看板 Supernatural 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Jerry Wanek 是SPN的聯合製作人+美術總監 先上原文 MY TALK WITH JERRY WANEK OF SUPERNATURAL This last Saturday due to a couple of connections and an awesome coincidence, I got to speak with the co-producer and production designer of Supernatural, Jerry Wanek! Here are some things I was able to gather from my talk: I informed him of how I became a watcher through Tumblr and how large of a fanbase we are. He said that their crew is very familiar with social networking and what we blog/tweet/ect… TV shows usually have a “main set” where most of the scenes take place. (Ex: a hospital, a house, a police station, ect..) Supernatural obviously doesn’t have one of these. Kripke always wanted the brothers to travel from city to city hunting things without this “main set”, but knowing about this common concept, he originally pitched Sam and Dean as newspaper journalists who did hunting on the side. CW rejected this however. But when Kripke decided to then pitch his original idea, they loved it. A main lady at CW hates the show Supernatural and Jerry said that she would do anything to get it off the air. She said it wasn’t “happy enough, bright enough, ect…” So she created the show Reaper (about two brothers, one of which is actually named Sam, the devil, ect…). She was convinced that this would bump Supernatural right off the air. However, that obviously didn’t happen and Reaper was canceled after only a couple seasons. Each episode is filmed for 8 days. The set team receives each script and then gets only a WEEK prior to make each set: Indoor on the stage or find a location outside. For All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 (2x22), the scene at the graveyard with the gate to Hell was SUPPOSED to be at an outdoor location. However, Jerry and the crew were completely up to their knees in mud so they had to build a MASSIVE set on the stage, one of the biggest on Supernatural. Changing Channels (5x8) written by Ben Edlund was one of the first episodes where the crew was really worried that they were finally going to “jump the shark”. They thought the audience was either going to love it or hate it and they would be done for. However, it got amazing ratings because the actors pulled it off so well. The same goes for the episode The French Mistake (6x15) also written by Edlund. I informed him that we love Edlund, don’t worry. John Winchester was killed in My Time of Dying (2x1) because Jeffrey Dean Morgan became a bit of a (and I quote) “prick” and began taking advantage of the show, when he would appear with his schedule, ect… So they killed his character. I quote, “That’s what we do on the show so no one takes advantage. You can’t do that.” Characters return to the show mainly based on their performance. For example: Bobby was only supposed to be in an episode or two but Jim Beaver brought the “heart” to the show, so they kept him on for another six seasons. Thus, they had to build on the original set of his house. Also, Kevin was only supposed to last a couple episodes but Osric Chau did amazingly and the writers wrote better episodes for him and he never disappointed. Jerry: “That’s a great kid.” Jerry was working on the show Dark Angel prior to working for Supernatural, a show in which Jensen blew him away with his acting. When asked to be part of Supernatural, after hearing Jensen would be a main star, Jerry joined without even reading the script. Jerry would take Jensen’s acting over Jared’s 10 to 1 but Jared has a competitiveness that is hard to beat. For example, in the episode, When the Levee Breaks (4x21) when Sam is locked inside Bobby’s Panic Room fighting off hallucinations, the crew was worried about how Jared would perform in such a huge, solo, scene. However they were extremely impressed with how he did. Jerry says its almost uncanny how split fans are when it comes to the question: “Who is your favorite brother?” It’s nearly a 50-50 tie. Supernatural was indeed going to end with Swan Song (5x22) because that’s how long Kripke planned on running the show. Jerry anticipates the show will end with Season 10 as Jensen and Jared are signed for two more seasons. Jerry says Castiel will “be around” when I asked if Misha Collins would be a season regular in Season 9. He has lots of praise for Misha and all of the charities he funds. He was actually going to go with Misha to Haiti where Misha is opening an orphanage but the schedule didn’t line up. He became involved with TV and movie production by happening across a film set while on Spring Break to LA while in college. He began working as a PA for a production that made Ronald McDonald commercials. He says with the episode Taxi Driver (8x19) that he was a bit disappointed with how little time was spent in Hell finding Bobby as he and his crew worked very hard on building the set, carving names of lost souls into the walls, ect… Everything on set that isn’t used for structure or acting purposes (ex: stairs) are made of either foam or plywood. That’s it. A team of painters can make a full mural in 3 days. Each demon/monster used and mentioned on the show has serious research backing them and is meant to influence fans to do more research themselves and make connections. That’s what I can remember! Hope it was interesting! 網址: http://ppt.cc/oaqu 簡單翻譯 : 我承認不是我翻的, 我哪來的耐性和英文阿!!! 1,劇組對網絡很熟悉,知道粉絲在網上寫了什麼 2,通常電視劇有一個”主場景“但spn沒有。kirpk希望兩兄弟總是在路上 3,cw的主要高層女士,非常討厭spn,想把spn除掉。她認為劇”不夠開心,不夠聰明。 “所以她炮製了reaper這個劇。她當時相信這劇會把spn擠掉。 結果當然失算,這劇被砍了(主要高層女士是指cw的前女總經理) 話說我當年有看過 reaper(獵魔特攻隊/ 抓鬼宅男),看了幾集, 其餘的現在還躺在硬碟裡,不過完全沒繼續看下去的動力 XDD 問題是這部會和SPN像嗎? 好吧! 兩部都有惡魔,都在抓怪物!! 可是主角的長相!!!差太多了阿!!!! 而且SPN的兄弟情大勝阿!!! 4,每集拍8天。劇組只提前一周拿到劇本,進行準備 5,拍S222時,地獄之門打開那一幕本來是準備拍外景的。但是他和工作人員都太想做好了 於是就搭了一個巨大的地獄之門景,是SPN最大的景之一 6,S508是劇組第一次真正擔心他們會遭遇滑鐵盧。他們當時認為觀眾要麻會愛要麻會恨 這一集然後就受夠了不看了。然而,收視率非常好。同樣的情況也發生在615上 話說我真的很愛這兩集 S508 他們到電視中 S615 穿越到平行世界,都很搞笑阿!! 7, John在S201被殺,是因為jdm開始變得有點”混“,希望拍攝期圍繞他的日程轉。 所以他們殺了他的角色 8,大部分長期出現的角色是歸功於演員的表現。比如,bobby本來只會出現一到二集。 但是jim beaver表現精彩,所以他們多留了他六季。 於是,他們不得不搭建了他的家 9,Kevin也本來只有兩三集的戲份。但osric太出彩於是繼續。 jerry說他是個”great kid" 10,他之前為Dark angel黑天使工作過。Jensen在da裡的演技讓他震撼。 所以,被邀請去spn時,當他聽說jensen是主演之一,連劇本都沒讀他就同意了 11,他認為,10次對1次,Jensen的演技要優於Jared,但Jared競爭心非常強 12,比如,在421裡,Sam被關在Bobby的安全屋裡,和幻覺做鬥爭那一幕,劇組成員 都擔心Jared能不能演好這一大段獨幕戲。最終,他們對他的表演很滿意 13,當涉及到“你更愛哪個兄弟“這一問題時,他覺得粉絲分成兩群的態度 幾乎是詭異的。差不多是50對50 14,原來是真的打算522結束SPN的。因為kripke早就想好了。 他估計劇會在10季結束,因為J2簽到10季 所以第九季 絕對應該演不完了 (笑) 15,當問及第九季Castiel會常駐時,他說Castiel會”在“。 他大大表揚了Misha和他的慈善事業。事實上,他本來打算一起和Misha去海地的, 但他的日程有衝突所以沒去成 16,他之所以會跨入影視圈是因為大學春假去LA時,正好路過一個拍攝現場。 他開始為麥當勞廣告拍攝做PA 17,他對819有點失望,因為地獄找bobby那段太短,而他和他手下費盡心力搭了地獄景。 還在牆上刻滿了迷失靈魂的名字 完全沒去注意什麼牆壁阿 @@ 18,片場所有道具不是用來承重的,或表演時要用到的(比如樓梯),要麻是泡沫, 要麻是塑膠合板做的 19,油漆工隊伍可以三天完成整個壁畫 20,每個劇中出現的怪物,事先都是做了研究的,意在鼓勵粉絲繼續深入挖掘妖怪們 的背景 翻譯來自 百度的Jensen吧 我把他簡轉繁 稍微修正一些而已 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: clover12 來自: (05/18 19:15)
sjvious:10季啊...(遠目) 05/18 19:42
maxinehou:Reaper有看,覺得有點怪怪的 05/18 19:58
TX55:Reaper很有趣 但我不覺得與SPN像XD 倒是後來尼可拉斯凱吉 05/18 20:13
TX55:3D怒火狂飆... 我怎麼看都像是Reaper啊XDDD 05/18 20:13
TX55:JDF不是變混 而是變豬頭/prick (竟然?! QwO) 05/18 20:14
TX55:而且"佔了這個影集的小便宜" OTL 05/18 20:15
TX55:CW那位高層女性... 嘖 = =# 05/18 20:15
TX55:原來Beaver大叔是這樣被留下來的啊XD 05/18 20:16
TX55:20 可是有些地方我想吐槽啊XD (但偏偏我都忘光光是哪邊了 [被 05/18 20:17
TX55:打] 05/18 20:17
cohlint2004:還蠻喜歡Reaper男主角的,但另一個搞笑的就不怎樣了 05/18 20:21
kuoHF:JDF那部份的原意就是說他耍大牌吧 05/18 21:34
rl55586:推 05/18 23:10
icps:Reaper也不錯看 只可惜nina 超正 05/18 23:37
zaviru:代表還有2年可以看SPN.... 05/18 23:43
fen1110:靠DEAN的帥臉和SAM的小狗眼 SPN再戰十年!! 05/20 02:33
Bifrons:意味著從第九季開始 雙人床要躺三個人了 (Dean應該在中間 05/20 22:03
drcula:搞不好是四個,呆天使+傻惡魔同一間 05/21 08:58
fff0722:Reaper是不錯啦 可是真的要搶SPN的觀眾群..那是搞錯方向了 05/23 00:48
fff0722:SPN的0.7穩定觀眾群(毆) 妳以為她們真想看抓鬼嗎XDDD 05/23 00:49
roastbacon:JDF是誰? 05/23 11:27
Bifrons:四個人睡一姦 就要用啪啪熊的方式一個疊一個 05/23 12:54
audi1005:堆疊順序: C叔>SAM>DEAN>CASS??? XD 05/23 13:02
TX55:樓樓上 新注音娘調教成功(?) XDDDDDD (這樣沒問題嗎wwwwww 05/24 21:50
yhushyuan:JDF是演溫家爸爸的那位,跟享受吧!一個人的旅行男主角 05/26 10:55
yhushyuan:Javier Bardem簡直雙胞胎XDD 05/26 10:56