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這禮拜考試的J2 TOEFL機經小範圍題目跟上禮拜一樣,只有一二題不同, 上禮拜考出了三選一的那題,同學考前不妨先自己想一下理由再參考以下的答案。 沒有J2 TOEFL機經的同學可以加入臉書J2 TOEFL社團下載最新的小範圍機經: 1. It is easier for parents to raise children now than 50 years ago. 20110925CN Keyword: parents=>easier to raise children now 托福很愛考這種比較時間前後發生變化的題目。可以先想像一下now跟before的差別, now多了什麼?可能想到了internet, social networking, technology, 等。 再去試著想三個現在的改變會造成對於who:parents做what:raise children的影響。 三個理由基本上會是change+effect的方式。 Agree: a. Since medical advancement has excelled to a new height nowadays, parents do not need to worry about children suffering from fatal diseases. For example, 50 years ago, a lot of children died prematurely not only because of incurable illnesses but also because of common sicknesses such as diarrhea, cholera and polio. On the other hand, modern parents make sure that their children be given vaccine immediately after birth, thus immeasurably decreasing the risk of lethal infections. Furthermore, new development in medical science nowadays also helps develop medicine that can heal children in shorter time and with lower cost. b. Due to the development of food technology, it is easier for parents in modern times to provide enough nutrition for their children. For instance, in the past, undernourishment was a common problem. Children simply did not get enough to eat. On the contrary, Nowadays there are an abundance of food to choose from. Agricultural advancements also produces rich food which contains a variety of necessary nutrition. Therefore, children who are diagnosed with lack of nutrition are considered rare cases at medical institutions. In addition, if any newborn seems a bit undernourished, he will be fed additional specially-designed milk and other formulations to improve his or her health. Apparently, thanks to more nutritious food, it is easier for parents nowadays to raise their children. c. When it comes to raising children, internet also plays a significant role in the lives of modern parents. On one hand, internet provides modern parents with infinite information and timely help. Take my personal experience as an example. In the past, my grandparents have to rely on themselves when a children breaks into a serious fever at midnight. Yet, my parents can quickly turn to the internet and search for the possible solutions before seeking professional medical help. On the other hand, internet helps parents keep an eye on their children. To be more specific, in the past, parents cannot be sure of their child's whereabouts or doings unless they confront him or her. However, in modern society, parents can log in to the social networking accounts of their children, such as Facebook, LINE, Whatsapp, etc. and have some idea of their children's recent interest or thoughts. 2. Which has a larger influence on the society: Automobiles or airplanes? Keyword: society=>influence automobiles, airplanes 比較題是托福很愛考的題目,A跟B比較,A跟沒有A比較,以前跟現在的比較、 現在跟未來的比較,一樣先從題目的who開始想,對象是誰?再想what?做什麼事? a. Unlike airplanes, the automobile created mobility on a scale never known before. Take Taiwan as an instance, in the days of horse-drawn transportation, the practical limit of wagon travel was 10 to 15 miles, so that meant any community or individual farm more than 15 miles from a city, a railroad, or a navigable waterway was isolated from the mainstream of economic and social life. On the contrary, motor vehicles and paved roads have narrowed the gap between rural and urban life. Farmers can ship easily and economically by truck and can drive to town when it is convenient. In addition, such institutions as regional schools and hospitals are now accessible by bus and car. The mobility of airplanes, on the other hand, are greatly limited to the scope of airports. b. Automobiles significantly change the infrastructure of modern cities. For instance, prior to the appearance of the automobile, horses, walking and streetcars were the major modes of transportation. Horse-driven carriages and people carrying bags of good were often seen on the streets. On the other hand, after the automobile was introduced, people can easily see a newly developing physical system of roads, streets, highways, and service and storage facilities. Apparently, airplanes do not possess as large an influence on cities as automobiles. c. People utilize automobiles much more often than airplanes. Therefore, they possess a more prominent role in modern society than airplanes. For example, nowadays, almost every family own at least a vehicle. During the week, people go to and from work by car. On weekends, people go on family trips by car. On the other hand, people only take the plane for long vacations or business once in a while. 3. For a business to be successful, more money must be put in advertising. 20130125NA keyword: successful business=> advertising Agree: a. In order to be successful, a business should have a strong brand name, which is often built up through advertising. For example, McDonalds racked up $963 million in ad spend last year. As a result, it is one of the strongest brands in the world. That is, even toddlers are able to recognize that big yellow 'M,' and the word itself is synonymous with fast food and burgers. b. Loyal consumers play an indispensable role in successful businesses. Therefore, businesses should definitely invest more money in advertising. Take Apple for an instance. Due to good advertising, Apple sends a strong message to people who lead a busy lifestyle, enjoy a good social status, and earn good salary. Hence, as a well-known saying goes, "Once an Apple user, there is simply no going back." In other words, loyal consumers usually adore Apple products and purchase iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks. c.When a business wishes to be successful, it should also make its products well-known. That is, advertising can educate the customers on product usages through repeat exposure. For instance, FarEastone, a famous local telecommunication company, spends millions of NT dollars on TV advertising. Furthermore, the ads place emphasis on being able to reach family members who live far away for free. Thus, when people want to talk to their families living abroad, they immediately think of the products FarEastone offer. 4. Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns out to make people’s lives more complicated. 20100926CN Keyword: technology =>simpler, more complicated Agree: a. Technology actually deprives people nowadays of their free time. For example, in the past, after work, people can enjoy all their free time. On the other hand, in modern society, after work, people are often harassed continuously by their bosses through line, whatsapp, Facebook, etc. b. Technology creates more misunderstandings. For instance, before people used to meet face to face and talk directly about their problems. As a result, every emotion and movement is crystal clear. On the contrary, nowadays people mostly use line or other apps to communicate, usually only sending one or two cute emotion icons to express their mood. Thus, by using technology, people might easily misunderstand the real intention of their friends and family. c. People tend to rely too much on technology, resulting in more complicated problems. Take my own experience as an example. In the past, I don't use computers or cell phones much. Therefore, when my laptop breaks down, I do not sweat. However, nowadays, I literally freak out when my mobile goes dead because I depend too much on these modern technological devices. Disagree: a. Technology makes our lives much more convenient. 舉科技幫忙節省時間的例子。 b. Technology solves a lot of our daily problems. 迷路時可以直接看google map,很快抵達目的地。 c. Technology makes it easier to stay in touch with others. 透過科技,與朋友隨時保持連絡,更新近況。 5. Should the government support artists or should the artists support themselves? 20121116NA Keyword: government=>support artists 想點:artist需要什麼?他們可以為政府帶來什麼?可以自己取得資源還是由政府給? 政府支持有甚麼好處壞處?自己自足有甚麼好處壞處? Opinion: government should support artists a. art displays the characteristic of a society. Therefore, the government should support artists. For example, a Taiwanese painter, Huang Yon-Tsan, is good at drawing paintings of the hectic lifestyle in Taipei. That is to say, through his art, people get a glimpse of peoples' daily routine in modern Taiwanese society. Furthermore, Picasso depicted a society which placed emphasis on leisure and on sitting around drinking tea with beautiful women. Through his art, people can imagine what life was like at that period in France. b. Art can provide citizens with entertainment. As a result, the government should sponsor artists. For instance, after a long week of work, people often go to art exhibitions and discuss various pieces of great work together with family and friends. To be more specific, art help lift the mood of people and give them a lot of pleasure. Apparently, as far as the government is concerned, supporting artists can bring crucial benefits to its people. c. When artists support themselves, they might spend all their time earning a living, instead of improving their works. Take my personal experience as an example. My cousin is an extremely talented artist. However, he worked day and night in restaurants trying to make ends meet. Eventually, he did not have time for painting and gave up. 6. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place. 20120922CN = 20110311NA Keyword: quality of people's lives=> most significant improvement Disagree: 講三個仍然有許多進步空間的面向,三個理由盡量要不一樣。 a. As medical science continue improving, the quality of people's lives will improve significantly. For instance, although there are a lot of medicine targeted for rare diseases nowadays, there are still numerous illnesses which remain incurable to this very day, such as AIDS, cancer, etc. Just imagine what the world would be like if there are accessible treatment for each kind of STD. b. Telecommunication will also serve an indispensable role in making people's lives much better than nowadays. For example, twenty years ago, people seriously couldn't imagine the fact that almost every person plays with a smart phone on public transportation nowadays. Yet undeniably, there are still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the speed and quality of telecommunication devices. Indeed, in the future, people might be able to accomplish much more issues through high quality devices. c. In the near future, cheap sustainable energy will surely take people to a whole different era. Take solar energy for an example. Solar energy not only is infinite, it is also free. Due to these two features, scientists have paid a great deal of attention to it these recent years. Once people figure out how to concentrate the energy in a much more cost-effective approach, it would save up a lot of daily expenses on transportation and maintenance bills. Agree: 可以想一個你覺得徹底改變生活的科技發展,如網路。然後在以下三個中間段落 分別從不同面向去分析,譬如:改變人們日常生活的行為、影響人與人互動的關係、改變 我們看待自己的方式等等。 祝大家考試順利!閱讀聽力抓架構,寫作先想好concept map(opinion以及三個理由) 再下筆,會比較穩定喔!:D 想看彩色有貓咪圖案版的可以點連結, http://sk2toefl.blogspot.tw/2014/03/322-j2-toefl.html#more -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
earnest :辛苦了! 03/20 18:16
messfang :推!! 03/20 18:23
chintingmax :ha!! 無私奉獻 thanks!!:-) 03/21 01:00
leonini :感恩^^ 03/21 12:19
hihihi5566 :感謝! 03/21 12:44
liao1133 :Thanks 03/21 12:45
alexwucs :推推~ 03/21 15:45
angiesk :謝謝 03/21 21:12