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1.原文連結: https://reurl.cc/9EWyL8 2.原文內容: Moderna unveiled encouraging coronavirus vaccine results. Then top execs dumped nearly $30 million of stock By Matt Egan and Chris Isidore, CNN Business May 22, 2020 New York (CNN Business)Moderna's stock price skyrocketed as much as 30% on Monday after the biotech company announced promising early results for its coronavirus vaccine. As ordinary investors piled in, two insiders were quietly heading for the exits. Moderna's chief financial officer and chief medical officer executed options and sold nearly $30 million of shares combined on Monday and Tuesday, SEC filings reviewed by CNN Business show. The sales occurred after Moderna (MRNA) excited Wall Street before markets opened Monday by announcing encouraging vaccine trial results. Moderna's market value swelled to $29 billion -- even though the company has no marketed products. After spiking to as high as $87 on Monday, Moderna's stock price has since retreated below $70 as medical experts have debated the importance of the early findings. The securities transactions were done through automated insider trading plans, known as 10b5-1 plans, that lay out future stock trades at set prices or on set dates. Lorence Kim, Moderna's chief financial officer, exercised 241,000 options for $3 million on Monday, filings show. He then immediately sold them for $19.8 million, creating a profit of $16.8 million. The next day, Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, spent $1.5 million to exercise options. He immediately sold the shares for $9.77 million, triggering a profit of $8.2 million. Moderna said the sales were executed under 10b5-1 trading plans that were established in advance. "These transactions are executing automatically pursuant to these trading plans," the company said. Although the fortuitous timing of the transactions may raise eyebrows, Charles Whitehead, professor at Cornell Law School, said the stock sales did not appear to raise any legal red flags. "On its face, there is nothing wrong with these trades," Whitehead said. "It's what a 10b5-1 plan is intended for, assuming the requirements are met." These plans regulate when and how many shares company insiders, including directors and executives, are allowed to sell. The transactions are typically executed automatically, without the insiders taking any action. Kim, the CFO, also made stock sales prior to the vaccine news. On May 15, just days before the results were announced, Kim sold 20,000 shares of stock worth $1.3 million. Moderna's stock has since retreated Andrew Gordon, director of research services at Equilar, said there would only be a "legal issue if they created or modified their 10b5-1 plan while in possession of material insider information." "It's not uncommon for insiders to sell shares they own, nor is it bad for them to capitalize on the current stock price," Gordon said in an email. Moderna's share price fell 10% to $71.67 on Tuesday after health website STAT reported that vaccine experts concluded the company did not release enough information to know how significant the Phase 1 findings are. By Thursday, Moderna finished at $67.05, down 16% from its Monday close. "It'll look bad from a PR perspective if Moderna's stock price starts to fall dramatically after all this trading," Gordon said. Moderna shares did rebound 2% to $68.60 on Friday after Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, cheered the vaccine trial findings. "Although the numbers were limited, it was quite good news because it reached and went over an important hurdle in the development of vaccines," Fauci said during a CNN town hall. That's the reason why I'm cautiously optimistic about it." 'Optics are terrible' Moderna is one of the early frontrunners to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, which has killed more than 90,000 Americans. The biotech company's vaccine produces neutralizing antibodies that bind to the virus and disable it from attacking human cells. Moderna said its trial vaccinated dozens of participants and measured antibodies in eight of them. All eight developed neutralizing antibodies to the virus at levels reaching or exceeding the levels seen in people who have naturally recovered from Covid-19, the company said. If future studies go well, Moderna has said its vaccine could be available to the public as early as January. Charles Elson, a corporate governance expert at the University of Delaware, said the Moderna stock sales underscore why he has always believed executives should not sell stock while they are at the company. "Even if it can be done legally, the optics are terrible because it shows you have a better place to put your money," said Elson. "It shows a lack of confidence in your company going forward." 3.心得/評論: 簡單摘要: Moderna 公布疫苗試驗結果的好消息後,股票火箭式噴出 但後來這個結果被質疑,股票也隨之暴跌 而在這個過程中,公司的高階主管們共拋售了三千萬美元的股票...... -- 我是為了國家。你知不知道什麼叫國家? 我當然知道!要我講給你聽嗎? 憲法第二條:我國是法治國家,以人民為主。人民就是國家! 正義辯護人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1590215029.A.A79.html
cutbear123 : 炒股成功 05/23 14:24
laipyn : 自己公布自己倒貨 高招 可能真的做不出來 05/23 14:24
abcccbbs : 散戶接盤俠 住總統套房 很舒服 05/23 14:25
tony15899 : 會員又大獲全勝 05/23 14:25
ich2 : 這家就是炒股還順便印股票換鈔票,然後再宣布沒效割 05/23 14:25
ich2 : 韭菜 05/23 14:25
OPisgood : 不管哪個國家都一樣會發生這種事 笑了 05/23 14:25
candyfox : 折折還是會利多解讀 05/23 14:26
zakijudelo : 康那香不也是炒高先出一次貨,回檔低接再賺一次 05/23 14:27
shiaujin : 出貨出爽爽 你今天追高了嗎 05/23 14:27
z70126 : 無良國家無良公司,受夠了 這無能的政府 05/23 14:28
tctv2002 : 全世界生技公司都一個樣 05/23 14:29
cuteSquirrel: 香香der 05/23 14:29
why3042 : 好狂 05/23 14:29
tony15899 : 之前推文還看到有人說美國公司跟台灣的不一樣 05/23 14:29
qqq87112 : 出貨 05/23 14:30
willism : 賣股都會發重訊公告啊,你怎麼不嘴AMD蘇媽老是賣股 05/23 14:30
willism : 勒 05/23 14:30
NixLucien : 禮拜一看防疫股 05/23 14:31
appledick : 炒股成功 05/23 14:31
gofigure : 當高階主管才是真靠炒股賺錢 05/23 14:31
snoopyoh1224: 我川帶頭內褲線炒法 05/23 14:32
braja5566 : 垃圾車開出來 05/23 14:32
vanii40 : 狂 05/23 14:33
goshnash : 高端禮拜ㄧ向下? 05/23 14:34
Homeparty : 自己主管都不看好...原來是出貨文 05/23 14:34
sagarain : 這場景好像在哪看過 05/23 14:35
LebronKing : 爽耶 05/23 14:35
ABJones : 太扯 05/23 14:36
LebronKing : 內內資主力落跑 05/23 14:36
leoz69927 : 內線炒股啊臺灣不是也常常發生 05/23 14:37
Coffeewater : 割韭菜的老套路啊 現在不割何時割 05/23 14:37
edward198791: 哇 高招 05/23 14:37
Anyotw : 幹,誠實 05/23 14:38
handsomegg39: 厲害了 05/23 14:38
Coffeewater : 讓散戶接盤俠享受絕美總統套房 05/23 14:38
Coffeewater : 台灣的生技股都該查查內部人士拋了多少股 05/23 14:38
Anyotw : 換成「浩鼎」完全沒違和 05/23 14:38
ck326 : 生技就是來炒股的 05/23 14:39
maxxV3 : 公司內線又把投資人當智障 05/23 14:41
linchester : 這不是已經是舊聞了嗎? 飆高隔天就被發現了 05/23 14:42
linchester : 公司高層說是系統設定 自動賣出的 05/23 14:43
kevin83715 : 幾年才能暴漲一次 賣掉獲利先走 05/23 14:44
s90450512 : 美國版前妻? 05/23 14:44
Or3 : XD炒股 05/23 14:47
Or3 : 公司股票可以設定自動賣出? 不要這麼可愛 05/23 14:48
dalyadam : heavenbeyond 說美股很多好公司.. 嗯XD 05/23 14:49
qqq5890003 : 怎麼好像似層相識 05/23 14:51
IBIZA : 為了避免內線交易, 內部人售股要提交105b-1計畫 05/23 14:54
IBIZA : 105b-1計畫最少要提早30天提交, 而這次售股的105b-1 05/23 14:54
IBIZA : 計畫是2018年就提交了 05/23 14:54
u48652004 : 學浩鼎? 05/23 14:55
IBIZA : 提交105b-1售股計畫之後 時間到了可以照計畫賣 或是 05/23 14:56
dslite : 抓到了 05/23 14:56
IBIZA : 取消, 總之公司高層是選擇照計畫賣 05/23 14:56
EugeneSue : 高層沒預謀偷賣,騙騙小孩可以 05/23 14:57
proletariat : 跟當年翁啟惠賣股票案好像有點點像 05/23 15:02
SnakeO : 這波賣完,疫苗有沒有真的開發出來也賺翻了? 05/23 15:03
cactusho : 佛奇不是背書嗎?還是佛奇也是看新聞而已 05/23 15:04
MADAOTW : 讚,世界性炒股 05/23 15:05
kobed : 高端又要跌停了 05/23 15:06
Coffeewater : 在市場上收割一個禮拜賺的錢比研發疫苗還多好嗎 05/23 15:08
greatliona : 好強 賣在最高點 05/23 15:08
towierc : 關高端屁事 05/23 15:09
Coffeewater : make easy money 05/23 15:09
towierc : 炒股這事 各憑本事 05/23 15:09
sawaman : ..........高端不妙 05/23 15:16
jesiuty : 壓低進貨看你怎麼解讀囉 是說質疑的那篇 很瞎 加上 05/23 15:20
jesiuty : 這篇 嗯嗯 05/23 15:20
zakijudelo : 笑死,口罩自己不妙,想轉移焦點喔 05/23 15:20
davidtai12 : 爽喔 05/23 15:35
sakula0616 : 厲害,這麼炒作股票? 05/23 15:41
qsc753 : 哇靠 這麼大量 05/23 15:43
ppc : XDDDDD 05/23 15:45
podon : 美國大媽狂掃貨,笑死 05/23 15:49
doranako : 只有主管知道事實,為何要賣股票,而不是等他繼續 05/23 15:55
doranako : 上升 05/23 15:55
jason770403 : lag了,禮拜三跌那一根就知道了 05/23 16:00
overno : 如果後市看漲,就算已經預告要賣,也可以選擇不賣 05/23 16:03
chen0625 : 禮拜一興櫃生技全部-70%停牌? 05/23 16:03
eknbz : 別慌 洗盤而已 搞不好高層在低檔又接滿手 05/23 16:04
thevirus : 台灣未來式 05/23 16:05
ce270651 : 董 玩 05/23 16:07
mimicsolemn : 洗盤表示要壓低才掃貨啊,賺價差嘛 05/23 16:08
miosis : 高端要向下噴了 05/23 16:11
etw6776 : 高端... 05/23 16:18
p8331407 : 3000萬鎂發大財 05/23 16:18
gofigure : 美股內部人賣股的確是要先提交計畫書 不能說賣就賣 05/23 16:18
Scape : 某德啦 05/23 16:19
gju88888 : 老川為了選舉會幫忙弄成真的 怕屁 05/23 16:19
gofigure : 但是他們通常是配股的 所以只是大賺小賺問題 05/23 16:20
leokwo : 高端2/24已有董事賣股惹,沒在怕的 05/23 16:27
c7683fh6 : 炒股大成功 05/23 16:49
asolitary : 能交出去的報告當然數據都是漂亮的~尤其佛奇是會出 05/23 16:51
asolitary : 來發言的~當然要好好利用一下來出脫股票囉 05/23 16:52
bunjie : 笑屎 之前板上某醫生把這個公司放出來的消息吹上天 05/23 17:17
cyy90143 : 到底腦袋要裝啥才會覺得mrna跟高端有關係啊= = 05/23 17:36
linchester : 樓上也太氣XD 不過如果你把這篇跟前一篇 公衛權威 05/23 18:05
linchester : 福奇稱MRNA試驗結果振奮人心 兩個報導放在一起看 05/23 18:05
linchester : 你就會不知道電梯到底是要上上下下去哪裡了~ 05/23 18:05
zakijudelo : 同意樓上 05/23 18:07
doritos100 : 昨天的新聞了,已反應。 05/23 18:16
safah : 早說是炒股的 快笑死 05/23 18:39
AngelMAyCry : 幹太惡質要抓去關吧 05/23 18:46
OPisgood : 很多人很氣哦 高端買很大嗎 05/23 19:05
agagy : 高端跟mrna有沒有關是你縮了算嗎?! 05/23 19:06
iigdown : 炒起來 05/23 19:15
elfish123 : 高端技術跟m根本不一樣,只是如果m成功,高端可以沾 05/23 19:17
elfish123 : 點光,但是m失敗,對高端也是有利的 05/23 19:17
elfish123 : 高端又不是m的台灣分公司== 05/23 19:18
jn123 : 哈 05/23 19:24
lovelight : 笑死 人家多久前就計畫賣了 這樣帶風向 05/23 19:55
dayrain : 2年前已經申請的賣出現在被嘴沒有信心? 05/23 19:56
ts123 : 可印可撈 05/23 20:07
limulus : 歷史不斷重演,從來就只有拉高出貨的戲碼,至於是 05/23 20:27
limulus : 提款人還是被提款者,各憑本事嘍! 05/23 20:27
wetor : 獲利了結 05/23 20:39
lawrencechen: 疫苗本來就是唬爛用的 偏偏有人信 口罩戴好比較重 05/23 22:56
lawrencechen: 要 05/23 22:56
tizzychen : 真的好巧 05/23 23:15
soyghcg : 不意外啊 本來就炒股了 顆顆 05/23 23:27
sevenine : 這件事只有三個人知道 05/24 01:45
ryanlee1874 : 有錢可以付給放風聲的媒體了 05/24 07:50
rick8889 : 30M金額股票算啥小啦 05/24 08:03
dashyfu : 這週熱映大戶丟最多啦!恆大也有減 05/24 08:18