看板 Suckcomic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In my memory I've been watching Conan since I was an 8-year-old kid. Now I'm almost 21, a college Junior. But he's still in elementary school. Actually it's not my point. Let's just look at the films(comics). 1.A Clockwork Skyscraper Yeah, well. I do agree that it's logical to say that there's some kind of maniac who really does blow up his/her designs. But I hate the ways he used. A bomb in a paperbag? It would have been much more impressive if he set the biggest one somewhere else. 2.The Fourteenth Target I spent almost five hours watching this one for three times. Normal speed. After that I realized that I'll never understand why that man tried to kill everyone, so I gave up. 3.The Last Wizard of the Century To tell the truth, this one is not so bad comparing with the others. Actually I can't think of any big mistakes to comment on right now. 4.Captured in Her Eyes Come on...stop telling me that you learn everything in Hawaii. And stop kicking Ran into danger at the end of every movie. And oh, stop making conan boy the only one able to save her. 5.Countdown to Heaven I like this one pretty much because of Haiibara. However it's very difficult for me to understand the reason why that old guy killed his student. The building won't collapse automatically even if it's owner dies. And the scene that Conan flew across the broken bridge was..hachuuu! Sorry I'm allergic to bullshit. 6.The Phantom of Baker Street This one is my favourite──The game part only. Still it cannot explain why the chairman had to murdur that poor father. Does it really matter if your ancestors include Jack The Ripper? Through all these films I see only some pinheads killing people for fucking reasons. 7.Crossroad in the Ancient Capital Jesus christ, I recognized Kazuha the moment I saw the childhood memory. Is there something wrong with Heiji's brain or eyes? How could he possibly forgotten who that girl was? They grew up together didn't they? By the way I can't understand what the murdurer's talking this time, either. NOT A WORD. 8.Magician of the Silver Sky Oh please....This kind of airplane show has been done by Hollywood for years. 9.Strategy Above the Depths Stop doing this. "When they were young they...." ──→ "So now they....." And I can't believe that they tell me a rope not thicker than 2mm can hold a boy in midair. 10.The Private Eyes' Requiem I beg you people to stop trying to kill children and women. Focus on these detectives allright? They bring death to every corner in the world. 11.Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure I just don't know what to say about this one. I'm just tired of the similar dangers and the similar escapes in the end. Blowing up the rocks by kicking chains to the roof? You must be kidding me. I've not watch the 12&13th yet, but I would guess it's pretty much the same.. The 14th's release seem to be on 4/17. Hope there's an ending when my (unborn yet) daughter is seven. Ummm....well, maybe grand daughter. -- ACG美(少)女心目中地位排行 特殊情感 本命 上位 中位 下位 1/10 Update ㊣マリア(ハヤテのごとく!) 1.長谷川 千雨(魔法先生ネギま!) 2.花祭 果凛(Memories Off ~それから~) 3.春風 千桜(ハヤテのごとく!) 4.姬路 瑞希(バカとテストと召喚獣) 5.絡繰茶々丸(魔法先生ネギま!) 6.胡桃沢 梅(君に届け) 7.紅月カレン(反逆のルルーシュ) 8.ホロ(狼と香辛料) 9.三嶋 鏡花(遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの) 10.阿良々木 月火(化物語) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
paladin90974:嗯嗯,真是深奧的吐點 (汗 02/23 01:17
linsatsuki:神人,我完全看不懂 02/23 01:18
linsatsuki:板主來審核這篇吧 02/23 01:18
paladin90974:我只知道好像是吐柯南...這個嘛... 02/23 01:19
linsatsuki:首先我連這篇是吐哪部都不知了 02/23 01:19
phjfq8:是吐各劇場版... 02/23 01:20
bkbtei:吐柯南劇場版.(這大概英檢中級程度的英文而已.) 02/23 01:20
linsatsuki:原來是科男,讓我解讀一下 02/23 01:21
linsatsuki:對很多看漫畫的人來說,中級不是而已 02/23 01:22
sunnychu:大家不要看到英文就怕嘛 其實用的語法字詞都很容易 02/23 01:22
flamer:我是有英檢高級證書 不過反正不是寫啥正式論文之類 XD 02/23 01:22
ssarc:這裡終於國際化了(拭淚 02/23 01:23
flamer:輕鬆一點嘛....寫得口語才好吐阿=__= 02/23 01:23
paladin90974:我看到英文腦殘靈氣會自動啟動...OTZ 02/23 01:23
sunnychu:中級單字還比較多 可以問原po打英文是有什麼原因嗎XD 02/23 01:24
flamer:看到板標心血來潮 02/23 01:24
sunnychu:好累的心血來潮XDDDD 02/23 01:26
s54430:還算蠻酷的心血來潮XDD 02/23 01:29
jidou:我要花時間慢慢看才看得懂 02/23 01:35
linsatsuki:看完了,其實不難 02/23 01:41
linsatsuki:你還真有耐性,只有第十二部和十三沒看 02/23 01:42
linsatsuki:像我根本就不知有幾部 02/23 01:42
flamer:寒假咩=__= 02/23 01:43
linsatsuki:漫畫常常出現明明臉就沒變,或只是遮個眼睛 02/23 01:43
paladin90974:原PO有興趣轉到專板去嗎XD 02/23 01:43
linsatsuki:別人確認不出來,實在扯蛋 02/23 01:44
flamer:轉去沒啥意義吧 其實某種程度上算心得文(?) XD 02/23 01:44
linsatsuki:我覺得板主應該把這篇劃時代國際化吐文M起來 02/23 01:45
flamer:漫畫真的很偷懶阿 明明就一樣的人硬給個不一樣的名字 02/23 01:45
linsatsuki:因為我幾乎都沒看,所以有些吐點跟不上 02/23 01:46
sherlockscu:原po很有心 把英文片名都秀出來了 02/23 01:46
linsatsuki:關於第一部A Clockwork Skyscraper 02/23 01:46
linsatsuki:最後說最大那顆應該放別的地方比較令人印象深刻 02/23 01:47
flamer:wiki找的 其實他們有些翻得怪怪的 XD 02/23 01:47
linsatsuki:原PO的想法是什麼,不太懂 02/23 01:48
linsatsuki:全部片名 02/23 01:49
flamer:最大顆很厲害結果裝在紙袋 瞬間氣勢都不見了..... 02/23 01:49
※ 編輯: flamer 來自: (02/23 01:50)
Guoplus:哈哈 裡面有機械公敵的梗 02/23 01:50
flamer:樓上有看過 XD 02/23 01:50
linsatsuki:哪個 02/23 01:52
Shalone:要這樣咩T.T 我才被教授強迫寫原文書的讀書心得... 02/23 01:55
ryoslife:真的用英文吐槽了!!! 02/23 02:14
killeryuan:你這樣就不能假裝是外國人了耶(炸) 02/23 02:21
windhsu:其實吐得很好笑xd 02/23 02:44
lio220rap:第三篇的魔術師是:magician 比較正確。 02/23 02:51
ayuperfect:i stopped following conan several years ago...when 02/23 03:31
ayuperfect:i realized xiaolanjiejie has become xiaolanmeimei.. 02/23 03:31
sherlockscu:推xiaolanmeimei 02/23 03:32
paladin90974:xiaolanmeimei 是三小啦XDXD 02/23 03:33
linsatsuki:要用英文推拜託別用中式英文,會笑死 02/23 03:35
ayuperfect:fine.. little sister lan, happy? 02/23 03:43
pigv:這個片名似乎是官方譯名。第二部劇場版起,每部都會有個類似 02/23 03:47
pigv:徽章的東西,上面寫了英文片名。進幾部劇場版,那個徽章成為 02/23 03:48
pigv:了片頭的一部分 02/23 03:48
sonofgod:真的不難,只是漫畫我很多沒看過= = 02/23 04:03
illusionevil:可以順便附中譯版嗎? 要我讀英文比讀火星文還難啊囧 02/23 07:50
ninjapig:推有心~~ 02/23 08:40
Midoryugi:lol 真開心~~XDDD 02/23 09:19
cat5672:我跟你同歲耶 (揮手) 02/23 09:50
cat5672:高級是中高級在上去的嗎 好強...( ̄ー ̄;) 02/23 10:21
tomjack0405:XD 不過我只有看過前六集 還蠻認同你所說的 02/23 10:27
iiiey:超有心推XD 難得一篇英文我幾乎看的懂XDD 02/23 10:56
a07125857:xiaolanmeimei戳中我的笑點了XDDDDDDDDD 02/23 11:03
bowplayer:推一下XDD 02/23 12:02
oxin:迷宮十字路口裡小服部的確腦袋摔壞XD (還撞破窗欄昏倒剛醒來) 02/23 12:08
ophiodon:college, I think 02/23 12:43
And you're right. My mistake. ※ 編輯: flamer 來自: (02/23 12:45)
shinome:我竟然把它看完了....然後我只記得原PO喜歡灰原!? 02/23 20:43
habaku:xiaolanmeimei讓我噴水了XDDDDD 02/23 21:41
biglafu:這不難吧... 02/23 22:54
faithx:大推漫吐國際化 XDD 雖然只在語言上...下次會出現德文嗎? 02/23 23:46
habaku:世紀末的魔術師...我比較不能接受俄國人假裝成中國人 02/24 01:40
habaku:差很多好嗎....而且從名字到中文都很詭異 02/24 01:41
darksign:lol @ allergic to bullshit 02/24 11:37
darksign:And I think it's murder, not murdur. It's kind of 02/24 11:38
darksign:funny, because at the beginning I actually thought 02/24 11:38
darksign:that this was a legitimate American posting...xD 02/24 11:39
mooncakejay:Yeah it sounds really native and natural... 02/24 16:43
mooncakejay:but a few grammar mistakes betray him (or her?) 02/24 16:43
flamer:well my speaking is much much greater than my spelling 02/24 16:56
flamer:and grammar...XD 02/24 16:56
ayuperfect:...HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON 02/25 08:07