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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1O7gD0y1 ] 作者: peter308 (pete) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [新聞] 百大科研獎 是否不該把人才全灌在醫界 時間: Sun Nov 6 11:27:55 2016 ※ 引述《weavergirlka (鯨魚蝦米)》之銘言: : 媒體來源:中央通訊社 : 完整新聞標題: : 百大科技研發獎 台6項獲獎工研院占5項 : 完整新聞內文: : 中央社記者韋樞台北 4日電)素有科技產業奧斯卡之稱的百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards)台灣時間今天凌晨揭曉,台灣共有6項得獎,工研院就占5項,工研院特別看好鋁電池及iSmartweaR感知智慧衣。 : 在經濟部技術處及能源局支持下,研發團隊共有6項技術獲獎,分別為工研院的「iSmartweaR感知智慧衣」、「車用遠距浮空多屏抬頭顯示器」、「行動輔助機器人」及「可高速充放電鋁電池」、「SpeedPro製程優化軟體」;資策會的「視覺化導覽解決方案」。 : 百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards)台灣時間今天凌晨 揭曉,台灣共有6項得獎,工研院占5項,其中高速充放 電鋁電池未來前景頗大。 中央社記者韋樞攝 105年11月4日 : 今年6項得獎數與麻省理工學院、陶氏化學公司並駕齊驅,並超越美國太空總署(NASA)、通用汽車( GM)。這也是台灣科技專案研發技術連續9度蟬聯全球百大科技研發獎,足見台灣科技實力及成熟度。 : 經濟部技術處處長傅偉祥指出,多年來,經濟部技術處持續透過科技專案支持前瞻技術和關鍵技術的創新研發,厚植產業科技能量,根據統計,104年度促進廠商投資約達新台幣506億元,平均每投入1元的科技專案經費,可促成廠商投資3.7元。 : 傅偉祥說,今年科技專案技術再次傳出捷報,獲得全球百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards)國際指標性大獎,顯示科技專案研發的優質技術,不僅厚植台灣產業發展的核心能力與創新能量,也逐漸發光成為國際舞台新亮點,奠定台灣產業科技的國際地位與形象。 : 工研院院長及資策會執行長劉仲明表示,新技術開發漫漫長路,過去九年工研院得到29個獎項,資策會也得到5項;今年工研院的5件得獎中,特別是鋁電池受惠於當初去美國史丹福大學探索技術突破,結果在 1年間有大突破,並在 SCIENCE期刊上發表,未來會有很大應用潛力。 : 劉仲明指出,第2個得獎的成果是「行動輔具機器人」,它是多年前一個稱為「慈悲科技專案」衍生出來的產品,過去一時看不出有多大效益,但總覺得該做,如今不斷改良做出重量20公斤,可幫下肢癱患的人站起來,這個案子會近期成立新公司會和工研院持續合作。 : 完整新聞連結 : http://appweb.cna.com.tw/webm/menu/ahel/201611040293.aspx : 備註: : 看到臺灣研發新科技真的令人雀躍並激勵人心,但台灣太習慣把人才全投注在醫界,而醫界其實相對下不需要天才,只要勤奮願意背書啃書並三觀正確心術耿正,而物理數學化學生化等才真正需要”天才”,看過高中生對物理狂熱的學生因為家庭壓迫而被迫投醫,雖然他的優秀轉而在醫界發光發熱,但如此風氣,導致人才分配不均,相對之下有多少魚已經被要求去爬樹了。 : 有沒有臺灣什麼時候才能端正風氣,讓每個人才都能在對的領域發光發熱的八卦QQ : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-J700F. 得獎作品 研究機構 1. 'Training' Process for Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) NASA Glenn Research Center 2. 1-Day ACUVUE MOIST Multifocal Brand Contact Lens Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc. 3. ACAS Xu MIT Lincoln Laboratory 4. AcuScan1500 AcuTech Scientific Inc. 5. Aerocron 2100 Electrocoat Primer PPG Industries 6. Alcoa Micromill Alcoa 7. Alternative Additive Manufactured Metals in Nano-structure Exhibiting Ultra High Strengths ATS-MER, L.L.C. (dba Materials and Electrochemical Research Corp.) 8. ARIES Luminex Corp. 9. Aurora Xi Georgetown Rail Equipment Co. 10. BATTELLE NeuroLife Battelle 11. Battery ISC Device National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 12. BGA244 Binary Gas Analyzer Stanford Research Systems 13. BI-4500 Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing Instrument 14.Broadband Magnetometry and Temperature-Sensing with a Light-Trapping Diamond Waveguide MIT Lincoln Laboratory 15. CANVERA Polyolefin Dispersions Dow Coating Materials 16. CCSI Toolset U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory 17. Computationally Optimized Homogenization Heat Treatment Process U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory 18. Containerized Bio-Containment System MRIGlobal 19. Contaminant Adhesion Mitigating Epoxy Composite Coatings for Aeronautic Environments NASA Langley Research Center 20. Cool Roof Time Machine Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 21. CorSense Laser and Plasma Technologies L.L.C. 22. Cortet CEL 23. Digimat e-Xstream engineering 24. Direct Remote Laser Welding Process and System General Motors Research and Development Center 25. Dow Corning TC-3040 Thermally Conductive Gel Dow Corning Corp. 26. DSS Roll-Out Solar Array (ROSA) System Deployable Space Systems Inc. (DSS) 27. E4D-RT: Real-time Four-Dimensional Subsurface Imaging Software Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 28. EcoSnap-AC Heat Pump System National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 29. EnteroPhone MIT Lincoln Laboratory 30. Entropy Engine Los Alamos National Laboratory 31. Enviro-Prime EPIC Electrocoat with Organic Catalyst PPG Industries 32. Falling Particle Receiver for Concentrated Solar Energy Sandia National Laboratories 33. Fast, Multi-Channel Alignment System for Next Generation Silicon Photonics Test & Production PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. 34. FLSmidth ROL Process FLSmidth USA Inc. 35. Fluidic Factory Blacktrace Holdings Ltd. 36. Fragment Analyzer FEMTO Pulse Advanced Analytical Technologies Inc. 37. G-Mode Microscopy & Spectroscopy Oak Ridge National Laboratory 38. GLO Transparent Ceramic Scintillator Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 39. Hard X-Ray Scanning Microscope with Multilayer Laue Lens Nanofocusing Optics Brookhaven National Laboratory 40. Hitachi Semiconductor Strain Sensor Hitachi Ltd. 41. HVAC Load Reduction (HLR) Technology U.S. Department of Energy’ s National Energy Technology Laboratory 42. iSmartweaR Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 43. KT-100 Katana Analyzer Rigaku Analytical Devices 44. LifeScale-R Affinity Biosensors L.L.C. 45. Lightweight Design Solutions for Composites with BETAFORCE 2817 Adhesives for Automotive Mass Production Dow Automotive Systems 46. Long-Distance Floating Multi-Screen Head-Up Display Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 47. Low-Cost, Flexible, Single-Crystal-Like, Large-Area, CdTe Substrates For Epitaxial Electronic & Electrical Devices TexMat L.L.C. 48. MobileShield Semblant 49. Monowave 50 Synthesis Reactor Anton Paar GmbH 50. MoSoy Catalyst Brookhaven National Laboratory 51. MRS 7000 Series Preclinical MRI System MR Solutions 52. NanoLIBS B&W Tek 53. Nanostructured Anti-Reflecting & Water-Repellent Surface Coatings Brookhaven National Laboratory 54. NekCEM/Nek5000: Scalable High-Order Simulation Codes Argonne National Laboratory 55. Obi DESiN L.L.C. 56. Offshore Precipitation Capability MIT Lincoln Laboratory 57. Open Port Sampling Interfaces for Mass Spectrometry Oak Ridge National Laboratory 58. OPTIMIZER3 Circuit Breaker Performance Monitor INCON 59. ORiGAMI: Oak Ridge Graph Analytics for Medical Innovation Oak Ridge National Laboratory 60. Paradigm WG Herbicide with Arylex Active Dow AgroSciences 61. PathScan Ernst & Young L.L.P. 62. PIM Membranes for Long-Lived Li-S Batteries Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 63. Polyarc Reactor Activated Research Co. 64. Polyelectrolyte Enabled Liftoff (PEEL) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 65. Porous Nano-Network Catalyst Argonne National Laboratory 66. Prime sCMOS Camera Photometrics 67. PuLMo: Pulmonary Lung Model Los Alamos National Laboratory 68. Pyomo v4.1 Sandia National Laboratories 69. Real Time Element Monitoring System Staib Instruments Inc. 70. Revo Labminds 71. Roof Savings Calculator Suite Oak Ridge National Laboratory 72. Sanger Arrayed Lentiviral CRISPR Libraries MilliporeSigma 73. Small Airport Surveillance Sensor (SASS) MIT Lincoln Laboratory 74. Smart Glass Guidance System (SGGS) Institute for Information Industry 75. SOLARBAN 90 Glass PPG Industries 76. SPEAKall! SPEAK MODalities L.L.C. 77. SpeedPro Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 78. StenAIR Laserscope MIT Lincoln Laboratory 79. Stress-induced Fabrication of Functionally Designed Nanomaterials Sandia National Laboratories 80. Sustainable and Affordable Fluoride Removal (SAFR) Gadgil Lab for Energy and Water Research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 81. T-QUAKE (Transceiver for Quantum Keys and Encryption) Sandia National Laboratories 82. Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC System Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 83. Time REsilient System (TRES) Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) 84. Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Toyota Motor Corp. 85. Tungsten LAM PolarOnyx Inc. 86. U-Grabber Oak Ridge National Laboratory 87. URABat Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 88. UXI Sandia National Laboratories 89. VERSALOID Flexible Acrylic Resins (FARs) Dow Plastics Additives 90. Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) Oak Ridge National Laboratory 91. Voxel8 Developer's Kit Voxel8 Inc. 92. Waste Tire Derived Carbon Oak Ridge National Laboratory 93. Wearable Walking Assistive Exoskeleton Robot, 2WA-EXO Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 94. Westex ShieldCXP Westex by Milliken 95. Wolfspeed Wide Bandgap Automotive Traction Inverter Wolfspeed, A Cree Company 96. XM Series Keyence America 97. XPM - Accelerated Property Mapping Hysitron Inc. 98. ZipChip Microfluidic Separations for Mass Spectrometry 908 Devices Inc. 排名 1. 橡樹嶺實驗室 (7) 2. MIT Lincoln (6) 3. 聖地亞實驗室 (5) 4. ITRI (5) 5. 其他 ITRI 好像還有點強???!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1478402880.A.F01.html ※ 編輯: peter308 (, 11/06/2016 11:28:59 ※ 編輯: peter308 (, 11/06/2016 11:32:09 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: peter308 (, 11/06/2016 12:29:50
ctx705f: 以下開放推文表示ITRI米蟲 無法跟上產業需求和變化速度 11/06 13:50
supermmi: 所以ITRT的研發能力屌打台灣所有科技公司,GG發哥用高薪 11/06 14:59
supermmi: 養了一堆沒用的RD一個獎也沒有…疑?那裡怪怪的 11/06 14:59
rssh0106: RD100看看就好,公司真能撐過三年沒幾個 11/06 15:59
balaboo123: 我以為會有GE耶 竟然一個沒有 11/06 16:45
HIVer: ITRT不是養老院嗎 一群博士不敢出來業界競爭 哀 11/07 18:57
lsjh: 空有人才 不會用 亂用 沒可讓他們揮灑的環境 有個屁用 11/07 21:01
lsjh: 重點還有薪水勒??? 11/07 21:02
yytseng: 都號稱是奧斯卡了,就是看熱鬧的。有錢賺就有人才去, 11/08 06:36
yytseng: 操什麼心? 11/08 06:36
DrTech: 過譽的新聞媒體獎項,跟奧斯卡等級差太多了 11/09 09:12
DrTech: 去查這個獎項的背景吧。根本是不重要的獎項,每年花錢買。 11/09 09:12