看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
十分鐘前收到的信... Dear TOEFL candidate, This is an automated message! We sincerely regret that you were unable to test on September 5/6 due to Internet-related issues outside ETS’s control. Prometric and ETS are working closely to provide a suitable alternative test date for you. A make-up test administration is planned for September 20, 2008 and we are currently contacting test centers to ask them to offer the test on this date. However, due to previous schedule conflicts, it is possible that not every test center will be available to participate in this make-up administration. If Prometric cannot reschedule you to the make-up test administration on September 20, we will then work with you to schedule an alternative appointment date that will meet your needs. Reimbursement can be provided for reasonable and documented expenses associated with traveling to the test center for the unsuccessful test administration. Contact TOEFL Services at [email protected] or by fax at +1-610-290-8972 within 30 days of your September 5/6 test date. Please include your name, date of birth, mailing address, daytime telephone number, e-mail address, registration number and documentation of the expenses. Please do not call the Prometric contact center, as Prometric will be in contact with you through email and/or a phone call within the next 5-7 days to confirm your rescheduled appointment. Thank you for your patience as we contact test center supervisors and all affected TOEFL candidates. This is an automated message! Please do not respond to this email. Sincerely, Prometric --          邏輯無助於科學。               法蘭西斯‧培根 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SkyMirage 來自: (09/08 17:15)
bluehubert:可以補交通費!? 我台北回台南考 他要給我高鐵錢嘛? 09/08 17:26
Soxx:請問原po是自己要主動寫信去問的嗎 還是ETS主動mail通知的 09/08 17:37
Soxx:我剛剛去看 也收到這封信了 09/08 17:39
vatin:理論上應該可以補助自強號的錢吧 09/08 17:45
topractise:如果當初已經報名9/21的人 這個9/20的補償考試可以考嗎 09/08 17:51
Chiquitita:嘖嘖 920和921是同一週 題目該不會一樣吧 09/08 18:08
wulalagaga:考9/6的人不會報9/21吧..... 09/08 18:20
topractise:為啥...?? 09/08 18:22
SkyMirage:考題要一樣的機會太低,不過可以預期,ETS可能會懶得出 09/08 19:57
SkyMirage:題,所以出考古題的機率不低。 09/08 19:58
tzag:我就是報9/6又報9/21了....應該可以退費之類的吧~ 09/09 00:08
topractise:應該可以退費拉~ 09/09 00:18
chili0404:收到信+1 大家還是先準備好自己喜歡的試場號碼跟日期吧 09/09 10:52
chili0404:不過我寧可線上作業啊,不想半夜被call醒...XD 09/09 10:53
bleyptt:如果920沒有辦法考 可以自己先報名928的嗎? 09/09 11:48
bleyptt:還是說一定要等到ETS聯絡阿? 因為怕不能退費 09/09 11:49