看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
書名:多益文法本領書 頁數:P214 題目:#1 疑問: Before launching a new product on the market, we need to be aware of _______ this particular product will most appeal to. A. who B. what C. that D. how 正確答案是A,我選D >< 本來也有考慮過A..可是我覺得應該是whom 所以才會選D... 應該是whom吧?? 書名:多益文法本領書 頁數:P214 題目:#2 疑問: _______ we should do to achieve our marketing objective more effectively is to conduct market research to understand our customers' needs. A.What B.That C.How D.If 正確答案是A 雖然我也選A,可是我覺得B也沒錯 B是錯在哪勒??? 書名:多益文法本領書 頁數:P223 題目:#1 疑問: Her parents could help with child care _____ she works. A.while B.although C.since D.even if 正確答案是A 可以以句意上C應該也可以 "既然她需要工作,她的父母可以幫忙她帶小孩" ??? 書名:多益文法本領書 頁數:P225 題目:#7 疑問: Because the research and development team worked hard, the result of the ------- ------ A B study was not satisfactory. --- ----------- C D 正確答案是A..是蠻明顯的錯誤 可是想問一下.. 為啥D是對的勒? 我會想改成 was not satisfied.... 打的很趕...有錯字的話請多多包含 感恩喔~~ -- 我的手和腦袋 是分開的!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
LittleBetty:#1 whom是可以用who來代替的 01/29 21:46
LittleBetty:#7 人 be satisfied with 事. 這一題是說東西沒有被感 01/29 21:50
LittleBetty:到滿意所以用satisfactory是沒有錯的 01/29 21:52
chatcie:#2 可思考That有沒有What=the thing which的意思 01/30 12:15
ilovejai:第二題 可以說是that引導的名詞子句放句首 01/30 21:19
ilovejai:what=the thing which可以說是用which引導的形容子句 形 01/30 21:20
ilovejai:容the thing.. 文法上時在說布上來錯誤 01/30 21:21
ilovejai:語意上錯誤也說不太上來>< 01/30 21:22