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※ 引述《wwwoo (口袋裡有糖)》之銘言: : 題目: Fred forgot ____ sufficient notice about his resignation to his : employers. : (A) to give : (B) giving : 疑問:為甚麼是A (我選B) : 因為在文法書讀到Forget 接 動名詞是表示過去,to 不定詞表示未來 : 是我會錯意了嗎? 有些動詞接不定詞或動名詞都可以,但是意思不同,甚至完全相反。 STOP We stopped to eat lunch. 停下來而去… We stopped eating lunch. 停止做某事 TRY The doctor told the patient to try to eat something. 努力、設法 I tried eating the homemade cake. 試試、嘗試 REMEMBER/ FORGET + to-v 未發生的事 / + Ving 發生過的事 I remember/ forget to beat Jay. 想起來/忘了 要去揍 I remember/ forget beating Jay. 想起來/忘了 揍過 By 字神帝國康老師 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hubertt :關於try,試試、嘗試用-ing form沒問題,而努力、設 09/24 22:05
hubertt :法則-ing form或infinitive都可,可參考<<Practical 09/24 22:06
hubertt :English Usage>> P.276, 3rd. edition 09/24 22:09
hubertt :辭典方面,Macmillan顯然和文法書同一立場,而M-W's, 09/24 22:17
hubertt :Oxford, Longman則持相反立場~ 所以,try的分類即便 09/24 22:18
hubertt :是英美國家自己或許都尚處於意見紛歧的狀態... 09/24 22:19
wise68 : 推 04/21 17:27