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Nadal withdraws from Wimbledon Rafael Nadal has announced he will not defend his Wimbledon title. Nadal宣布他將不衛冕去年冠軍頭銜 The world number one and top seed had said after the French Open that he would not play Wimbledon if he was not 100% and so it has come to pass. 法網後身為世界第一與溫網第一種子的他說 若不是100%的狀態 他將不會打溫網 而這也一語成讖 "I’m here and I'm just not 100%. I'm better than what I was a couple of weeks ago but I don’t feel right," Nadal told a packed press conference on Friday evening at the All England Club. "我來到這裡但不是完全體. 我比幾個禮拜前好 但還是不舒服" Nadal在全英俱樂部爆滿的記者會這麼說. "To not play Wimbledon is one of the toughest decisions of my career." "不參加溫布頓是我職業生涯最難的決定之一" After suffering a shock defeat in the French Open to Robin Soderling, Nadal received treatment on his knees in Barcelona and skipped the traditional Wimbledon warm-up at Queen’s in an effort to be fit for The Championships. He was diagnosed with tendinitis in both quadriceps tendons as well as a small amount of fluid on the kneecaps. 在法網爆冷門輸給Soderling後 Nadal在巴塞隆納接受膝蓋治療 並為了調整溫布頓的狀態而退出了女王草地賽 診斷結果 兩腿四頭肌肌腱都發炎 膝蓋也都有少量積水 "I tried everything. I didn't feel terrible but also not close to my best. When I enter a tournament my goal is winning and my feeling right now is I'm not ready to win. "我試了所有方法. 我不覺得完蛋了但也說不上自我感覺良好 當我參加比賽 我的目標就是贏 而我現在無法準備贏" "It's very painful for me but I can't play at the tournament this year. It's tough but it is what it is." "這超痛的 我今年無法出賽了. 這決定很困難 但也只能這樣了" Nadal's absence will cause a reshuffle in the men’s singles draw. Number five seed Juan Martin Del Potro replaces Nadal at the top of the draw. The 17th seed James Blake moves to line 65 to take Del Potro's position. Nicolas Kiefer moves to line 56 to take Blake's position and lucky loser Thiago Alves takes Kiefer's position on line 61. Nadal的缺席將造成男單重新大亂鬥 第五種子Del Potro替代一號種子的籤表位置 17種子Blake替代Del Potro Kiefer取代Blake 而lucky loser的 Thiago Alves則取代Kiefer的位置 Nadal revealed that he had been playing with considerable pain and he didn't know how long he would be out of tennis. But he said he expected to fully recover from his knee problems and that he would have a "long career". Nadal透露他已經與不能忽視的傷痛相處了一陣子 也不知道該停戰多久 (還是說不知道什麼時候只好退出網壇??) 但他期待膝傷能完全康復並繼續長長久久的職業生涯 "I played with some problems on the knee for the last few months. I've been making efforts to play week after week. The truth is that sportsmen always play with pain and don't know where the limit is, where you can get to. I think I reached that limit now. "過去幾個月我都跟膝蓋的問題在搏鬥 我努力打過一個禮拜又一個禮拜 事實上運動選手一直在與傷痛共生的狀況下打球 不知道這種狀況的極限在哪裡 也不知道這樣又能走多遠 我想我現在就碰到極限了" "I will work very hard to comeback as soon as possible. One of the problems is I’m thinking more about the knees than what is happening on court and it’ s very difficult to play like that." "我還是會非常努力 盡快回到場上. 問題之一是我現在想著關心膝蓋更甚於場上動態 這樣的狀況之下是很難打球的" When Nadal was asked about his many fans and how disappointed they would be that he was not appearing at Wimbledon, the 23-year-old replied: "no more than me". 問到他的球迷跟他們對Nadal無法參加溫布頓的傷心程度 Nadal回答"不會比我更失望了" Nadal also said he was not concerned that his absence would open the door for Roger Federer to reclaim the number one world ranking. "If I lose the number one ranking I’m going to accept it like the four years I was number two and work hard to improve and recover." Nadal也提到他不會關心他的缺席是否會讓Federer重回世界第一 "世界第一丟掉了我也能夠接受 就像身為世界第二的那四年 一樣要好好努力 好好進步 好好復原" http://www.wimbledon.org/en_GB/news/articles/2009-06-19/200906191245395523523.html?promo=facebook -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Tazdingo 來自: (06/20 05:15)
choushan:Q.Q 所以Nadal今年都不會再打其他比賽囉? 06/20 05:22
leetaka:驚!! 這句話沒注意到... 這超囧的@@ 06/20 05:57
leetaka:不過原文應該是"今年不能參加這項賽事"吧@@ 06/20 05:59
megar:原文是指今年的溫布頓啦~ 06/20 06:23
Shxt:這消息震驚到令我早起...... 06/20 06:45
southp:真是大囧...希望能趕快把膝蓋治好,我要看豆式鐵壁網球啊@@ 06/20 06:53
iliketea:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ViOIsJGy0 影片 06/20 06:57
kenkie:大亂鬥XDDD 重新洗牌 maybe better? 06/20 07:30
kenkie:希望他快點好起來 06/20 07:31
AlexisK:溫網退賽好好拼美網也好 畢竟他獨缺美網 06/20 07:38
krajicek:所以盧彥勳要打開幕戰了? 06/20 09:12
krajicek:衛冕者如果不能打,通常會讓前冠軍打開幕戰 06/20 09:13
SJame:雖然我是Federer球迷, 但這消息著實讓我痛了一下 06/20 09:17
rodhew:@@ 06/20 09:28
threepig:我也是費的球迷希望納豆趕快好起來 還想看他們兩個大戰^^ 06/20 09:29
toouii:...退賽 06/20 09:38
Mcnair:納豆缺賽...對溫布敦的興致減了一半.....= = 06/20 09:56
sixsix666:把傷養好比較重要吧! 他的球員生涯還很長呢! 06/20 10:16
henin2003:也好啦,何必為了一棵樹放棄掉整座森林 06/20 11:03
aclock:只不過這棵樹是森林裡面的神木....XD.... 06/20 11:15
clark741:他還年輕阿 不要因為一場大滿貫葬送他整個生涯.. 06/20 11:16
m50blue:球王有機會被摘掉嗎? 06/20 11:33
larcenciel66:傷養好 再對決費.... 整個 精采 06/20 11:52
gary4:費若奪冠 球王將易主 如果費沒奪冠 莫瑞奪冠 那就有趣了 06/20 11:55
gary4:FEDERER版已經模擬算分和相關討論... 06/20 11:55
gary4:另外頭號種子在籤表位置將由五號種子取代 意味小盧躲不掉費 06/20 11:57
minova:Fed球迷+1 但也希望豆豆好起來!! 06/20 13:44
v32767:囧... 06/20 13:55
jason0627: 膝蓋積水... 聽起來好恐怖... 06/20 15:45
ling30113:小盧也很想跟費神對到吧我猜 06/20 17:16
v71082:Fed迷+1 納豆快好起來...還想看你們大戰! 06/20 19:41
littlebook3:對溫布敦的興致減了一半....+1 06/20 22:40
canopy:今年溫布頓沒那麼期待了... 06/20 22:52
KITAN:金送 06/20 23:16
ivanrfederer:豆豆加油!!希望快回來再給我們精采的比賽>< 06/20 23:56
canopy:KITAN上次被警告還想來挑戰阿~~~Nadal那麼讓你討厭嗎? 06/21 00:07
jameskoko:費根納豆對打比賽真的很好看..不到最後不知輸贏 06/21 01:53
saniblue:平常打球太拼也很苦惱,水腫聽起來好恐怖,納豆保重啊 06/21 02:37
asbel:傻眼~ 希望他能好好調養 回來帶給我們更多精彩的球賽 06/21 03:22
nuvita:FED球迷+1 但是我也很喜歡豆豆 希望你快點好起來!!! 06/21 04:04
kasndjo:溫網休息 美網就更有機會奪冠啦 降就全滿貫囉 06/21 09:29
kawasakiZII:真可惜 希望納豆好起來 06/21 17:30