看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
補一段Oudin提到教練的訪問 Q. Could you talk a little bit about your relationship with Brian. Somewhat unusual to have someone go through their whole development with one coach, what that's meant to you. 可以談談跟Brian的關係嗎? 通常在整個培訓過程中不太常看到只有跟一個教練 跟他的關係對你來說有什麼意義? MELANIE OUDIN: Yes, Brian is like another dad to me. I've been with him since I was nine, so basically since I started playing tournaments. I mean, our relationship has just so many things I've learned from him. We've been through a lot together. Just to be in this position now, I mean, getting to the fourth round of the US Open, just a huge, huge deal. Getting through all of this is amazing. I'm really glad, like, we've done it together. Brian就像我的另外一個爸爸一樣 我從九歲就跟他訓練了 所以基本上從我開始打比賽開始... 我的意思是 我們的關係在於我從他身上學到了很多事 也一起經歷過的很多事情 就像現在 闖進美網第四輪 很大的突破 我真的很高興我們可以一起經歷過這些事情 http://tinyurl.com/l7xwha 這家人的生活太戲劇化了 女兒剛竄起 整個家變成美國焦點 現在又說要離婚@@ John Oudin's divorce filing cites daughter Melanie's coach By Jon Wertheim and Andrew Lawrence, SI.com PRINT EMAIL Buzz up! FACEBOOK DIGG TWITTER RSS SHARE Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font NEW YORK -- In her run to the quarterfinals of the 2009 U.S. Open, 17-year-old Melanie Oudin distinguished herself for exceptional mental toughness. Her focus and her ability to compartmentalize were further underscored by a potentially distracting domestic situation. According to records from Cobb County (Ga.) Superior Court, on July 24, 2008, Melanie's father, John Oudin, filed for divorce from Melanie's mother, Leslie. The couple were married in 1989 and have three daughters. Melanie Oudin的爸爸John Oudin要跟媽媽Leslie離婚 這兩位從1989年結婚至今並育有三名女兒 In his initial complaint, John Oudin filed for divorce on grounds of adultery, alleging that Leslie was "unfaithful during marriage." In her response to the complaint, dated Aug. 12, 2008, Leslie Oudin denied the allegation. John指控Leslie對婚姻不忠 而Leslie否認了這個指控 In a sworn statement made on Aug. 10, 2009, John Oudin specifically alleges his wife had been unfaithful with Melanie's coach, Brian de Villiers. "I didn't initial [sic] take any action regarding my early suspicions because I didn't want to believe my wife was having an affair with my daughter's tennis coach ... On December 29, 2007, I confronted my wife about whether she was having an affair with Brian de Villiers. I confronted Brian de Villiers separately. My wife and Brian de Villiers both admitted to me they were having an affair." John在今年8/10特別指控Leslie與Melanie的教練Brian de Villiers通姦 他說"我起初並不想採取任何行動 因為我不想相信我的老婆居然跟女兒的教練外遇 但在2007/12/29 我溫我的老婆 也分別問了Brian de Villiers 他們都坦承了" John Oudin also states in the affidavit that Melanie suspected the alleged affair. "Both [Melanie and her twin sister, Katherine] asked me point blank if I thought Mom was having an affair with Brian. When I asked why they had suspicions, Melanie told on one occasion she woke up at 1:00 a.m. in her hotel room and Leslie was not there. She called Brian's cell phone and connected with her." John還說連Melanie都起了疑心 他的一對雙胞胎女兒都問他有沒有感覺媽媽外遇了 我問他們為什麼會這樣懷疑 Melanie告訴我有次他在半夜一點起床 Melanie卻不在飯店房間裡 接著他打了Brian的電話 卻找到了媽媽 In a temporary order dated Dec. 16, 2008, John and Leslie Oudin agreed to several conditions, including a stipulation "that [Leslie] will not interact with Brian de Villiers except as it specifically relates to the children's tennis activities ... [and] not to travel with Brian de Villiers to any tennis tournaments in which the children are participating." 在去年12/16的暫時協議中 John跟Leslie對幾個條件達成協議 包括其中一條是"Leslie不會跟Brian de Villiers特別接觸 除非跟女兒的網球事務有關 Leslie也不會跟Brian de Villiers一同旅行陪著孩子比賽" Leslie Oudin has accompanied Melanie Oudin for her entire U.S. Open run. After Oudin's third-round victory over former No. 1 Maria Sharapova on Saturday, John Oudin traveled to New York for Melanie's fourth-round match against Nadia Petrova. He sat with the family in the players' box for the entire match, albeit a row up from his wife. Leslie Oudin在Melanie整個美網的比賽期間都在場邊 而在第三輪打敗Maria Sharapova後 John也到紐約在Melanie的第四輪比賽加油 並且跟全家一起坐在球員包廂 雖然坐在Leslie的上面一排 De Villiers, 51, has been coaching for more than 30 years and is a well-regarded developmental instructor. He was recently named United States Olympic Committee Developmental Coach of the Year. He counts Luke and Murphy Jensen as former clients. De Villiers has coached Oudin since she was 9. Brian de Villiers現年51 有超過三十年的執教經驗 並且是個非常受人尊敬的教練 最近才剛剛被美國奧委會提名為年度最佳教練 Luke跟Murphy Jensen(前兄弟檔職網選手)也曾經是他的客戶 De Villiers從Oudin九歲就開始執教 Said Melanie's agent, Sam Duvall: "The family has respectfully declined comment [on the divorce and the allegations] and does not want to discuss private matters." Through Duvall, de Villiers declined comment as well. Melanie的經紀人Sam Duvall說"Oudin家拒絕評論離婚這件事 也不想討論私人生活" 根據Sam Duvall的說法 教練de Villiers也拒絕發言 The Oudin divorce proceedings are ongoing. A mediation hearing is scheduled for Dec. 7. Oudin夫妻的離婚手續正在辦理 12/7將有一場調解會 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
james30603:好猛的Oudin一家 ( ̄□ ̄|||)a 09/10 22:05
jason0627:..... 09/10 22:05
Xenogamer:只能說人怕出名,離婚也是私人的事,卻硬生生被媒體挖來報 09/10 22:07
lecl:因為是跟教練的關係吧= = 這種事在台灣大概也難逃媒體眼光 09/10 22:10
tesuko:感覺像是爸爸出來放話 可能有很多操作吧 09/10 22:11
tesuko:不然都是爸爸的意見 其他人都沒訪問到 09/10 22:11
lecl:說真的 不曉得Oudin面對教練的感覺不會很尷尬嗎? 09/10 22:12
Xenogamer:講難聽點如果oudin是第一輪出局的話,誰會在乎是跟教練還 09/10 22:12
waitscorpion:出名了這種私事就會被攤在陽光下 唉 希望Oudin再加油 09/10 22:12
kmaster:新片的題材?!XDD 09/10 22:13
Xenogamer:是誰?不就因為他現在是美國新希望,媒體聚焦在她身上 09/10 22:13
lecl:X大也不是這麼講的吧 台灣聯平民百姓外遇都可以登社會版面了 09/10 22:14
lecl:是明星就更不意外了 09/10 22:14
gbs:球后好像很多都是單親家庭出來的XD 09/10 22:15
Mpegwmvavi:以後教練要改口叫爸爸了 09/10 22:24
weiiwei:竄起 非 串起 ...orz 09/10 22:48
VWilliams:sorry我打字沒注意 09/10 22:50
james30603:串起其實也可以啦...(羞 09/10 22:52
Kirk:呵 09/10 22:53
VWilliams:補了一段Oudin第三輪的訪問 09/10 22:54
tim2502:第四輪@@ 09/10 22:55
※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (09/10 22:57)
saniblue:唉,好複雜,可憐的17歲小女生 09/10 23:28
rainww25:哇勒 M大 也對啦 也不難 教練改口叫爸爸就好...... 09/11 00:07
san122:感覺這樣追下去,Oudin可能也會像Stevenson變成一顆流星了 09/11 00:09
rainww25:不過看比賽時可以看出O媽頗美 屋頂應該長得像爸爸.... 09/11 00:09
heqcop:爸爸當教練 以後可以省點錢嗎 09/11 08:38
james30603:Coa.....Daddy! 09/11 18:06