看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/2002/09/09/sports/bcc/3519702.html 唉, 被這位記者英翻中之後味道就完全變了。記者會的紀錄在這裡啦: http://www.usopen.org/news/interviews/index.html 相關的其中一段是: Q. Is this the kind of -- does this make you look forward more to more Slams or does it make you happy to finish? PETE SAMPRAS: Well, I'm gonna have to weigh it up in the next couple months to see where I'm at. I still want to play. I love to play. But to beat a rival like Andre in a major tournament at the US Open, a story book ending, it might be nice to stop. But... (Laughter). But... I still want to compete, you know? I still love to play. You know, see here I'm at in a couple months, where my heart's at and my mind. Right now it's hard to really talk about -- I mean, my head's spinning. But I'm sure the next couple weeks I'll reflect on it and kind of see where I'm at in a few months' time. 此處還可以下載每天記者會 interview 的 video,大家可以看到 Pete Sampras 在 這段說到 But ... But ... 的全場哄堂大笑,他自己也在笑。 另外,開賽前 CBS 曾經專訪 Sampras,其中一個問題是:"如果" 你贏了 Agassi, 你會不會馬上退休? 他的回答和打贏決賽後的記者會上回答的不太一樣。當時他回答:這當然是個美好 的故事書結局,但是他還想打球,明年他還要打。 我人在美國,從 CBS 電視直播上看到的。不曉得這段專訪在臺灣有沒有播出來。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: