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※ 引述《alvinyeh (alvin)》之銘言: : Paragraph 1:The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain : slope is often a dramatic one. Within a vertical distance of just a few tens : of meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs, : herbs, and grasses. This rapid zone of transition is called the upper : timberline or tree line. In many semiarid areas there is also a lower : timberline where the forest passes into steppe or desert at its lower edge, : usually because of a lack of moisture. : 3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about both the : upper and lower timberlines? : 1 Both are treeless zones : 2 Both mark forest boundaries. 小弟分享一下小弟的看法 這題小弟倒是從來沒有考慮過 1 這題的題目問的是 what can be inferred from paragraph 1 about both the upper and lower timberlines? 那小弟先請問一下原PO timberline "本身是" treeless 還是 把treeless 和 trees zone 分開的一個邊界 文章可從頭到尾都只有告訴過讀者說 "那條line上面植物分布的狀況" 可從來沒有有告訴過讀者說 那條line上面是treeless的 就算是infer 也只能infer出那條line上面的樹越來越少 所以 1 就不成立了 3 4 不列入思考 所以答案刪去1 3 4後 就是2啦 純粹只是小弟淺見 還請大家討論指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
azcactus:很簡單 就是一條LINE 也就是boundary 不是一塊區域ZONE 09/17 17:40
DarkD:看起來這幾個詞是指同一件東西 第一句的transition,第三句 09/17 18:40
DarkD:的zone,同一句的timeberline和tree line 09/17 18:41
DarkD:suppose以上認知沒錯,從第一句的transition後有描述到 09/17 18:43
DarkD:treeless,可以推得upper line 就是treeless。然後會感覺 09/17 18:44
DarkD:lower line也treeless我想是also搞怪。upper line是說 09/17 18:45
DarkD:from forest to treeless XX lower line 說 09/17 18:46
DarkD:the forest passes into XX at its lower edge 09/17 18:47
DarkD:同樣從文中得出suppose, timberline指的是一條線狀的區域 09/17 18:49
DarkD:lower line是在他的lower edge才完全轉化成steppe or desert 09/17 18:50
DarkD:恩= ="我前面講錯了... 09/17 18:50
DarkD:upper line應該也沒有treeless 兩個line都是過度區,要過 09/17 18:52
DarkD:了過度區(也就是timberline),才變成另一種地貌(treeless) 09/17 18:53