看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位大大... 以下題目是我從網路download來的.(答案也不知正不正確) 可是看了答案還是不知道為什麼.. 能否幫忙小弟解個惑. 感謝~~ 01.The habit of traveling long distance to work __ for the past decades due to the availability of car. A)is B)was C)has grown D)had been ANS:B Q.C似乎還比較好解釋 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 02.__ a country's food become rich,the disease of poverty are replaced by those of civilization. A)Whereas B)As C)Even though D)Unless ANS:A Q. 感覺B比較順... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03.The Noation Recycling Coalition recently __ Congress to pass tax incentives that would encourage .... A)call over B)call for C)called on ANS:B Q. C似乎比較正確..至少他是過去式 :p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04.If the earth __ warmer each year, the earth would become a dead planet. A)will get B)wuold get C)gets D)were to get ANS:D Q. 感覺c比較順...哎呀.我都是靠感覺走.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
assassin88 :Q2.這裡是要表轉折語氣,"儘管"生活富裕.... 07/17 09:51
assassin88 :Q3.call for有要求、需要的意思,called on是呼籲。 07/17 09:52
nnf :Q1 Q2我真的也不懂..@@" 07/17 10:10
nnf :Q4是假設語氣 be going to get變成were to get 07/17 10:21
nnf :假設語氣以過去形態表示 07/17 10:22