看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Finally. 在老大哥之後一個禮拜 小弟也完成了他的終身大事。 The score is love in tennis these days: Now Andy Roddick is married, too, a week after Roger Federer tied the knot. Roddick, the 2003 U.S. Open champion, and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker became husband and wife at his Austin, Texas, home, a guest at the wedding told The Associated Press on Saturday. Elton John sang for the bride and groom at a reception held at a country club after the ceremony Friday night, the guest said, speaking on condition of anonymity because it was a private function not open to the media. 哇塞,還請到強叔唱歌 >< People.com first reported about the wedding. The 26-year-old Roddick announced his engagement to the 22-year-old model in March 2008. Among those attending the wedding were tennis great Billie Jean King, Roddick's Davis Cup teammates James Blake and Mardy Fish and U.S. Davis Cup captain Patrick McEnroe. 原來這票美國幫沒來打蒙地卡羅, 都是為了參加婚禮呀。XD Roddick finished 2003 ranked No. 1. He is currently No. 6. Federer, who owns 13 Grand Slam singles titles, married longtime girlfriend Mirka Vavrinec last weekend in a small ceremony in his hometown of Basel, Switzerland. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
VWilliams:恭喜Roddick 04/19 16:10
levisjean:都結婚還去打球的話 新娘應該會很生氣 o(‵▽′)o 04/19 16:20
pow520:恭喜大砲手 04/19 16:24
Dolce:恭喜Andy!! 04/19 16:25
levisjean: 美國網球手之間感情都好好喔 \( ^ Q^)/ 04/19 16:25
Dunlop:我看成becker XD 害我震驚了一下 04/19 16:35
megar:恭喜Roddick!!!!!!!!! 04/19 16:46
tim2502:恭喜Roddick 04/19 16:50
cochon23:恭喜Roddick***~~~***~~~ 04/19 17:18
soleada:恭喜Roddick!!! 04/19 17:18
CaminoI:恭喜!! 04/19 17:21
MikaHakkinen:恭喜恭喜 04/19 17:54
vikings512:恭喜Roddick:) 04/19 18:26
HISheart:恭喜Roddick!!!!! 04/19 18:33
monoway:恭喜Roddick : ) 04/19 18:45
kmaster:是因為他們"剛好"也不喜歡打紅土吧 04/19 19:23
aahahahaha:恭喜y 04/19 19:47
monkeyqoo:恭喜 恭喜 希望趕快看到小Roddick 04/19 19:55
curran:而且以他們的排名,剛好都不是強制參加! 04/19 20:19
megar:蒙地卡羅沒有強制參加 04/19 20:31
imaginepinky:恭喜Roddick!!!!!!!! 04/19 21:08
laryukki:恭喜Roddick!! 04/19 21:13
Jo:誰可以神到 新娘是什麼來頭啊? 04/19 21:20
iliketea:運動畫報的泳裝模特兒。Roddick有天翻雜誌時看到很喜歡, 04/19 21:22
iliketea:就叫自己的經紀人去聯絡她,因此促成此段姻緣 04/19 21:23
zaccaria:恭喜Roddick!!! 04/19 22:07
InuKevin:恭喜Roddick!!! 04/19 22:40
chia0908:好像皇上選妃子的感覺 04/19 22:41
zixflower:恭喜Roddick!!! 04/19 23:01
cochon23:經紀人真不好當 什麼都要會 04/19 23:25
soleada:經紀人好神... 04/19 23:56
aschumi:恭喜呀! 04/20 01:46
cucusho:the score is love...寫得真不錯... 04/20 09:23
Audie21th:我也好想要有個經紀人...... 04/20 15:34