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原文標題: Follow The Smart Money, Looking Into Upstart Holdings's Biggest Options Trades For Today 原文連結: https://bit.ly/3zC10yZ 發布時間: 原文內容: Someone with a lot of money to spend (and possibly insider knowledge) has taken an unusually bearish stance on (Upstart Holdings: UPST). And retail traders should know. Looking at options activity for Upstart Holdings (NASDAQ:UPST) we detected 11 unusual trades. If we consider the specifics of each trade, it is accurate to state that 36.36% of the investors opened trades with bullish expectations and 63.64% with bearish. From the overall spotted trades, 4 are puts, for a total amount of $307,317 and 7, calls, for a total amount of $3,898,182. What's The Price Target? Taking into account the Volume and Open Interest on these contracts, it appears that the smart money is targeting a price range from $240.0 to $400.0 for Upstart Holdings in the over the last 3 months. Volume & Open Interest Development Looking at the volume and open interest is a powerful move while trading options. This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Upstart Holdings's options for a given strike price. Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Upstart Holdings's smart money trades within a strike price range from $240.0 to $400.0 in the last 30 days. Biggest Options Spotted: TradeType Total Price Interest Volume UPST CALL SWEEP BEARISH 09/17/21 $300.00 $105.6K 5.0K 4.5K UPST CALL TRADE BULLISH 10/15/21 $240.00 $1.3 million 3.1K 1.2K UPST CALL SWEEP BEARISH 09/24/21 $300.00 $703.3K 1.3K 1.2K UPST PUT SWEEP BEARISH 09/17/21 $290.00 $74.8K 1.3K 2.8K UPST CALL SWEEP BULLISH 10/15/21 $400.00 $85.0K 4.4K 1.0K 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿20字 空方下大注 這會不會引起一輪逼空呢? 今日UPST會成為GME 2.0嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1632324843.A.5B9.html
a0921830077 : 雖我沒玩美股 不過看價位散戶不一定跟吧 09/22 23:42
a0921830077 : 價位差太多了 09/22 23:42
memories66 : upst一個月前破兩百就滿頭問號了,現在都320了 09/23 00:00
memories66 : 臉被打得不要不要der 09/23 00:01
Severine : 我猜他會跟ZM依樣飛高高........... 09/23 00:02
bjk : 謝謝資訊 09/23 00:10
doranako : 空方會被嘎飛,美股屬他最強 09/23 00:10
ayenyayaya : upst 禮拜一就他不跌…..週二暴漲 09/23 03:03
briankch : 一百多沒進只能每天眼巴巴看他漲QQ 09/23 07:04
chuntien : TSLA 航運才剛過去 怎麼會眼巴巴讓他漲 09/23 07:54
semicoma : 我昨天已經把成本全拿回來了 剩下的看它跑 09/23 08:22
blitz1991 : lucid也是撐到昨天才跌 哈哈 09/23 08:45