看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然不知道這麼晚了還有沒有人看得到,還是PO 一下吧! 沒看到的同學對不起。。下次我會早點PO 的! 獨立寫作對多數同學最難的就是想點,以下針對12/21 最容易考的機經題, 分享我想的幾個點: 題目:Agree or Disagree: The ads now are dishonest and it’s difficult for people to purchase items based on the ads. (來源:J2 TOEFL 機經 20131221 版) 解題:題目在問的是,「因為」現在的廣告不誠實,「所以」消費者購買產 品就很難依賴廣告了, 後者是結論,答案要答的就是「消費者很難依賴廣告」,贊成與否? 依據英文邏輯,要提出的三個原因,應該解釋「為什麼」現在的廣告不誠實 或誠實。 以下就正反各提出三個原因,供參考: Agree (ads now are dishonest): 1) Companies can make big profits from dishonest ads. That is to say, companies would often exaggerate in their ads, to attract more consumers to purchase their products. 接著舉例,例如說麥當勞的漢堡,看起來很豐滿,可是拿到手的時候只有癟 癟的五公分。 2) Companies would need to spend extra costs to renew their ads to make them always real. To be more specific, companies would have lower profit if they always change their ads, according to how their products have changed. 舉例,產品每半年換一次,但廣告不會變,etc. 3) Companies face strong marketing competitions from similar businesses, so they would have to cheat a little on their ads, in order to make them stand out and get attention from the consumers. That means, companies often have to make their ads different, even though that might mean they're being dishonest. 舉例,例如說牛肉麵,A店的照片有兩塊肉,B店的照片上面就不但有肉, 還有很多青菜,結果上來了只是蔥花一片,etc. Disagree (ads now are honest) 1) Companies are afraid of the government fines on dishonest ads. That is to say, in order to protect the consumers, nowadays a lot of governments have a big fines on dishonest ads, therefore companies tend to be more cautious with what they say on the ads. 舉例,某某食品公司因產品與實物不符,官員勒令賠償,很傷,etc. 2) Companies are scared to lose reputation which would result in less profit. To be more specific, thanks to the Internet, nowadays the ads are often examined by a lot of users, so the companies dare not to risk having dishonest ads as the consumers would easily find out. 舉例,掰一個公司被在線上抓包的例子,例如假心得文,etc. 3) Companies don't have time to deal with unsatisfied user complaints resulted from dishonest ads. That means, most consumers nowadays would go to the companies and ask for their rights, or money back, when they realize the products or services are not as described in the ads. 舉例,廣告可以退費,但退費不成功,消費者就會花時間死纏爛打,公司就 會被搞煩,最後只好掏錢。 請同學不要忘記,關鍵在于指出「為什麼」廣告會不誠實會誠實,「消費者 無法依賴廣告購買」只是一個結果,不要過度討論! 而如何解釋為什麼「廣告會不誠實或誠實」?就要探討廣告主的心態,他們 在意什麼。所以我的每個理由的開頭都是「廣告業主」,the companies. 以上給出了一些topic sentence,也提到一些描述廣告主、消費者、產品的 關鍵字,例子就請各位自己發揮吧! 祝各位明天好運,考試順利! ~ SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/20 23:12)
sean51623 :推 12/20 23:12
※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/20 23:13)
willwei :推!!!!! 明天要考 12/20 23:18
Hawk123 :推一個! 12/20 23:24
gn00927711 :推 謝謝分享 12/20 23:30
earnest :註:即使中了,題目可能略有出入,請務必看清楚題目 12/20 23:52
earnest :再決定你的理由! 12/20 23:52
biscuit07 :剛考出來,完全命中!感謝昨天即時分享! 12/21 13:15
isis32397 :剛考出來,感謝分享! 12/21 13:18
kuakuakua :感謝David:) 12/21 14:08
ihua0919 :謝謝David!!超受用!省去了考試想點的時間! 12/21 14:33
angela7736 :中了 早上剛好看過 萬分感謝 T^T 12/21 15:48