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同學們好: 康老師托福JJ包130608 出爐啦! 下載:http://ppt.cc/HCCb 康康將JJ機經分成三個等級。 同學請依順序閱讀: 1. 榜首(一定要看) 2. 榜眼(優先要看) 3. 探花(有空要看) 雖然ETS擴大了出題範圍,但康老師和威廉老師 還是努力幫大家找出最有效率的機經複習方式, 上週考試帝國是兩岸機經命中率最高的團隊哦。 希望能夠幫助同學托福一舉破百! <備註> 今晚我們來帶大家練習一題插入句題, 提示:本題可以利用康康老師最新插入句題破題法,一秒作出。 超過十個同學作答,將公佈答案,並請康康老師示範本題秒殺解法。 06/08 康康 JJ 包榜首第九套高頻閱讀:工業革命黑蛾白蛾 (機經真題還原) Industrial Melanism: The Case of the Peppered Moth The idea that natural selection was responsible for the changing ratio of dark- to light-colored peppered moths was developed in the 1950s by H. B. D. Kettlewell of Oxford University. If natural selection was the explanation, then there should be different survival rates for dark- and light-colored moths. ■ To determine whether this was true, Kettlewell released thousands of light and dark moths (each marked with a paint spot) into rural and industrialized areas. ■ In the nonindustrial areas of Dorset, he recaptured 14.6 percent of the pale forms but only 4.7 percent of the dark forms. ■ In the industrial areas of Birmingham, the situation was reversed: 13 percent of pale forms but 27.5 percent of dark forms were recaptured. ■ 13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. These contrasting numbers of pale and dark forms recaptured must reflect different survival rates. (完整1~14題收錄在最新15期點題班) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOEFL學習團 托福JJ情報資源、問題探討、考試情報交流 http://ppt.cc/MqsR GMAT學習團 每月GMAT數學、閱讀、邏輯機經整理、問題探討、考試情報交流 http://ppt.cc/_p5h GRE學習團 GRE機經整理、情報資源、問題探討、考試情報交流 http://ppt.cc/Oyof -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liamasso 來自: (05/28 13:00)
jason770301 :是D嗎? 05/28 14:17
TOEFLJJ :完整文章分享請看 文章代碼:#1Hf4nj-n 05/28 14:21