看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: The problem is Dent does not have the same ground stroke power of Safin and : he did not return effectively, Safin is quite different in that he has the : power offthe ground, Roddick can't overpower him with his forehand however : Safin can overpower Roddick with his return and also his backhand. Roddick : is a sitting duck at the net, I watched him playing Nalbandian two weeks ago : he will be punished for his weak volleys. Did you watch Roddick played Dent, : Dent was basically serving poorly, you realized that Dent has only one weapon : to hurt Roddick that is his serve and when that is not working he has not much : to go with.Don't expect the same with Safin, Safin did not win US Open purely : by his serve but more because all round power on return and ground shots. 說到Dent為何在大賽難以出頭,打出亮麗的成績, 讓我不禁聯想到Max Mirnyi, Max的雙打實力之強不用多說,但單打時,可以看出球與球之間的節奏及企圖 較容易預測(這往往也是一些雙打好手打單打的通病,所以單雙打都像老卡還有 老麥可以打出頂尖的成績在網球界其實是一個高難度障礙) Dent也很類似Mirnyi,單打成熟期較晚,說爆發力有爆發力, 論高度有高度,上網截擊在這底線充斥的年中算是一流. 底線重抽也偶有佳作,很多方面都很好(其實許多次的international series 等級的賽事也證明了Dent和Mirnyi的優秀),但為何大滿貫往往在三四輪前 就被刷掉? 如同j板友所說,回發球過於薄弱,發球過於單調(雖然很強勁) 都是一些可能性,另外我也覺得像Dent往往會被打悶掉就喪失理智的上網 而忽略了一些底線調動和戰術的重要性,所以一被壓制後反自亂陣腳失去機會 這一點Srichaphan也常常會犯,但近來有改善的趨勢。 Safin拿來和Dent相提,其實類型是不大一樣的(相同的大概就只有身高和發球快) Safin底線很深且穩定,角度也比較大,(如果說要講"類似"的話,Safin和Roddick 還比較接近) Safin vs. Roddick這場比賽,應該還是一場"底線重砲深度角度+接發球+隨球上 網"誰優就可佔先機的比賽。兩人打球的風格都相當鮮明外放,可以想見是一場 非常值得期待的比賽...。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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