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※ 引述《pin365 (屁365天)》之銘言: : 書名:ETS Tactics for Toeic Listening and Reading Test Practice Test 1 : 頁數:P17 : 題目:103 : 疑問:.........interested in viewing an apartment should contact : the property manager to arrange an appointment. : (A) These : (B) Those : (C) This : (D) That : 為什麼答案為B???我覺得ACD都可以阿 ......................................................................... 英文只能用those 指人們,其它只能當指示代名詞或形容詞哦。 所以這題是 Those (who are) interested ... 形容詞子句的省略哦 by 字神帝國 康老師 ............................................................................. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: