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※ 引述《campfire (為什麼要叫小妹)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《hopeliu (阿翔)》之銘言: : : If Cathy _________________, I will have to manage without her. : : (a) will not help : : (b) does not help : : (c) deos not helps : : (註: manage without 不需...而能應付) : : 大大們新年好,請問,這題文法,解答給b, : : a錯誤的理由是? : 我把《活用圖解英文法A冊.陳啟賢、陳明亮編著》的第125頁節錄下來。 : 如下: : ================================================================ : 「直說法」與「假設法」之區分: : 01.很多同學看到句中有「if」,就認為是假設法,其實不然。請比較下列 : 的句子。 : Sam:I think I left my cell phone in your car. Have you seen it? : (我想我把手機遺留在你車上。你看到了嗎?) : Sue:No,but I'll have a look. If I find it,I'll give it to you. : (沒有,但我會找找看。如果找到的話,我會拿給你。) : 說明: : 在此例中,Sue將未來有可能找到手機,所以她說:If I find…,I'll give…。 : 因此我們可用下列的句型來表示未來(或現在)可能發生,但不確定的事情。 : 如下: : ---------條件子句------- --------主要子句--------- : If + 主詞 + 現在式 V 01.主詞 + shall/will/may/can + V : 02.祈使句 ______________________________________________________________________________ 關於你所引述 活用圖解英文法 的這個部分,裡面有值得討論的空間。 這裡所提 表示未來(或現在)可能發生,但不確定的事情可用 If + 主詞 + 現在式 V 01.主詞 + shall/will/may/can + V 02.祈使句 這個句型似乎忽略了情態助動詞的作用。先不談論if句中可以使用will, may, can 等表 達所謂未來概念,單就後面所寫明顯排除 couldmight 的未來可能性,將之歸類為 過去 (也就是文法書很喜歡寫的 「與現在事實相反」),這點與實際使用上有很大出入。 couldmight 在和if一起搭配使用時,常顯示說話者對未來的不確定及有可能產生的 結果 [1] [2] [3] [4]。(這裡盡量列出上下文情境以免以偏概全) 簡單來說,我們可以 造出 If I go there tonight, I might/could call you. 這樣的句子。 [1] The impending retirement of Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa creates the opportunity for Republicans to pick up a seat that Democrats have held since 1985. But if they aren't careful in selecting their candidate, it could represent another opportunity forsaken by the party. (NY Times, January 31,2013) [2] International investors are already pulling their money out of the most troubled European countries and moving it to safer havens. If the euro zone itself breaks up, lots of that hot money could pour into U.S. markets. (Time, May 02, 2012) [3] So if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast, there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable of something comparable to human intelligence. Artificial intelligence. All that horsepower could be put in the service of emulating whatever it is our brains are doing when they create consciousness — not just doing arithmetic very quickly or composing piano music but also driving cars, writing books, making ethical decisions, appreciating fancy paintings, making witty observations at cocktail parties. (Time, Feb. 10, 2011) [4] ''The climate system is an angry beast and we are poking it with sticks,'' said Dr. Wallace S. Broecker of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, who was one of the first to raise the alarm about abrupt climate change. ''We don't know whether it's going to pay attention to the pokes. But if it does, it might rise up and do something we don't like.'' (NY Times, January 27, 1998) 以上大略整理供你參考,希望能藉此對這個主題有更進一步的認知與學習空間。 -- The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to take the turn. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/EnglishFocus -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
campfire :感謝大大指點 02/15 10:53