看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
置底交換區使用說明 發表推文前請先詳閱使用說明。推文後即視為已詳閱使用說明 #1PBut0ud (Steam) [ptt.cc] [公告] 交易文章使用說明 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1496288704.A.E27.html 建議使用以下推文格式方便板友搜尋: [換] (遊戲名) 換 (遊戲名) ★本板從9/15開始,禁止金錢相關交易。 詳見 #1PgXB9hO (Steam) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1504318153.A.AD8.html ★本板從10/20開始,禁止遊戲以外物品之交換。 詳見#1Pu8R2fq (Steam) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1507886786.A.A74.html 注意事項: 禁止金錢相關交易,違者水桶60天 板規2-7 禁止拿遊戲以外的物品來交換遊戲,違者水桶60天板規2-7 每人每月置底交換區交換推文數上限為8則,超過者水桶14天 板規2-7-4 每人每月同項交換品只能出現2次,超過者水桶14天 板規2-7-3 禁止所有數位遊戲平台帳號之出借、買賣、租賃等帳號轉手之手段。 板規2-7-8 以上規定同時依照板規規定刪文、水桶。 = 請交易雙方自行注意交易風險並承擔相關責任 = ※ 編輯: hn9480412 ( 臺灣), 08/01/2021 21:56:20
sunways: 7月Shadow Tactics已交換成功 謝謝Steam版 08/02 15:26
kawazima8869: 谷歌交換清單https://reurl.cc/YOYZrl 可討論 08/02 16:48
john100000: [換]https://i.imgur.com/cGmDmYO.jpg 08/03 01:06
john100000: The surge 2已換到,若有多的遊戲想換的歡迎討論喔~ 08/03 21:20
pinson880207: [換] https://i.imgur.com/tV3t9lT.jpg 08/04 01:37
st9061204: [H]BLOODSTAINED: RITUAL OF THE NIGHT 08/04 04:48
st9061204: [W]BannersofRuin或EldestSouls或Unbound:Worlds Apart 08/04 04:52
allenninja: [H]https://goo.gl/c1YGL4 [W]血咒暗夜/Carto 08/04 08:19
Metsu: [換] https://goo.gl/PCGycE [W]超閾限空間 Carto ENCODYA 08/04 09:21
Metsu: [w] Blue Fire 08/04 09:21
diy123: [H]THE SURGE 2/DIRT 5 [W]Carto 08/04 10:27
diy123: 感謝板友, 已換到carto 08/04 10:51
Metsu: Carto, ENCODYA, Blue Fire已換到, 感謝steam版 08/04 12:22
ljm71: (h) kof 14 (w) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 08/04 12:26
hsuan0904: [H]https://reurl.cc/Enl221 [W]Carto 08/04 14:06
leejason8907: [H]https://reurl.cc/qgAgkp[W]F12020/8月包 等等 08/04 14:51
hsuan0904: 已換到Carto 感謝steam板 08/04 17:00
dss: [H] DBD、枯魔&軍團DLC、小小夢魘 [W]Carto 08/04 20:59
smming: [換]https://reurl.cc/WE1Md7 08/04 22:42
tkigood: https://tinyurl.com/steamtrade210219 08/06 01:15
tkigood: 現在最想要的是血咒 08/06 01:15
tkigood: 血咒已換得 08/06 11:22
partyryan: Drake hollow 換 curious expedition 08/08 19:07
partyryan: 還有八月月包的其他遊戲,歡迎來信問 08/08 19:19
jacky00025: [換] https://i.imgur.com/NrxlCNG.png 08/09 13:28
Mirana: [H]Starbound [W]血咒之城 08/09 21:36
Mirana: 已換得血咒之城 08/10 12:59
vanish456128: [H]Curious Expedition,Blazing Beaks,EVERSPACE 08/10 17:40
vanish456128: [W]Synthetik,多換一,感謝 08/10 17:41
Angesi: [H]Tales of Berseria [W]血咒之城 08/10 20:44
vanish456128: Synthetik 已換到,感謝 08/10 21:40
Angesi: 血咒之城 已換到,感謝steam板友 08/11 13:06
AbeNana: [H]Tales of Berseria [W]血咒之城 08/12 00:24
deforest111: [H] BATTLETECH [W] EVERSPACE 08/12 07:21
stupigII: [H]https://goo.gl/7gHFrU [W] EVERSPACE 08/13 15:07
shortoneal: 碧血狂殺2 無法啟動 (退款前來問最後一次QQ) 08/14 19:22
shortoneal: 按成推文抱歉 08/14 19:22
deforest111: [H]文明6 [W]死亡擱淺 https://reurl.cc/O0ydxR 08/17 16:27
zonemaster: [H] Space Haven [W] 腦葉公司,theHunter 08/19 06:25
jacky00025: [換][更新] https://i.imgur.com/pflg87A.png 08/19 08:51
zonemaster: theHunter已換到,感謝PTT 08/19 16:02
EVGA: [H]Tomb Raider(2013) 換 Bridge Constructor Portal 08/19 22:59
partyryan: carto換 7 billion humans 或 police stories 08/20 10:16
brian561111: [H] https://reurl.cc/XW1q53 [W] 血咒之城 08/20 16:38
Enger: [H]Carto[W] Lobotomy Corporation/theHunter 08/20 16:50
brian561111: 血咒已換到,感謝steam版 08/20 20:04
brian561111: [W] 超閾限空間 Superliminal 08/21 16:07
brian561111: [H] https://reurl.cc/XW1q53 08/21 16:07
brian561111: 已徵到,再次感謝ateam版! 08/22 20:44
pinson880207: [換] 更新 https://i.imgur.com/Il3YsEB.jpg 08/22 21:49
Buront: [贈]Total Tank Simulator 74XME-MT7AE-LVTXC 08/23 07:35
partyryan: 領了 謝謝樓上 08/23 07:43
EVGA: [H] DARKSIDERS III + Shenmue I & II [W] HITMAN GOTY版 08/29 15:07
EVGA: 已換到HITMAN GOTY版 08/29 21:00
EVGA: [H] Darkwood + Crying Suns [W] Bridge Constructor Portal 08/30 20:34
EVGA: 已換到Bridge Constructor Portal 感謝 08/31 20:52
KURT5205: [H]Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey 09/02 00:12
KURT5205: [W]Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 或其他 09/02 00:12
muta22: [H] Killing floor 2 [W] Rising storm 2 09/04 00:25
Xie1996: https://i.imgur.com/TVhsCBG.png 09/04 12:10
jacky00025: [換][更新] https://i.imgur.com/ZUBshlF.png 09/05 09:45
john100000: [H]DARKSIDERS 3[W]ELEX或人中之龍3或F1 2020 09/06 17:32