看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
此為網路上抓到的題目...4題 麻煩各位英文高手幫忙解釋一下... 謝謝(答案是網路付的,不知正不正確) 172. The application of electronic controls made _________ by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. (A) it possible (B) possible (C) it is possible (D) possibility ANSWER : B (雖然看不懂,A聽起來順多了:p) 200. A logarithm is_________algebra as an exponent. a. known what b. known what it is c. what is known d. what it is known ANSWER : C (連猜都不知從何猜起><) 223. Why did the Galapagos Islands have so many finches, _________a different kind of beak suited to its special feeding habits a. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which ANSWER : C (我猜D...猜的) 236. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricity, but_________under certain circumstances. a. so can do b. do so can c. can do so d. so do can ANSWER : C (又一提不知從何猜起的題目) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: minray 來自: (07/08 19:01)
assassin88 :200. 連接詞當主詞 + be known as~ ? 07/08 19:21
assassin88 :應該是關代..XD 07/08 19:21
assassin88 :223. trivial = = 07/08 19:22
assassin88 :236. but跟so在這都是連接詞所以AD不可能? 07/08 19:23
minray :223 請問選D的話,中間不是要用句號? 07/08 20:05
degradation :172是B沒錯 07/10 01:19
Elkardian :223. 我是猜a跟c c的話因為後面的句子是附屬子句 07/15 11:03
Elkardian :所以不能用有動詞的has 07/15 11:04