看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
所以,現在各位手上如果有10.28JJ的話請拿出來,不管你是哪一個版本的,也不管JJ到底 會不會中,心態上面我會當作是我給自己臨場反應的練習,每看到一個題目,我就會思考, 如果我在考試,我會用哪一類的字以及哪個例子來回答。也就是我不斷的在訓練自己15秒的 臨場反應。 今天我要是考生,我會這樣分類我的題目 1. Talk about an composition that is important to you,ex:essay、poem、let and explain the reasons。 Warm- touching/ thrilling/ won an award/ ex: the content of essay or poem or letter (選哪一個不重要,因為後面的解釋都一樣 的) is about a book / movie / activity….. ex: the poem that’s very important to me because I not only won an award of 10,000 dollars in a poem competition held by the Taipei City Government, but it is one of the important life lesson I learnt. In the poem, I mentioned about my experience to go hiking in Jade Mt. w/ my teacher when I was at Grade 10. It was tough for me because I am not a sporty person. I don’t often do exercise at all. On the trip up, I even wanted to give up in the half way, but my teacher encouraged me so that I was persistent to keep on going and going. Finally, when I got to the top of the Mt. I felt relax and refreshed. I realized I could always overcome my difficulty if I hang on there for a little bit longer. I will always achieve whatever I am doing. So, the poem means a lot to me. 1 Describe a difficulty you once met, Explain how you over come this difficulty. Give specific details and examples to support your answer. Difficulty: 任何問題都可以,例如 taking toefl exam 或者用剛剛的例子hiking in Jade Mt. 1. 形容你最想參加的organization or club。 Hiking 或者任何你準備好的戶外休閒活動模板 Physically and mentally healthy/ build up muscles/ strengthen patience and persistence Ex/ go hiking in Jade Mt. 2.Do you prefer to have friends who share the same ideas with you, or have friends who perceive the world in a different way from you? Different from me. Provide me with different angles and perspectives in solving problems. Ex: 剛剛的例子,Jade Mt. 我想放棄但是我朋友要我持續往前走,結果他是對的 #12 1. 人際交往的時候 good manner 重要嗎?為什麼? Important. So that people are willing to listen to you. Communicate effectively and efficiently. Ex: my teacher / Jade Mt. / if she didn’t have good manner when persuading me to keep on going to the peak, or if she’s using a strong attitude and tone forcing me to finish my trip, I might give it up in the half way because I am rebellious and don’t like to follow orders. 2. 你喜歡有很多經驗的老師,還是沒有經驗的老師。 Experienced teacher. 理由跟剛剛上面的一樣 所以,隨手舉幾了例子讓大家知道,其實只要先準備好例子跟分類的單字,其實口說一二題 是可以在15秒內完成組織資訊的。最後就只需要擔心咬字跟發音就可了!  陸續在幫同學分類題目以及發展字庫中 有興趣的版友請將email 寄到站內信 助教統一用email 回信 有需要者請在下面推文!!  祝大家戰勝托福!! http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/beattoefl http://www.beattoefl.com.tw/toefl.02 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chijey :推! 10/25 22:12
onlyforone :推~ 10/25 22:29
jumpju :推! 10/25 22:38
VnVn :我不知道哪裡可以下載甚麼 可是謝謝~ 10/25 22:52
zilef :實用阿!!!推!!!! 10/25 22:53
※ 編輯: Beattoefl 來自: (10/25 22:58)
wenwi :推~ 10/25 23:01
biotw :感謝~~ 推~~ 10/25 23:09
maydayart :推~謝謝助教! 10/25 23:14
tobes :推~ 你是傳說中29分的助教嗎? 謝謝... 10/25 23:36
sorell :推!! 10/25 23:39
ieo :推~~ 10/25 23:41
tsai0329 :推 10/25 23:56
Snoopy25 :thanks!! 10/25 23:59
Menghsi :推! 10/26 00:04
alex771209 :推! 10/26 00:10
clap :推~~~~ 謝謝助教!! 10/26 00:10
laclaire :推~!感謝 10/26 00:16
nett212 :推 10/26 00:20
shidawei :推~~ 謝謝助教! 10/26 00:35
bearkj41 :推!! 10/26 00:48
tonychung :推! 10/26 02:03
carbine :推一個!!! 10/26 02:09
lovetracy :推 謝謝你^^ 10/26 02:25
pei33ho :推~~~thanks 10/26 02:30
bluejay :推! 10/26 07:45
eversunshine:推~~~ 10/26 08:21
ktang :推~謝謝 10/26 09:03
flyfish5 :推!! 10/26 09:20
asderr :推,目前版上看到解說最精闢的!! 10/26 09:36
ming1053 :推!! 10/26 09:46
Hedonm :大推!非常感謝!! 10/26 09:57
jyt0532 :大推!!!!謝謝助教! 10/26 10:06
ckkevinlu :推 10/26 10:30
fightforxx :推 10/26 10:47
JodyLi :推推 10/26 10:54
mejoy :推 10/26 11:02
FelicityFu :推~~ 10/26 11:04
Anthinea :推! 10/26 11:40
moonset :推!肛溫 10/26 12:39
waynex :推! 10/26 12:41
chenjojo88 :謝謝助教! 10/26 13:04
oboe326 :推 10/26 13:28
tyf033 :推!! 10/26 14:02
hibus :真的超實用的!! 10/26 14:17
heisgw :真的超實用的!! 感恩~~ 10/26 15:31
benedict0124:推! 10/26 15:36
sallyke :推 10/26 16:28
a191114 :推推!! 10/26 16:36
bigggear :感謝 10/26 16:42
yupingkid :推 10/26 16:53
hfgb :推推!!真的超實用的! 10/26 16:59
piggylover75:推 10/26 18:03
littlehard :真的是最近機經解析最實用的,感恩!! 10/26 18:15
chris10913 :推~ 10/26 20:32
onfbme :真的很受惠,大感恩!! 10/26 21:19
poll44 :推!!超實用~~感恩~~ 10/26 21:24
ohmygodxd :推! 10/26 21:32
e168883 :推! 10/26 21:48
aperfectg :實用!! 大推~ 10/26 22:58
becky123 :推, 十分感謝! 10/26 23:02
Beattoefl :以上都已經寄出,祝福大家順利擊敗托福!! 10/26 23:03
pinkjie :謝謝~~~~ :) 10/26 23:13
ashieng :感謝,非常好用! 10/26 23:34
littlefox918:謝謝,受益良多~~ 10/26 23:47
vincimrs :push! 10/27 00:14
viv2340 :非常感謝,已收到了:) 10/27 01:11
miniwinifred:推!! 10/27 02:36
justsmile528:推推 10/27 11:04
ytrxr :真的超熱心的,超級好用的解答方法 10/27 11:30
yvonne80925 :推!!! 10/27 11:43
cellisimo :推!! 10/27 11:47
maamli :推!! 10/27 14:02
stariley :推! 10/27 15:55
smartboy123 :推!!! 10/27 16:44
Beattoefl :以後都已寄出,希望大家都順利!! 10/27 22:04
miranda18 :推! 感謝~ 10/28 00:50
sinth :推 10/28 07:54
Beattoefl :都已寄出,祝福大家考試順利!! 10/28 10:14
lz00379 :推!!!解說超仔細!!感謝分享 10/28 11:06
bogua :推!!! 10/28 15:48
lifeandjob :超有用的答案!!真的很實用~ 10/28 17:14
hintmint :推~ 10/28 17:58
mydolk :推~ 10/29 14:45
ChulingChou :推!!感謝您! 10/31 22:40
Kieun :推!!~謝謝呦!! 11/01 22:09
lookf :推 11/02 21:27
guess222 :謝謝你~~推 11/03 03:39
h50114 :謝謝你!! 11/13 18:10