看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
題目1: The bell captain suggested that more porters _______ hired. (A) are (B) have (C) be (C) do 解答是選C 它解釋是... The causative suggest(這個字是用斜體) is followd by the simple form of the verb. 但是我查longman英英字典 它有個例句是 evidence/results/data/studies etc suggest(s) that 例句: The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single ^^^^^ mothers. 這邊也不是用is啊..... 還是我理解有誤....?? 題目2 The CD-player was damaged when it ______ (A) was delivered (B) has delivered (C) was delivering (D) had delivered 答案是A 但C是指在運送過程中....感覺C比較對啊..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: taco123 來自: (12/06 15:09)
Kent58 :is跟are都是simple form(簡單式) 第二題翻中文就能 12/06 15:20
Kent58 :理解了;CD-PLAYER在被投遞時受到損害 12/06 15:23
taco123 :謝謝回答 還是不太了解為什麼第1題不能選are...不是 12/06 15:57
taco123 :複數(porters)嗎?? 第2題..投遞不能算是一個進行的動 12/06 15:58
taco123 :作嗎?? 12/06 15:58
gcarrot :suggest在不同意思下,後面接的動詞型態不同 12/06 16:09
gcarrot :第1題的suggest應該是"提議"的意思,後面接原形 12/06 16:10
gcarrot :例句的suggest應該是"顯示"的意思,不用接原形 12/06 16:10
Kent58 :老實說這題是靠語感猜的...撇去明顯不適用的have跟do 12/06 16:55
Kent58 :用are感覺後面要加東西,如more porter are hired for 12/06 16:56
Kent58 :carrying luggage. 12/06 16:57
Kent58 :be的話就是說他建議這件事(這裡的suggest是使役動詞 12/06 16:58
Kent58 :我也是第一次看到...第二題-ing要有一段時間的概念 12/06 16:59
Kent58 :如she is sleeping;他"正在"睡覺. 12/06 17:01
Kent58 :deliver是一瞬間的,若用ing除非有其他事同時發生 12/06 17:11
Kent58 :My phone sounded while I was delivering... 12/06 17:18
benjaminliao:六樓正解 九樓不太認同第一題 12/06 21:48