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剛剛看CNN還原當時小威在場上對線審咆哮的內容: S: I swear to God, I'll f---ing take this ball and shove it down your f---king throat! Do you hear me? I swear to God. You better be glad...You better be f---king glad that I'm not, I swear... 我就不翻了, 總之罵的相當凶狠. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/15/sports/tennis/15williams.html 這是紐約時報的報導 Serena Williams said she did not remember what she had said to the line judge during her singles semifinal match against Kim Clijsters. She did, however, apologize to the lineswoman, to Clijsters, to the United States Tennis Association and to the fans. 小威說不記得當時對線審說了什麼, 但要向所有人道歉. Williams said she wanted to apologize directly to the lineswoman, but did not know how to locate her. “I would like to give her a big old hug,” Williams said. 她說希望能當面道歉, 但不知道怎麼聯絡線審, 可以的話希望能抱她一下. Williams received the maximum on-site fine, $10,000, for unsportsmanlike conduct, for using threatening language and gestures at the line judge. She was also fined $500 for racket abuse. She could face additional penalties, including a fine equal to the money she earned at the United States Open ($350,000 for singles and $210,000 for doubles), and a possible suspension from a Grand Slam event. 當場被判罰 1萬美金(不符運動員精神) + 5百美金(破壞球拍) 罰款, 之後"有可能" 被迫繳出這次美網的總所得(包括單雙打獎金), 甚至取消參加大滿貫的資格. -- 靜觀其變吧, 我想她該做的都做了, 接下來就是要面對後果. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Athos:而見獵心喜的人仍然很多(嘆) 09/15 12:53
rainww25:破壞球拍罰500是在搞笑嗎?? 09/15 12:57
digimaster:Safin不知道要被罰多少次$500了 :D 09/15 13:00
VWilliams:我之前有看過黑幕說 其實贊助商很高興看到球員摔拍 09/15 13:01
VWilliams:因為有達到廣告效果 還可能幫忙付罰款 09/15 13:01
ashin1069:跟高爾夫差不多 球員打好球跟摔球桿 贊助商會很爽 09/15 13:02
ashin1069:那區區幾百根本無所謂啦XD 09/15 13:02
zvb:所以球拍廠商都要狂找關係聯絡safin嗎? XD 09/15 13:41
arcticircle:additional penalties也太嚴重了吧..好可怕阿 09/15 13:59
TheRoots:原來批評言行極度失當的球員叫見獵心喜(筆記 09/15 14:03
heqcop:無所謂 鄉民喜好本來就明顯 如果是沙芬可能還會被鼓勵(誤) 09/15 14:13
TheRoots:沒必要扯到Safin吧..有時覺得是非對錯能扯到對球員的喜好 09/15 14:26
TheRoots:這還蠻可悲的..... 09/15 14:27
heqcop:並沒有要爭是非啊 何況第一個扯到safin的也不是我@@ 09/15 14:29
heqcop:純粹以一個中立角度看戲人的立場而已... 09/15 14:31
ninetales:成年人都要為自己的行為負責,更罔論是個指標性的選手... 09/15 15:14
lane34:被取消就真的太扯了 考量到時間點跟那一分的重要性 取消 09/15 17:31
lane34:積分或獎金真的太誇張了 09/15 17:31
citychen:批評的人全部打成見獵心喜嗎 09/15 17:48
citychen:一堆人以為這裡是球員個人專版 09/15 17:48
hitoma:一樓只是說很多...又沒有說全部...少對號入座了 09/15 18:00
heartdrunken:某人一直不肯承認自己支持的人有錯球品很差 東扯西扯 09/15 18:20
whosucksWang:線審不敢被她抱吧..XD 抱一抱搞不好骨折.. 09/15 20:21
bloomawake:又沒有批評全部的人.愛對號入座的想想自己也罵到不少人 09/15 22:48
asbel:這是要徙木立信是吧!? 09/16 00:16
carolred:愛safin的人也愛他的摔拍,所以不含貶意XDD 09/16 02:49
zznkqb:幹~ 如果她真說了那些話,那現在被批到臭頭也只是剛好而已 09/16 11:28