看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Kim跟Bartoli的感想 以及眾球星的祝福 Kim: "In tennis, it's very important that you're very stable there, the hips and the core," she said. "With the pregnancy, that's something that was totally gone." 在網球中 保持平衡感很重要 尤其是臀部跟重心 但懷孕了 很多事情就會完全改變了 "I see it as a second career," Clijsters said. "Honestly, the first word that comes up is, oh, it's a comeback. But so many things have changed and so many things have happened." 我把這次復出視為第二生涯 坦白說 大家都說 噢 這是復出 可是很多事情都改變了 也發生了很多事 "I look at the names, the entry list, and there's a lot of girls I don't know and a lot of names I can't even pronounce," Clijsters said. 當我看到參賽名單 看到一些名字 很多人我根本不認識 很多名字我連發音都不會發 "I'm really excited playing my first match," Clijsters said. "I've been training since the start of February, and I've always been focused on Cincinnati. Winning my first match feels good." 真的很高興能夠贏下第一場比賽 我從二月初就開始訓練 目標就是對準了辛辛那提的比賽 能夠贏下第一場比賽讓我感覺很棒 "I thought I started off really well," said Clijsters, making her first career appearance in Cincinnati. "Maybe I surprised myself a little bit with that start. I felt like my movement was good, but it could be better." 我想我開場就表現的很好 也許我都嚇到我自己了 我覺得我的移位很好 但還可以更好 "I didn't really have any expectations," Clijsters told reporters. "I just wanted to go out there and play -- I guess my mindset was a bit different. 我沒有什麼特別的期待 我只是希望出場 打球 我想我的心態有點改變 "I think what I did well was even when my level was a little bit up and down, mentally I stayed focused. That's what I am really happy with." 我想我做的比較好的部分是即使在我的狀態有起伏 我還是保持非常高的專注 所以我很高興 Bartoli: "It was very difficult to expect anything," Bartoli said. "I haven't seen her in two years. That's the reason I didn't start well. I was trying to figure out what she was doing instead of playing my game. By the time I figured out her tactics, I was down 0-4. It's just a really bad draw, I guess." 實在很難去預期會發生什麼事 我兩年沒看過他了 一開始我打得不好 我一直想著他會怎麼打 而沒有打出我的球風 當我分析完他的戰略 我已經0-4落後了 我想就是籤運不好 "Two years without playing a match -- it's pretty amazing the level she has already right now," she said. "I guess the level of play, yes, it's inside the top 10 already. I can tell you that. 兩年沒有比賽 還能打出這樣的水準 太驚奇了 我想他現在的水準還在前十之內 "The way she was moving and hitting and her physical strength after two years without playing a match it's just amazing." 他的移位跟他的擊球 還有他的在休息兩年後 體能還能這麼好 真的是很讓人驚訝 Serena: "I look like I had a kid more than she does," Williams said earlier in the day. "She looks amazing." 以外型看我好像比他更像生過小孩 他看起來棒呆了 Kuznetsova: "I think she will do top 10 for sure," French Open champion Svetlana Kuznetsova told Reuters. 我想他一定會回到前十 "She seems exactly the same as she was before. I think it's great she comes back and I think tennis needed somebody like this. 他看起來跟之前一樣 真的很高興他能復出 網球需要像他這樣的選手 "I am really excited. There are not many girls who really had a birth of a child and came back." 我非常高興 因為不是很多人會在生完小孩後還復出 Venus: "I think it's great. I think she's happy to be back and be here and I hope it goes really well for her," the American said. 我想他一定很高興能復出 我希望他復出的過程順利 "I think she will do well, definitely. She's a great athlete and a great competitor." 我想他絕對會做的很好 他是個偉大的運動員 很偉大的對手 Jankovic: "It's always nice to see a well-known face come back again," said the Serbian. 能夠看到這樣一位熟面孔回來真是好事一件 "She was a great athlete and one of the best movers on tour. If she could be number one before, she can do it again." 他是個偉大的運動員 也是移位最好的選手之一 如果他之前能登上第一 他就可以再做一次 Kim's Coach: "She's still the same player," said her coach, Wim Fissette. "I think her level will be around where she played before, although she had a baby. I think we can expect some good results." 他還是一樣的選手 我想他會恢復到他之前的水準 即使他有了小孩 我們還是可以預期一些好成績 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
KruKru:以外型看我好像比他更像生過小孩 XDD 08/11 20:35
gigi1104:小威真是可愛。XD 08/11 20:35
missirene:推一下小威 我笑了XD 08/11 20:37
missirene:kim人緣真好 大家都喜歡^^ 08/11 20:37
GN02174082:小威好好玩XDDDDDDD 08/11 20:39
momo7426:如果心態變不同了 那希望緊張症也可以不見 加油!Kim!! 08/11 20:52
levisjean: 小威也想要結婚生子了? 哈哈 然後再復出 08/11 21:00
Dolce:小威真可愛XDDDD 08/11 22:36
ronanchang:小威真的很幽默 大家也都很期待Kim的復出能再創巔峰 08/11 22:42
nasaharris:serena好好笑~XD KIM人緣好好喔, 好愛她!!!! 08/11 22:56
yjay:該說小威中肯嗎 XDDDDDDD 08/12 02:08
tim2502:小威太好笑了XDDDD 08/12 07:48
memory369:小威真的好好笑XDDD 08/12 08:45