全境DLC(無本體)/Rapture Rejects/Sniper Elite 3 03/04 11:24
tkigood: Aaero/Super Daryl 03/04 11:24
tkigood: [要]城市AfterDark/Late shift/死亡復甦4 03/04 11:25
tkigood: ※ 可我多個換你一個 03/04 11:26
s27136792: [換]Mutant year zero 換 Mega Man Legacy Collection 03/04 12:33
s27136792: 已換出,感謝來信。 03/04 14:50
Yachaos: 換涅普Re;Birth 1、2、3+DLC https://goo.gl/aMmfxG 03/04 22:22
rokaku: Amnesia:Memory或Re;Birth 1換Mini Metro不知道有人有嗎? 03/04 22:56
jason32320: Overgrowth或Street Fighter X Tekken或其他換戰績 03/05 00:20
jason32320: RE3 DE版 站內詳談,謝謝 03/05 00:20
watchdog: Slipstream已換到 月華劍士已換出 03/05 01:15
joe6304105: [徵]AMD三選二的全境封鎖2換DMC5(RE2已換) 03/05 17:41
Huevon: Sniper Elite3已換到,謝謝steam版 03/05 20:10
HK97: https://goo.gl/9fG6pc 03/06 09:17
HK97: 另外 [H] neptunia rebirth v [W] 尾牙。歡迎來信討論,謝謝 03/06 09:18
tkigood: Sniper Elite 3已換出 Late shift已換得 03/06 10:33
kellindil: [H] Moon Hunters + Ash of Gods [W] 四女神online 03/06 10:43
sango354: 交換清單:http://tinyurl.com/yczohspn 03/06 11:10
EVGA: [換] Sonic Generations Collection換鼠疫(尾牙) 站內信 03/06 19:38
smming: [換]https://imgur.com/uD4aVFB 03/06 21:11
Ori185: https://imgur.com/woigMmY 03/06 21:23
Ori185: [換] 換組包tooth and tail 03/06 21:25
Afuwater: [換]https://i.imgur.com/haSI86v.jpg 03/06 22:20
Afuwater: Tooth and Tail已換到 03/07 00:31
EdmundLi: 鼠疫2(HB)+Cultist Simulator(HB) 換 星露谷 03/07 12:03
letni: (H)全境封鎖+dlc 換 (W)Tooth and Tail 03/07 19:32
letni: 已換出 03/07 21:07
stupigII: (換)全境封鎖+DLC 換 Tooth and Tail 03/07 21:35
Nevar: [換] https://goo.gl/jnM3hs 站內信 謝謝 03/07 22:11
stupigII: 換出,謝謝 03/08 14:38
watchdog: Aaero/TWINKLE STAR SPRITES 換 Sonic Adventure 2 / 03/09 00:34
watchdog: Rocketbirds/Rocketbirds2/Besiege 03/09 00:35
jason32320: [H]MGS5 幻痛(禮物)換[W]鼠疫2 (HB) 站內謝謝 03/09 22:44
andrew110294: Paradigm+Beholder換Tooth and tail 03/11 15:27
dlchenc: 黑色行動4換Book of Demons to Supporter's Pack Upgrade 03/12 14:54
dlchenc: 組合包 03/12 14:54
dlchenc: 黑色行動4換Book of Demons to Supporter's Pack Upgrade 03/12 14:54
dlchenc: 組合包 03/12 14:54
justya: [換]文明六單遊戲序號 換 GTA/中土世界/巫師三 或射擊遊戲 03/13 06:43
andrew110294: paradigm+beholder換 1美包的Niche+soundtrack 03/13 10:45
Stormrage: [換] https://pastebin.com/nzzZXSQa 站內信討論 謝謝! 03/13 18:13
Stormrage: 可一換多或多換一 03/13 18:14
Metsu: [換] https://goo.gl/PCGycE 徵Plague Inc: Evolved 等, 03/13 23:09
Metsu: 詳情請見清單喔謝謝~ 03/13 23:09
HK97: https://goo.gl/9fG6pc 想要瘟疫公司或其他,歡迎站內信討論 03/14 00:32
toudidio: [換] INSIDE 換 YAKUZA 0 03/14 05:21
(flyingwhale 刪除 jimmyfu5517 的推文: 未明確標示要換得或要換到的遊戲名。)
Gambler1201: https://reurl.cc/L4O7X 03/14 11:39
makiyosadata: 塗鴉冒險家+蝙蝠俠起源換星露谷或Northgard 03/14 20:12
letni: Shadow of War普通版+observer 換任一款 fanatical 的 CoD 03/14 20:20
blackmama: Batman Arkham Origins/Mad Max 換fanatical同包物 03/14 21:06
softlipz: [換]蝙蝠俠起源+WRC5換黑色行動4或CIV6 03/14 21:27
cs8686: [換]AMD全境封鎖2 換 太吾繪卷+中國式家長 03/14 22:40
cs8686: 已換出謝謝 03/15 00:01
t77133562003: [換] KOF13 換任意一款KOF系列 97 98 2002 皆可 03/15 01:07
t77133562003: >observer_+DmC: Devil May Cry+KOF13 換戰爭之影 03/15 01:23
oas: Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun 換 HITMAN 2 Gold 03/15 07:04
leo19981: [換]7 Days to Die(HB) 換 Book of Demons 03/15 10:32
ypps950100: [換]HITMAN(HB) 換 全境封鎖+expansion 03/15 22:03
Yachaos: https://goo.gl/aMmfxG 換神秘包戰爭之影決定版 DMC合輯 03/16 02:53
Yachaos: 請來信,可多換一。同樣繼續徵Re;Birth 1、2、3+DLC 03/16 02:54
IamNumb: [換]多換一,其他有興趣歡迎站內討論 03/16 13:43
IamNumb: https://i.imgur.com/XubNa64.jpg 03/16 13:43
Xie1996: 小小夢魘(HB)換Warhammer:Vermintide2-Collector Edition 03/18 14:05
SWQLovE: NV序號3選1(BF5 聖歌 戰慄)換全境封鎖2 03/19 19:23
zonemaster: [換] (HB)2月包全境1 換 (HB) Bomber Crew 03/20 06:04
Fezico: [換] http://goo.gl/UBR7AN 03/20 09:42
stupigII: [H]Aaero,Bleed2,Cultist simulator[換]smoke&Sacrifice 03/20 10:24
stupigII: Human: Fall Flat 3換2 03/20 10:25
stupigII: 或來信討論 https://goo.gl/7gHFrU 03/20 10:26
evolution862: 歡迎來信 https://tinyurl.com/yaawaq36 03/20 18:20
Huanger: https://goo.gl/YgazUW 換 stikbold! / Bomber Crew 03/20 18:32
stupigII: human:fall flat已徵到,續徵smoke and sacrifice 03/20 22:00
stupigII: [H]Bleed 2,cultist simulator[換]smoke and sacrifice 03/20 22:01
Metsu: [換] https://goo.gl/PCGycE 徵Plague Inc: Evolved 03/20 22:12
Metsu: Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure等等 請見清單喔謝謝 03/20 22:13
smming: [換]https://imgur.com/bBLCgBl 換for the king 03/20 22:37
epmyc: NV序號3選1(BF5 Anthem MetroExdous)換奧德賽終極版 03/21 19:44
LINAKI: 惡靈2/獵人5/全境2/詳見交換清單 https://goo.gl/Vguxhb 03/21 22:37
Nevar: [換] https://goo.gl/jnM3hs 站內信 謝謝 03/23 09:10
changtzhcun: mafia 3 (f站序號)換 human fall flat 03/23 23:14
ypps950100: HITMAN換shadow tactics 03/24 13:33
allenninja: https://goo.gl/c1YGL4 換 Seven: The Days Long Gone 03/27 17:30
allenninja: Humble Hot Date 包的 G線上的魔王 / CLANNAD 03/27 17:31
EdmundLi: 鼠疫2(HB)+Cultist Simulator(HB) 換 星露谷 03/27 22:02
GoedeMorgen: 想要among the sleep 我有以下http://i.imgur.com/u1 03/28 19:55
GoedeMorgen: ArGRG.jpg 03/28 19:55
GoedeMorgen: 換出 效率真快 03/28 20:27
asdfacult16: [換] Divinity: Original Sin 1 換 risk of rain 2 03/29 02:55
bule2006: [換]https://imgur.com/a/N4eX36t 換 risk of rain 2 03/29 09:57
leo19981: [換]Plz Don't Touch Anything+Witch It或Move or Die 03/29 11:33
leo19981: (2選1)換Risk of Rain 2 03/29 11:33
max220: [換]https://goo.gl/ZCtnJH 換 risk of rain 2 03/29 23:06
bule2006: risk of rain 2 換到 謝謝 03/30 00:55
ceylon0614: https://goo.gl/F7tmKN 換Risk of Rain2 03/30 02:31
stupigII: 換]Slipstream ,Slipstream,Fight'N Rage,bleed2 換 03/30 13:04
stupigII: risk of rain 2 4換1,其它來信https://goo.gl/7gHFrU 03/30 13:06
LINAKI: [H]人龍0/空洞騎士/將軍之刃/緋夜傳奇/文明6/潛龍終極版 03/30 13:38
LINAKI: [W]risk of rain 2 03/30 13:39
thm822: [H] Risk of Rain 2 (港台區禮物) [W] CLANNAD 03/30 16:21
HelmerYang: [H]https://goo.gl/egmim4 [W]Risk of Rain 2 可談~ 03/30 17:28
horstyle0411: [換] https://imgur.com/wZ1p37H 換Risk of Rain2 03/30 17:50
Xie1996: [H]https://i.imgur.com/vvxdntA.png [W]risk of rain 2 03/30 19:59
horstyle0411: Risk of Rain2已換到 感謝 03/31 18:31
stupigII: 更正Slipstream,Cultist Simulator,Fight'N Rage,bleed2 03/31 21:11
castor1214: [H]https://imgur.com/a/CpwqXsA [W]risk of rain 2 03/31 23:40