看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是Rosa,這幾天剛好有點空檔, 以下是針對J2 TOEFL 3/1,3/2機經裡獨立寫作紅字題提供審題想點的參考答案。 需要J2 TOEFL機經的版友,可以到J2 TOEFL社團下載3/1,3/2的小範圍機經。 1. Technology designed to make people's lives simpler actually often turns out to make people's lives more complicated. 20100926CN Keyword: technology =>simpler, more complicated Agree: a. Technology actually deprives people nowadays of their free time. For example, in the past, after work, people can enjoy all their free time. On the other hand, in modern society, after work, people are often harassed continuously by their bosses through line, whatsapp, Facebook, etc. b. Technology creates more misunderstandings. For instance, before people used to meet face to face and talk directly about their problems. As a result, every emotion and movement is crystal clear. On the contrary, nowadays people mostly use line or other apps to communicate, usually only sending one or two cute emotion icons to express their mood. Thus, by using technology, people might easily misunderstand the real intention of their friends and family. c. People tend to rely too much on technology, resulting in more complicated problems. Take my own experience as an example. In the past, I don't use computers or cell phones much. Therefore, when my laptop breaks down, I do not sweat. However, nowadays, I literally freak out when my mobile goes dead because I depend too much on these modern technological devices. Disagree: a. Technology makes our lives much more convenient. 舉科技幫忙節省時間的例子。 b. Technology solves a lot of our daily problems. 迷路時可以直接看google map,很快抵達目的地。 c. Technology makes it easier to stay in touch with others. 透過科技,與朋友隨時保持連絡,更新近況。 2. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. a.joining a sports team, b. participate in community activities, c. traveling. 20120505NA Keyword: student => make new friends 可以想一下,學生有什麼特性?etc. lazy, poor, bored? 容易交新朋友可能的情境?長時間相處、革命感情、共同興趣、輕鬆氣氛? 三選一的題目類型近期相當熱門,卻往往是同學比較無從著手的,此題型有兩種解題思維: 其一、選擇任一個,試著讓另外兩者的優勢也包含在裡面。 其二、選擇任一個,試著講其他兩者沒有的優點。 joining a sports team: a. It is evidently the best for students to make new acquaintances through participating in a sports team because they tend to have more common interests. To be more specific, it would be much easier for them to start small talks. For example, when students go volunteering, they meet all kinds of people with a variety of interests. Hence, they usually do not know what to say. On the other hand, when students meet other team members who like sports just as much as they do, they can easily chat about their favorite basketball player, the recent result of HBL, etc. b. Students tend to make new friends easier by taking part in a sports team because they share a more specific consensus. That is, they want to defeat the other team. Take the basketball team of Song Shan Senior High for an instance. The students often have prep talks from their coach before they play basketball. They also give each other high fives when team mates score. Apparently, they share a strong bond together. c. When students join a sports team, they often spend more time together. As a result, it is easier to make new friends. For instance, when students go traveling, most of the time they talk to their companions, and seldom interact with strangers. Even when they do, they do not spend long periods of time together. Now, with sports activity, it is a whole different matter. Clearly, students practice for long hours after school each day with their team mates. Therefore, they have got immeasurable amount of time to interact and make new friends. 3. Should the government support artists or should the artists support themselves? 20121116NA 這題之前分享過,有興趣的同學可以搜尋之前的1/18的機經擬答。 4. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place. 20120922CN = 20110311NA Keyword: quality of people's lives=> most significant improvement Disagree: 講三個仍然有許多進步空間的面向,三個理由盡量要不一樣。 a. As medical science continue improving, the quality of people's lives will improve significantly. For instance, although there are a lot of medicine targeted for rare diseases nowadays, there are still numerous illnesses which remain incurable to this very day, such as AIDS, cancer, etc. Just imagine what the future world would be like if there are accessible treatment for each kind of STD. b. Telecommunication will also serve an indispensable role in making people's lives much better than nowadays. For example, twenty years ago, people seriously couldn't imagine the fact that almost every person plays with a smart phone on public transportation nowadays. Yet undeniably, there are still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the speed and quality of telecommunication devices. Indeed, in the future, people might be able to accomplish much more issues through high quality devices. c. In the near future, cheap sustainable energy will surely take people to a whole different era. Take solar energy for an example. Solar energy not only is infinite, it is also free. Due to these two features, scientists have paid a great deal of attention to it these recent years. Once people figure out how to concentrate the energy in a much more cost-effective approach, it would save up a lot of daily expenses on transportation and maintenance bills. Agree: 可以想一個你覺得徹底改變生活的科技發展,如網路。 然後在以下三個中間段落分別從不同面向去分析, 譬如:改變人們日常生活的行為、影響人與人互動的關係、改變我們看待自己的方式等。 審題時,請先抓好關鍵字,試著從Who出發?對象是誰?有什麼特性? 關心的是什麼? 再去看What?現在要做甚麼決定?依照人物的特性去思考他可能有的行為和判斷。 想點時,請盡量從不同面向去寫。同學常在獨立寫作裡面犯的毛病是三個點想得太類似。 這樣重疊性太高,說服力就不強。 假如你覺得審題想點好難,這是正常的。那麼,我會建議你先試著寫出concept map, 也就是你的觀點、三個支持的理由、以及簡單例子的keyword,再下筆。 如果卡住的話,不妨上網google題目找找其他網友寫的作文,試著分析對方觀點的好壞, 比較一下自己與對方理由的好壞。 最終,托福要考的是你獨立批判以及表達自我觀點的能力。這是需要練習的。 別忘了現在努力練的審題與想點能力會再將來出國念研究所、交換學生時 發揮相當大的幫助! 大家加油喔!祝明後天要考試的同學順利,平常心,好好發揮實力!:D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
messfang :謝謝Rosa!! 02/28 16:21
JHWM :thx!!!! 02/28 16:56
santaclub :求擬答紅字口說...要怎麼介紹衣服阿..:( 02/28 17:23
earnest :辛苦了~ 02/28 17:59
frezzingman :推!! 03/01 00:01
sy8112 :謝謝!! 03/01 02:02