看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
134.When our neighbor's grandson caught his finger in the car door, ------ he did not cry even though it must have hurted him a great deal. ----------- ---------------- ------------ 答案是C "must have + p.p"表對過去的推測 用在這題有問題嗎?? @@a 136.Like other animals , the tiny kangaroo rat has the ability to manufacture ---- ----------- water in his body by metabolic conversion of carbohydrates. ----------------------- ---------------- 答案是C 想請問錯在哪?? >< 138.Sea turtles can spend their lifetime in sea without ever touching land. --- ----- ------ ---- 答案是A Sea turtle不是海龜嗎? 那A又是錯在哪呢?? 141.The Petrified Forest National Park of Arizona is one of the most unique --- -- ------ parks in the United States. -- 答案是C 我有上網路去查 國家公園前面不用加the 所以A應該是錯的阿!! 若不是 C又錯在哪呢?? ~"~ 最近在準備二月的多益 所以問題有點多 請多包含 ><" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: winglove 來自: (01/25 10:31)
joy5491:動詞3態應該是hurt,hurt,hurt.. 01/25 10:40
joy5491:第三題既然是 one of the後面卻加上unique(獨一無二) 01/25 10:43
joy5491:這樣不是很奇怪@@? 01/25 10:44
cdplayer:第二題是"a" metabolic conversion才對 01/25 11:05
cdplayer:by "a" metabolic conversion 01/25 11:07
joy5491:不好意思我剛說的第三題其實是第四題~ 01/25 11:14
djnospam:http://pewebdic2.cw.idm.fr/ -> Petrified Forest 01/25 11:41
djnospam:the Petrified Forest : a large national park in ... 01/25 11:42
djnospam:所以有可以加the的情況,加了不表示一定錯 01/25 11:42
djnospam:138 ... 我個人認為錯的是 C in sea -> in the sea 01/25 11:45
winglove:138. 會不會是前面忘了加冠詞...囧 the sea turtles 01/25 11:51
djnospam:I don't think so ...books.google.com - "sea turtles" 01/25 12:04
djnospam:有很多類似的句型"Sea turtles can ...." (上頭的搜尋 01/25 12:05
djnospam:字串多加個 can 01/25 12:06
byniki:unique沒有最高級的用法 01/25 13:50
winglove:恩恩~感謝大家~ >//< 01/26 00:03