看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位版友好,我是David, 再和大家分享11/10 的小馬小範圍JJ! 小馬小範圍JJ是小馬考前做的最後預測,往往也都會命中,可說是機經中的雞精! 本次小範圍有9 套,有3 套是新加入的,請大家務必走過一次! 11/10 小馬小範圍JJ: http://0rz.tw/6QlRQ 新加入的三套題是中文的,我幫大家翻成英文了,大家可以參考: 第四套Q1: In your opinion, what style of clothes is the most popular among students? Which style of clothes would you prefer, and why? 第四套Q2: Which one would you prefer, to use the dish washers to clean the dishes, or wash them with your hands? 第五套Q1: What is a benefit that the Internet has brought about? 第五套Q2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People nowadays live healthier than a hundred years ago. 第六套Q1: Some universities would like sell their paper books and magazines, and replace them with electronic books online. What do you think, and why? 第六套Q2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthier life. 之後的小馬JJ,應該也會出現這幾道題。 有下請推,祝大家11/10 考試順利! 以後考試前一兩天,也請大家多留意看托福版, 有小馬小範圍JJ,我都會和大家分享! :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (11/09 15:44)
nkjimi :thx!!!! 11/09 15:44
sorell :感謝David老師的分享!!~讚! 11/09 16:01
tootoobenee :一定要推一下的!! 11/09 16:06
pingping999 :讚喔!! 11/09 16:07
grimace05010:推感謝~!!! 11/09 16:08
willylee :推分享 11/09 16:21
tootoobenee :^^ 11/09 16:32
ab32110 :推啊 一直在等小範圍! 11/09 16:37
pinkjie :謝謝熱心分享~~~~ 11/09 16:38
equipoise :感謝熱心分享! 11/09 16:45
※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (11/09 16:47)
earnest :謝謝sorell提醒,已將新套題號碼改為四五六套! 11/09 16:51
earnest : :) 11/09 16:51
ab32110 :想請問一下 加試題到底算不算分啊 11/09 16:56
chi1104 :推~~ 11/09 17:06
creamandy :不算~ 11/09 17:12
number21 :弱弱的請問那加試題的作用是....? 11/09 17:38
Young21 :請問這是寫作嗎>< 11/09 17:46
Young21 :欸不對 加試題...所以是聽力嗎@@ 我在耍笨 抱歉~ 11/09 17:47
LINSIN :感謝DAVID老師分享!!! 11/09 17:47
ab32110 :對了寫作有新題喔 大家要注意一下 11/09 17:47
tturttle :推推~ 11/09 17:48
e168883 :push 11/09 18:23
lemongrass16:推!! 11/09 18:34
brian20418 :感謝David的分享! 11/09 18:35
link1234 :push~ 11/09 18:52
crownmode :THANKS!!!!!!!!! 11/09 18:55
joe12412 :thanks! 希望可破百阿... 11/09 19:04
brad0104 :謝謝!!!!!!!!!!! 11/09 19:04
queenayou :謝謝David老師 11/09 19:05
tingru :謝謝分享:)))) 11/09 19:25
chenjojo88 :謝謝老師!! 11/09 19:43
gmtest :感謝David老師! 11/24 也要麻煩了!!!! 11/09 19:45
findinglouis:謝謝David: ) 11/09 19:49
ab32110 :順便請問下 先前出現但小範圍沒有的題目出題率高嗎? 11/09 20:34
pspenguin :乾蝦~~ 11/09 20:51
andyos40 :大家加油 11/09 20:53
chingkung :Thank you ~ 11/09 20:54
swissswans :推!! 謝謝~ 11/09 20:59
findinglouis:想問一下!!那原本普通範圍的JJ大概有幾套??! 11/09 21:45
dupriey :謝謝!!! 11/09 22:51
shidawei :謝謝分享,可惜我考不到了 11/09 23:00
netil2222 :謝謝分享!!!!!! 11/09 23:35
novel66 :謝謝分享!!! 11/10 00:01
earnest :回findinglouis: 這份原本14套(前幾篇可以下載) 11/10 00:03
earnest :通常大約小馬普通範圍約12- 16 套! 11/10 00:03
viv2340 :感謝分享:) 11/10 00:14
hsichinglee :太感謝了 11/10 07:17
kcj20 :推! 11/15 00:15