看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
口說一二題,也針對12/21 最容易考的機經題,分享幾個關鍵字和理由: 又更晚了,沒看到的同學抱歉啦!! (來源:J2 TOEFL 機經 20131221 版) 註:即使中了,題目可能略有出入,請務必看清楚題目問的是「誰」, 和場景等「條件」! 1) Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain what happened and why it was memorable. 答案(順便講講回答的架構,同學可以自行斟酌變化): 第一句話直接破題,沒有時間講廢話, Well, I once met a rater of TOEFL, in a cafe next to my home. 解釋是關鍵:提出第一個理由 It was an memorable experience, because first, I learned how to get high scores in TOEFL. 接著舉例,"how" For example, he taught me that in reading, I don't have to read very fast. However, I should be slow and focused, so I can understand everything, then I can answer the question. 個人斟酌,有時間,再給第二個例子(或是給第二個理由), Also, he let me know that in speaking, I have to be straight forward, and say my opinion. This is very useful, because I am shy, and usually couldn't just talk about what's in my mind. 第二個理由 Another reason is that he told me a lot of interesting things about studying abroad. 舉例,"interesting things" For example, he said that on Thanksgiving, American students would spend a whole evening, to bake a whole turkey. This sounds very exciting, because I've never tasted a turkey. 建議關鍵字(做筆記在紙上,以便解釋/想起答案的字): rater in Cafe 1) how to get high scores TOEFL e.g. R/S 2) interesting study abroad: e.g. Tksgiving turkey 以下題目就不解釋,直接給我的擬答了(我先PO 上面,一邊寫下面), 2) Describe a good period of time in your life. Explain why you like that period of time. Give specific reasons to support your answer. 註:本題和上一題同為第一題,故我想的例子和上面一樣,反正不會同時出 現(吧) 答案: I remember when I started to prepare for TOEFL, two months ago. It has been a good period of time in my life, because first, I made a lot of good friends. For example, I met people who are from all walks of life: lawyers, dentists, businessmen, or students like me. We all want to study abroad, so we became really close friends, and we would talk about everything. 有時間的話,另舉一例,或講第二個理由: Another reason is that I learned much better English. For example, I can read English newspapers, like New York Times now. Also, I can listen to TED, and understand everything, without looking at the subtitles. These are all because of TOEFL. 建議關鍵字: Prepare TOEFL 1) Made good friends e.g. all walks of life, talk everything 2) learned better Eng e.g. read NY times, listen to TED 3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lessons can not be learned in classrooms. 答案: I agree. Because first, important lessons are lessons about life, and they cannot be taught in class. For example, most of the time, teachers won't teach me how to overcome your fear, but they would blame me for being nervous, and getting bad scores. However, learning how to deal with fear, is an important lesson of life. 這題可以另舉一例: Another example is that in class, students often cheat to get good scores. This is because there are a lot of tests, and teachers expect good performance. However, being honest is also an important lesson of life. Usually, class simply cannot teach that. 建議關鍵字: Agree 1) lesson about life e.g. overcome fear, but blame nervous e.g. cheat, expect good, honest 4) Some people prefer to listen to live music, while others prefer to listen to recorded music. Which do you prefer and why? 答案: I prefer recorded music. Because first, I like to be alone and relaxed when I enjoy music. For example, when I'm listening to recorded music, I can be by myself. That means, I can do whatever I want while listening, such as drinking wine, singing together with the music, or being naked. 有時間多講幾件事,或給第二個理由: Another reason is that I can repeat music that I like. For example, I really love Lady Gaga, especially her "pokerface" song. If I listen to her song on a CD, I can play it over and over again, until I finally get tired of "can't read my, can't read my", and decide to move on. 建議關鍵字: Recorded 1) alone & relax e.g. do whatever, drinking, singing, naked 2) repeat music e.g. Gaga, pokerface, can't read my 呼,終於寫完了,其實想點不累,打字比較累。。Orz 最後提醒明天和之後要考試的同學, 1) 可以用簡單的字、簡短的句子,重點是清楚表達自己的想法! 各位看我的例答可以發現,基本沒有難的字(也可以知道我的字彙量並不怎樣。。) 請不要拘泥于用字、長句,用容易的字,並清楚發出每個字, 保有流暢度,更為重要! 2) 放慢速度,務求穩,清楚! 一言以蔽之,(男人)一快就糟了。一快起來什麼錯都可能犯,還會一直重復。 放慢的話,雖然內容可能比較少,發音和語調卻一定會更清楚, 也更能追求流暢度! 一緊張,請提醒自己要慢下來! 希望對同學有幫助,也祝今天考試的人一切順利!! 之後有想點的問題,也歡迎同學在板上發問! Best of luck! ~ SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/20 23:51) ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/21 00:03) ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/21 00:04) ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (12/21 00:15)
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