看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 105. Successful people are ____ those who have always worked hard; : sometimes good luck can play an important role. : (A) not necessary : (B) not necessarily : (C) necessarily not : (D) necessary not : 疑問:答案是B,但是這裡不是接形容詞,選A就好了嗎? : 106. It is almost ten years ____ Stacey moved to Paris, so I'm planning : to fly there this summer to find out how she's been getting along. : (A) after : (B) before : (C) until : (D) since : 這一題答案是D,since是不是前面要完成式? (A)在這一題會比較恰當嗎? : 138. We have only three days left, so all we should do is ____ and get the : work done as quickly as possible. : (A) team up : (B) teaming up : (C) by teaming up : (D) teams up : 這一題我一眼看到是想到 to team up,但選項中沒有,於是我選了B。 : 但正確答案是A,想請問為什麼 : 麻煩大家回答 :) 或許你可以試著多用例句比較看看 可先參考 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Dictionary 的例句與解釋。 not necessarily: "possibly, but not certainly" (一般書多譯為 「未必」 ,講更白話就是「不是百分之百」。) [ex] That is not necessarily true. (不是1oo%) [ex] Expensive restaurants aren't necessarily the best. (不是1oo%) [ex] Having this disease does not necessarily mean that you will die young. (不是1oo%) 相關的例句請進一步參考 [1] [2]。 "since" 通常和完成式一起搭配使用是沒錯的 [3] [4]。所以原句 前半段寫成 "It has been almost ten years since Stacey moved to Paris" 可以接受。寫成 "It is almost ten years since Stacey moved to Paris" 考量的觀點是將 「時間」看成「單位」,如 "Ten years is a long time." [5][6][7]。 第三題擷取後半段 "all we should do is ____ and get the work done as quickly as possible."可以從幾個角度來看: (1)對稱: "team up"與 "get"相對 (2) do 在類似 句子的功能。 以"all"[8][9] "What"[10] [11] "The first thing"[12] [13] "The last thing"[14][15] "The only thing"[16][17]等開頭所引導的句子,受到"do" 的影響,使得後面的動詞常用不帶 "to"的動詞形式,不過 "to"還是可保留。 [1] Working mothers not necessarily harmful to child development. (Washington Post, 2010/07/31) [2] An office romance is not necessarily a source of workplace heartache. (Telegraph,2011/04/19) [3] It has been two years since I bought -- and set aside -- my first cell phone. (Time, 2000/04/03) [4] It's been just two years since Katie Couric's husband Jay Monahan died of colon cancer at age 42. (Time, 2000/03/13) [5] Ten years is long enough for a chairman or president. (Time, 1975/12/21) [6] " It is six years since my son was put in jail, " says Dekyi, now 67. (Time, 2001/09/15) [7] It is years since I've actually sat at the ground to watch. (Guardian, 2004/07/18) [8] All she can do is sing everything right on the first take. (V) (Time, 1996/06/24) [9] All we want to do is to bury Dad. (to V) (Guardian, 2006/12/10) [10] So what I think he should do is present an ambitious and bipartisan strategy. (V) (CNN, 2011/01/21) [11] "What DfID should do is to give money to other groups besides the UN as in the case of the Pakistan floods," said Jane Cocking, the group's humanitarian director. (to V) (Guardian, 2011/03/28) [12] The first thing he should do is tell the truth to the American people. (V) (NY Times, 2005/06/28) [13] Therefore, the first thing I did was to busy myself in getting the battle area tidy-getting it sorted out. (to V) (Time, 1945/01/15) [14] The last thing they should do is shrink from the task. (V) (Time, 2005/03/07) [15] But the cold economic truth is this: At a time of high unemployment and fragile growth, the last thing the government should do is to slash spending. (to V) (NY Times, 2010/02/06) [16] "The only thing left for him to do is man the ticket office," he wrote.(V) (Telegraph, 2011/05/12) [17] If I had it to do over again, the only thing I'd probably do differently is to put it out on a different date. (to V) (Time, 2005/09/05) 希望以上對你有幫助 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tetsuwin :謝謝詳細的解釋:) 05/14 07:28
misslove729 :謝謝您 :) 05/14 12:32