看板 TOEIC 關於我們 聯絡資訊
問 suggest .... that V ..... 詢問Suggest 後面 that 可省略的時候嗎?? 那省略that 後 動詞一樣接原行動詞? 因為我手邊沒把題目抄下來,想詢問有類似句型嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lance8537 :後面動詞前省略了should 02/09 20:15
kryolanfans :It is necessary that you be quiet. 02/09 21:04
kryolanfans :當帶有必要性或者是建議時後面要用原型動詞,因為省 02/09 21:04
kryolanfans :略了should. 曾經在書上看過說有should是英式英文。 02/09 21:04
kryolanfans :It is required that he finish his homework by nex 02/09 21:04
kryolanfans :t Friday. 02/09 21:04