看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Our itinerary for tomorrow says we _____ at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast. (A) are to meet (B) go meeting (C) had to meet (D) will meet 概略來說,"be to V" 涵義為「人力有機會或能力掌控的未來事件」,而最常用的情境 就是「正式活動安排」、「公共責任」、「正式約定與指示」、「強烈禁止」、「公告」[1]。所以我們會常在報章看到如國際間會談 "to meet" [2]元首政要訪問 "to visit" [3] 會用 "be to V"來表達。此題符合「正式活動安排或約會」 情境。至於 "will meet",可由幾個角度來看,"will"這個情態助動詞,可表達「意願」、 「預計 (預測) 發生」(這是大部分人所說「未來式」,不過筆者對此用詞持保留態度)、 「命令」等。這裡的如果用「預計發生」解讀也不無道理,畢竟這是就句論句, 可參考 [4] [5] [6] [7] (註: [7] 為廣告,[8] 相對不正式)。所以可以比較出來的是, "be to meet" 的用法有其侷限,而 "will meet" 相對較為廣義,主要因為前者帶有較正 式的色彩,後者則不限。 [1] The use of 'am/is/are to' Be to is used to refer to the future when the actions are subject to human control. Thus statements such as 'I'm going to faint' or 'It's going to rain' cannot be expressed with be to, which has restricted uses: e.g. Formal arrangements/public duties: OPEC representatives are to meet in Geneva next Tuesday Compare: OPEC REPRESENTATIVES TO MEET IN GENEVA (標題,省略 are) Formal appointments/instructions: active: You're to deliver these flowers before 10 passive: Three tablets to be taken twice a day (用於說明,此例句看似非完整句 子,卻可在情境產生意義) Prohibitions/public notices: You're not to tell him anything about our plans (= you mustn't) POISON NOT TO BE TAKEN (L.G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar) [2] British Prime Minister, on Scotland's planned referendum for independence; Cameron and Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond are to meet for talks in Edinburgh on Thursday. (Time, Feb. 16, 2012) [3] Britain's newly wed royal couple, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are to visit the U.S. following their first official overseas tour to Canada this summer, announced Clarence House via its official Twitter page. (Time, May 5, 2011) [4] GATHERINGS of world leaders have a depressing tendency to promise much and deliver little. In these two respects the annual summits of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) lead the field. Next weekend in Hanoi 21 Pacific-rim leaders, including George Bush, Hu Jintao and Vladimir Putin, will meet to discuss vital issues such as reviving world-trade talks and stopping North Korea's nuclear madness. (Economist, Nov 15th 2006) [5] Ministers from 141 countries will meet in Doha, Qatar, next month in an attempt to launch a new round of global trade negotiations. (Economist, Oct 23rd 2001) [6] A senior executive from Apple Inc will meet France's consumer affairs minister today to discuss a number of incidents in which screens on some of its popular iPhones were reported to have shattered for no obvious reason. (Independent, 28 August 2009) [7] I am a Chartered Architect and work in the following sectors: residential, commercial, interior design, healthcare, office fit-out, listed and historic buildings,planning applications, building regulations, site management. I will meet you for free to discuss your project. Please visit my website for more information: www.stanleyarchitects.co.uk (Independent) [8] "I have given the address to your mum and she will meet you at the house at 4.30pm tonight," Hamer wrote. "Sorry for the inconvenience. Do not discuss this with anyone else as this will cause confusion." (Independent, 17 October 2006) 希望以上能幫助你理解 :) -- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. http://blog.sina.com.tw/englishlearner/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jpeter :推 03/13 20:10
solomon999 :哈哈哈 又被我召喚出來了 英語客大大好棒!!! 03/13 20:17