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明年WTA要大幅度變動賽制 這篇是ESPN上面的簡介文章 轉來跟大家分享 1. Premier tournaments The WTA tournaments below the Grand Slams are currently divided into four groups: Tier I, Tier II, Tier III and Tier IV. Officially, there will be just two next year -- premier and international events. 目前的WTA巡迴賽是分為四級 明年只會分成兩級: premier跟international Unofficially, however, the premier events will consist of four distinct types: mandatory (all eligible players must play), premier five (seven of the top 10), premier (two to three of the top six marquee players), and open (no minimum or maximum commitment because the events are a week before a Grand Slam or the year-end championships -- expect a feast-or-famine situation). 其中premire會再細分為mandatory (top選手絕對必須參加) premier5 (top10選手要有七位參加).premier(2-3位top6參加) open(不限制參加 只在大滿貫或年終賽前一週有) Mandatory events: Indian Wells, Miami, Madrid and Beijing Premier five: Dubai, Rome, Canada, Cincinnati and Tokyo Premier: Paris indoors, Charleston, Stuttgart, Stanford, Los Angeles and Tokyo Premier open: Sydney, Berlin, Eastbourne, New Haven and Moscow 以上是分級的賽事名稱 2. International tournaments These will be a minor league of sorts for the tour, as only one of the top 20 will be allowed to participate in each event. Top players will be able to play only one international tournament during each half of the season. This would allow a player like Radwanska to play her home event in Warsaw but would limit her to premier events for the rest of the summer and fall. 簡單來說這是小聯盟 top20中只有一位能參加 頂尖選手半年只能參加一個這樣的賽事 ex:Radwanska將獲准參加在他的國家波蘭華沙的比賽 但就會限制到他夏季跟秋季參加premier的數量 There also will be a year-end event in Bali for the top eight performers in international events -- a poor woman's Sony Ericsson championships, as it were. 這個international的賽級也將會有一個小型年終賽 在international表現最好的八位選手將在Bali參加 3. New big events A new combined men's and women's event in Madrid will become the main lead-up to the French Open. A mandatory event in Beijing will take place during the fall, the same week as the men play a smaller tournament in the Chinese capital and a week before the new ATP Masters event in Shanghai. Madrid將會改制成為男女合辦的比賽 會是法網最大的熱身賽 北京的中網在秋天舉行 也將會同週兼有男子比賽 The likely losers include Berlin, which will move to the week before the French Open. In the U.S., the Charleston, S.C., tournament can expect a weaker field than before, and the nearby tournament in Amelia Island will become an international event. 其他可能吃虧的大賽例如Berlin將移到法網前一週 Charleston也將會預期比之前的陣容差 Amelia Island則變為international級 4. Longer offseason The offseason will increase to eight weeks from the current seven -- again a little less than planned, but players who are not taking part in either the year-end events or the Fed Cup final will get 10 weeks. 賽季休期將由七週增加到八週 比原先計畫的少一點 但如果沒有參加年終賽或聯邦盃決賽的選手將獲得十個星期的休季 5. More prize money Prize money is set to increase significantly next year. Mandatory tournaments will award $4.5 million in total prize money, the same as the equivalent men's events -- a big symbolic and financial victory for the WTA. Premier five events will give $2 million in prize money. Both are a considerable increase from the $1.34 million given by the top WTA events this year. 獎金將大幅增加 Mandatory(premier中的最高級)將有總獎金450萬 與相同規模的大型男網比賽一樣 premier5則會有兩百萬 比今年一級賽總獎金134萬還多 Premier events will award $700,000, and open events will stay the same with a purse of $600,000. International events will be $220,000 each. premier比賽將會有七十萬.而open將會有六十萬(相等於現今二級賽) international比賽則通通是22萬 Sticks and carrots for not fulfilling commitments -- i.e., fines and bonus pool money -- also are being increased. 未按照規定參加的罰金等項目也將增加 6. New ranking system The system will count a player's 16 best results, one fewer than this year. Players will get zero points in their total for missing any of the Grand Slams or mandatory events. They must also play four of the five premier events. 每個選手將採計16項最佳積分 比今年少一項 若沒有參加大滿貫或mandatory將強制把0分列入排名的十六項比賽之一 另外他們也必須打premier5中的四項 Rankings points will be doubled across the board to keep the winners' total in mixed events the same for the men and the women. (The men are doubling the points for winning a Masters Series to 1,000 from 500.) 男女合辦比賽的積分將加倍 這是為了響應男網的加倍政策 7. Marquee list The allocation of top-six players to premier events will be determined not by ranking but by a newly created marquee list, although the format is still under discussion. According to Allaster, it could be based simply on tournament directors' ratings of the players' marquee values, or go the opposite way and be based only on year-end rankings. 將會有一個關於選手參賽的marquee list 這個list可能會取決於賽會執行長對於選手的商業價值評估 或是單純參考年終排名 The tour's current Gold and Silver exemption lists, which are a hybrid of marquee value and rankings, will no longer be in use. 目前所採用的Gold and Silver exemption lists正是由選手價值與排名混合而成 明年將不再使用 8. Suspensions In principle, this is a big, new (controversial) stick for the tour to use in compelling players to play mandatory events. In practice, however, the rule has so many loopholes that only a very stubborn player would end up barred from an event. 禁賽措施是為了強迫選手參加mandatory比賽 Players originally were supposed to be suspended for two weeks for missing a mandatory event, though there were allowances for injuries. Now, there are no allowances for injuries, but a player can avoid suspension if she shows up at the event to give a news conference, or if she does some publicity work for the event in the area at some point during the next year. 選手如果沒參加mandatory比賽將被禁賽兩週 但受傷的理由是可以接受的 現在的規定是如果選手因傷退賽必須要參加記者會或是公關活動才不會被禁賽 For example, it appears that if the Williams sisters continue not to play at Indian Wells, they could do a promotional appearance in nearby Los Angeles during the summer instead. That would take care of the problem -- all except for the incongruity of the Williamses' promoting an event they have boycotted since 2001, when Serena Williams was booed by the crowd during the final after Venus had pulled out of their semifinal encounter the day before. 舉例: 如果威家姐妹要持續不參加Indian Wells 他們必須在LA比賽期間參加推廣活動 9. Fewer byes For the moment, byes have been removed at midlevel events such as Sydney, Stuttgart and Stanford, which often attract a number of top players. That means the top four players would have to win five matches rather than four to win the tournament. For them, four of these events without byes would involve the same number of matches as winning five events with byes. That effectively would wipe out the gains of having to play 16 events next year rather than this year's 17. 輪空的制度將在雪梨.保時捷及史丹佛這樣的比賽取消 這代表前四種子將要贏五場比賽而非四場比賽(第一輪輪空)才能贏得冠軍 這樣的措施代表明年贏得四個冠軍(20場比賽)與今年贏得五個冠軍(20場+5次第一輪輪空) 比賽數量是一樣的 可以補回明年規定只需參加十六項比賽與今年必須參加十七項的差距 Currently, there are no byes at the mandatory events in Madrid and Beijing, which require winning six matches to win the tournament. However, Allaster says that byes may be introduced at these events because they are during the week after premier five events in Rome and Tokyo, respectively. Without byes, top players would face the prospect of having to play 11 matches in two weeks. Madrid跟北京將沒有輪空 需要贏六場比賽才能拿到冠軍(64籤) 但也許還有改變空間 因為這兩項最大的巡迴賽是在premier5後一週舉行 這樣top選手就將必須在兩週內打十一場比賽了 There are limits to the number of byes that can be awarded at certain events, Allaster said, because the WTA has commitments to the rank-and-file to provide "56 main-draw jobs a week" under the Roadmap. 輪空制度還是會在一些比賽中實施 10. Other elements Although a large number of players nominally remain against it, on-court coaching becomes official next year at the behest of television. 雖然仍然有許多選手反對 但場上指導將在轉播比賽中實施 And in some direct good news for fans, there are plans to begin an Internet-streaming subscription package next year, similar to the ATP's Masters Series TV. 將會有網路直播的服務產生 就像現在ATP的Masters Series TV (應該要付費) Kamakshi Tandon is a freelance tennis writer for ESPN.com. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (10/31 15:00)
dioo:感覺明年會有一堆人被處罰.... 10/31 15:18
Musrienport:非常瑣碎的規定 10/31 15:30
dioo:剛仔細看完...我想小威肯定會是明年處罰之冠~ 10/31 15:32
dioo:小威參賽最有他自己的想法..誰都影響不了她~ 10/31 15:32
kalaga:借轉~~謝謝~ 10/31 15:38
tim2502:wta為了利益越來越誇張了.. 10/31 15:42
mntpo:我真的覺得場上指導的新規定很妙XD 10/31 15:42
chia0908:那場上指導說的話會公開嗎? 10/31 15:45
malisse74:真是亂七八糟 這樣難有選手在大比賽出頭 小比賽也沒機會 10/31 16:21
malisse74:看到大明星了 10/31 16:22
Musrienport:地震 10/31 16:39
weil:場上指導會公開 但是只有電視聽得到 現場聽不到 10/31 17:04
loveroll:還真麻煩 10/31 17:43
wentasu:WTA的規定幾乎是維護美國的利益而已阿 10/31 17:49
yevvi:Zurich不見了,怎麼會有兩個Tokyo? 10/31 17:58
leetaka:Tokyo應該是Premier 5 賽程表可以參考#18pfsZNz 10/31 19:29
newfashion:怎麼限制一大堆...... 10/31 23:39
VWilliams:我覺得這次改變賽制的重心感覺像在提升"質"的部份 11/01 12:52
VWilliams:這樣對有一些比較常參加小比賽的選手 排名上就比較吃虧 11/01 12:53
VWilliams:所以上個禮拜Radwanska才會公開表達不滿 11/01 12:53
mitiemu:感覺這樣的作法是把選手分兩個層級,如果小比賽打好而無法 11/01 17:17
mitiemu:進一步提升的選手,就會被砍掉重練的感覺,被退回小聯盟 11/01 17:19
VWilliams:我也這樣覺得 感覺下個賽季會更要求選手的實力 11/01 19:43
VWilliams:btw我個人是看不出來哪裡特別圖利美國啦 畢竟兩個美國 11/01 19:44
VWilliams:特有的大賽都被降了 只有兩個歷史悠久的大賽IW跟Miami 11/01 19:44
VWilliams:還在本來的地位 Cincy的話感覺是為了跟男子TMS合併的 11/01 19:45