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※ 引述《GeoGQ (GQ)》之銘言: : 書名:黃金認證 新多益閱讀題庫解析(解答本) : 頁數:P37第139題 : 題目:As the number of clients visiting the health club rises,_____ the need : for trainers to assist them. : (A)as long as : (B)as to : (C)so does : (D)whereas : 疑問: 為何答案是(C)?請版友解釋 謝謝 以句型來說,以下兩者都可以接受: As S+V, so S+V. [1] [2] [3]As S+V, so do/can/will/should S V. [4] [5] [6] (比前者較常使用), 且常用於標題 [7] [8] [9],可粗略解讀為 "隨著~也~" 或 "正如~也~"。最有名的就是 As you sow, so shall you reap.As you sow, so you shall reap. (種瓜得瓜 / 種甚麼因得甚麼果)。建議用as 和 so一起搭配著看容易些。值得注意的是, "so" 和 "too" 可以同時使用[1] As I love them, so my dad loved me (TItle) (Guardian, 9 May 2009) [2] As the world changes, so art changes with it. (Guardian, 1 April 2011) [3] As the world changes so we must change too. (BBC, 24 September 2007) [4] Wild wolves are increasing in number in the US with around 4,000 now living in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.But as the population increases, so too does the frequency of attacks on domesticated animals, such as cattle, dogs and deer.(nature, 8 March 2004) [5] And as the price rises, so too does interest in more costly exploration across the Atlas mountains and in the Atlantic Ocean. (Economist, Sep 14th 2000) [6] As Virgin expanded, so did our ideas for treating the people who worked for us well, and for considering the environment. We've always had, at our core, a focus on our people, and making sure they are empowered to make decisions and feel part of a company that stands for something beyond making money. (Guardian, 18 November 2011) [7] As Economy Slows, So Do Laser Eye Surgeries (NY Times, April 24, 2008) [8] Australian Floods: As Waters Rise, So Does Inflation (Independent, January 31, 2011) [9] Mexico drugs war--as violence spirals, so does spending on security (Guardian, 13 October 2010) 希望以上對你有幫助 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: EngLearner 來自: (02/09 08:19)
rex4121337 :太強了謝謝解惑 02/09 11:45
EngLearner :相互學習囉 : ) 02/09 11:54
xenophobia :清楚詳細的解釋,真好! 02/09 12:18
newevelyn :推這篇!! 02/09 22:32