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Video Game Soda Machine Project Reaches 3,000 Soda Machines Catalogued https://tinyurl.com/y4zjcvfe The Video Game Soda Machine Project has reached its 3,000th soda machine. The latest screenshot entry features a soda machine from the NES game Lethal Weapon. If you’re unfamiliar with the Video Game Soda Machine Project, allow us to elaborate. The site collects screenshots of soda machines in video games. The collection now spans over 3,000 individual soda machine screenshots from different games. The span is pretty remarkable, with every major platform and genre in gaming represented. The project’s proprietor Jess Morrissette is a professor of political science at Marshall University. Dr. Morrissette’s research currently focuses on the intersection between politics and video games. He says he’s argued that suspension of disbelief is easy when it comes to monsters and fictional figures, but that a world without “symbols of capitalism” lacks realism to players. Vending machines and soda machines represent solid, realistic links to the real world in Dr. Morrissette’s eyes. He describes the Video Game Soda Machine Project’s 3,000-screenshot milestone as “admittedly ridiculous ”. Dr. Morrissette originally started the Video Game Soda Machine Project two and a half years ago. In the About section on the project’s official website, he says the idea to catalog soda machines in gaming “seemed like a good idea at the time”. The project features over 1,300 games, an archive of which can be viewed here. You can also search for a particular game on the official website, or browse a list of all the games Dr. Morrissette has diligently combed in alphabetical order. If you like your video game ephemera, you may also be interested in the Video Game Manholes collection, or perhaps this exhaustive catalog of Video Game Hot Dogs. Don’t ever say we don’t do anything nice for you. If you want to submit a soda machine screenshot to Dr. Morrissette, you can do so via Twitter. Does this inspire you to start your own weird video game object catalog? Let us know in the comments below! ==== 這計劃發起人是Marshal大學的政治學教授 Jess Morrissette,他的研究方向集中在政治 與遊戲的交集。他認為沒有資本主義象徵的世界對玩家來說是缺乏現實主義的,而他眼中 的販賣機正是遊戲與現實世界的連接,所以才做了這個計劃,那就是: 收集遊戲中出現的販賣機 http://vgsmproject.com/ 目前已經收集到了3,000台。他對這個達到的里程碑的看法是這是一種「無可否認的荒謬」 (admittedly ridiculous)。 如果你也想提交販賣機截圖給這計劃,可以經由他的Twitter。 雖然講的很高大上,我也譯得很迷惑,但總之你可以在這網站看到各遊戲中的販賣機截圖 。 -- 「......歡迎大家光臨天象館。」 「這裡有著無論何時都決不會消失的,美麗的無窮光輝。 「滿天的星星們在等待著大家的到來。」 ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1555580732.A.AAE.html ※ 編輯: wizardfizban (, 04/18/2019 17:46:20
devilezio: 突然想到之前vanoss開玩笑說要創建的頻道,收集所有遊 04/18 18:06
devilezio: 戲裡面的廁所或是馬桶 04/18 18:06
twlight: 記得有個是收集車輛的,而且還收了很多 04/18 18:16
hitsukix: 超適合放黑人問號的圖... 04/18 18:23
ttping: 感覺好有趣... 04/18 18:50
RuinAngel: 比那個蒐集孔蓋的有趣一點XD 04/18 18:59
lazioliz: 荒謬在哪? 04/18 19:06
wayne030: 荒謬在現實主義無可避免的以販賣機形式與資本主義相關聯 04/18 22:23
tamado9519: 樓上的每個字我都看得懂 但是為什麼會這麼難理解?! 04/18 23:27
Basket0205: 想知道就問香蕉 04/19 00:15
newyellow: 可能作者有一個假設,是玩家玩遊戲是為了脫離現實 04/19 02:25
newyellow: 所以我們建構了很多虛擬的東西,像是怪獸、城堡 04/19 02:25
newyellow: 但似乎無論在任何風格的遊戲 都會出現類販賣機的東西 04/19 02:26
newyellow: 而這又很強烈的連結回現實中的資本主義 04/19 02:26
newyellow: 大概是這種矛盾的態度,讓作者覺得很荒謬 04/19 02:26
Dsakura: Suspension of Disbelief是指觀眾看虛構作品時會暫時放下 04/19 06:18
Dsakura: 「這都是虛構的」的意見,使觀眾能融入作品的世界觀中。 04/19 06:18
Dsakura: 所以「怪獸跟虛構人物很容易帶給觀眾SoD(別想歪),但是 04/19 06:18
Dsakura: 缺乏資本主義象徵的世界,不會帶給玩家真實感」意思就是 04/19 06:18
Dsakura: 遊戲裡不可能沒奸商啦,然後販賣機是奸商代表。 04/19 06:18
AtsukoErika: 聽起來跟電話微波爐的想法有87趴像 04/19 11:10
superRKO: 這感覺很酷 04/19 14:34
GermPe: 不愧是教授,思路果然不同一般 04/19 16:44
ksng1092: 有怪獸有城堡也有販賣機的遊戲真的很多嗎? 04/19 20:02
vaper: 荒謬的意思是,無法對世界有貢獻,卻又能領國科會經費 XD 04/20 03:21
vaper: 每一個研究計畫都要有目的,且目的須要明確與實益的 04/20 03:22
r85270607: 真不愧是教授 我只能無言以對 找找看有沒有 04/20 04:23
AustinPowers: 好的虛構通常都會用現實作參考 04/21 10:48
AustinPowers: 就像設計怪獸,一定會拿現實生物來發想一樣 04/21 10:49
vul3kuo: 假設就有問題啦 很多遊戲就是主打擬真 感覺沒什麼意義 04/22 17:04