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※ 引述《toxicsweet (^^)》之銘言: : 書名:Longman : 版本:3/e : p.126 : #6 : His efforts, which he claims (are his best), would be : (less than satisfactory) even to (the least demanding) person : (than myself). : 答案是(C),想請問(C)錯在哪? 該改成什麼? -->the less demanding 原句為~ His efforts,..., would be less than satisfactory to a person who is less demanding than me myself. 其中who is less demanding減化後剩下less demanding : #7 : (The most) sensible employer will consider integrity : (a most) desirable quality (than) initiative when promoting : a (good) employee. : 答案是(B),我也選(B),是要改成the most嗎? : 我查過integrity是名詞,名詞後面為什麼還會接名詞(quality)呢? 名詞+名詞有兩種狀況 一種是compound noun 前面名詞做形容詞之用 一種是SVOO句型 也就是主詞+動詞+補語1+補語2 這裡是後者 讓我想起一個句子蠻屌的 跟大家分享一下 It takes more than sperms to make a man a father.(By L.L. Cool J) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : p.128 : #1 : After I had advised her (to make) her plans and (invest), : she delayed (buying) and considered (to quit) the market altogether. : 答案是(D),請問理由是因為consider後面要加的是名詞詞性嗎? : 還有類似題,是recommend,後面接Ving的理由一樣嗎? : 到底該如何區分要接to V或是Ving呢? 建議誰"去做"(還未做) 至於像avoid這種+ing是因為避免的是一個"事實" : p.131 : #3 : The recommended plan (might cost) more, so you (may wnat) : a cost amalysis, but (I can assure) you that last year : it (will have) cost even more. : 答案是(D),請問是因為last year的關係所以要改成would嗎? : 我還有個疑問,might和may該怎麼區分呢? 跟時態是否沒什麼關係? : 像(A)和(B),有的用might有的用may,我不曉得該怎麼分別.. 如果是"可能性(certainty)" may與might只有程度上的差異 沒有現在過去的概念 "NEW INTERCHANGE-ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION" page S-15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- will/ be going to 99% (原圖是畫100% 但我個人偏有所保留) must 95% should/ ought to 90% could/ may/ might 40-50% --------------------------------------------------------------------- : #8 : She (informed) the board that profits (would be up) soon : and (they should) now give a bonus to the clerks : who (should) received one earlier. : 答案是(D)我也選(D),因為其他看起來好像都對.. : 不過請問(D)錯在哪呢? -->should have 早應該收到了卻未收到 : p.135 : #10 : (City home buyers) may be entitled to (the refunds) if : (their agents) made (errors) on the contracts. : 答案是(B),是因為refunds並沒有特定,所以要去掉冠詞the嗎? : p.137 : #5 : (Overheating badly), the motorist (realized) his engine : could (suffer) serious damage if he didn't (pull off the road) and stop. : 答案是(A),請問(A)應該要改成什麼呢? : 為什麼這樣的形式是錯的? 原本的句型是? It's overheating badly-->Being overheating badly : #7 : (Dismayed by the hotel) (inexplicably canceling) our : reservations, we found (ourselves were frantically calling) : all over town (to reserve other rooms). : 答案為(C),這題完全不知道為何錯.. were去掉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: