看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WTAWorld上看到的 義大利報紙的新聞 http://tinyurl.com/yddrfxb 有網友翻譯成英文版 PENNETTA WITHOUT TABOOS ROMA. The bigger is the amount of beautiful female players in the tour, the tighter is the connection between tennis players and sex. There were big rumors about Barbara Schett, a very beautiful player from Austria, and her habit of having sex after matches in lockerrooms. Well known also the hard date fixed by Francesca Schiavone to someone who was watching her match in the stand. Follows that trend also Flavia Pennetta, who talked without taboos in a interview to the TV show “Le iene”. On a tone serious and facetious in the same time, the beautiful Italian player discusses burning issues, such as sex and doping. 漂亮的女選手越多 越容易被拿來跟性做連結 之前關於Barbara Schett在更衣室做性行為的傳言盛囂塵上 Pennetta接受電視節目"Le iene"聊網球內幕 A QUICKIE WITH SAFIN. She started recalling the well known love story with Carlos Moya: “During the tour, we shared the rooms and made not abstinence, we made free sex.” Currently Pennetta is single but she confesses that, in the tour, three or four male players (the latest one was a Brasilian player) tried to sexually accost her, but she refused because she didn’t like them. On the same issue, the Italian player said that Tommy Haas is the most handsome player, but she “ would make a quickie with Safin”. No chances to Federer, Nadal, Del Potro, Yannick Noha …and to Maria Sharapova. She admits that in the tour there are many lesbian tennis players, but she never had avances from female colleagues; then she jokes putting sexy poses, and she admits to have had sex in a lockerroom, on cement, on grass, and even in a airplane “during a long leg” Pennetta一開始先回憶他跟Carlos Moya的戀情 "在比賽期間我們會住同間房 自由的做愛 百無禁忌" 現在Pennetta單身 但是她說在ATP有三四個(最新一個是巴西選手)想跟他發生性關係 但他後來拒絕了 因為他們不是Pennetta的菜 Pennetta認為Haas是最帥的男子選手 但他也想跟Safin來一次 至於Federer.Nadal.JMDP.Noha 還有.....莎娃是不可能跟他有性關係的 (為什麼有莎娃=口=) 他承認WTA有很多同志球員 但他跟這些人沒什麼關係 然後他擺出一個性感姿勢 他承認她在更衣室.水泥地.草地.機場都做過 DOPING AND TENNIS. She said that Serena Williams always beats her because “ she is an animal compared to me” and then said that Italian tennis players are non competitive because they are “not confident”. Then Pennetta doesn't evade the question about doping in tennis: “I think it exists”. If some tennis player use cocaine, that’s for fun but she never used it. Finally she elects Kournikova as the most beautiful in the tour, and says that, on a aestetical basis, it’s a big fight between her and Francesca Schiavone. 他說小威總是擊敗他是因為"跟我比起來她簡直就是動物" 他也說義大利選手普遍表現不好是因為信心不足 他也談了禁藥問題 "我認為禁藥存在 如果有網球選手吃了古柯鹼 那應該只是為了好玩 但他從來沒有這麼做過" 最後 他選了Kournikova作為他心中最漂亮的女網選手 而他跟夏鳳誰比較漂亮? "這有得比了" XD -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tim2502:小潘潘!!!! 10/06 09:46
velspa:這篇好有爆點,小威看到下次給她好看…XD 10/06 09:49
gbs:跟莎娃!!!! 感覺好棒的畫面QQ 10/06 09:55
asd02589:"跟我比起來她簡直就是動物"XD 10/06 10:53
a9a99:真是超猛 坦白過頭了吧~不過跟夏鳳比美? 這很誇張 10/06 10:54
kaet:原來WTA有很多拉拉 為什麼我都看不出來 >< 10/06 11:17
san122:所以她是暗示莎娃是女同嗎?呵呵~真是超有爆點的一篇啊! 10/06 11:18
lane34:google "PENNETTA" 可以看到一張很辣的照片...... 10/06 11:31
missirene:那個水泥地跟草地指的是球場嗎...XD"好有爆點的文章 10/06 11:36
jcshie:莎娃:中槍 XD 10/06 11:39
musicforever:人也是動物阿XDDD 10/06 11:44
latouchii:Kournikova作為他心中最漂亮的女網選手 ...我也覺得ㄏ 10/06 11:44
a9a99:我覺得寫這種文章 她和他要分清楚比較好 10/06 11:48
starsw15:哈 真是很有爆點 不過推Hass很帥 XD 10/06 12:15
jacrose:WTA史上留名的經典球員 比例上還蠻多拉子的啊 10/06 12:17
a9a99:倒是大家對男子球員有同志的傾向比較難接受 10/06 12:30
Kobe11:長的滿正的耶 比賽期間做愛不會很累喔??? 10/06 12:31
sixsix666:好猛XDDDD 10/06 12:35
ashin1069:義大利雜誌或媒體訪問一向麻辣 不太意外 :p 10/06 14:08
Dunlop:我以為這是網球界公開的秘密 10/06 14:25
giantwen:莎娃耶我也想看XD 10/06 17:39
sttwarrior:真的好勁爆…… 10/06 18:56
mikehu:恕小弟眼拙 上面那連結中穿紫色洋裝的是誰啊 好正! 10/06 19:05
sukimaki:樓上的應該是Maria Kirilenko 男友也是網球選手~ 10/06 19:14
sukimaki:網球在美國記得是一種很les的運動~小潘潘這篇文章好猛呀~ 10/06 19:16
ashin1069:小潘潘:我只是在炒新聞而已 (誤) 10/06 20:15
Eeli2008:講這些的目的是? 10/06 20:56
wayland:到底現役WTA選手有沒有出櫃的阿 好想知道喔~ 10/07 02:14
Kirk:感覺八九零年代那幾個比較勇於大方作自己 10/07 02:32
sukimaki:現役的目前只知道MOMO而已~ 10/07 02:38
shchw:小潘潘不愧是義大利人,講話真勁爆 10/07 02:41
shchw:忘了在哪個國外網站上有暗示,女網很多女雙選手場上跟場外都 10/07 02:45
shchw:是"partner"...(當然,我相信大小威絕對不算在內) 10/07 02:46
atypia:跟她們國家的總理一樣 10/07 10:50
egaenots:好像Raymond和Stubbs有在一起過的樣子? 10/07 13:12
VWilliams:Raymond跟Stubbs[很公開啊 Stubbs很早就說過了 10/07 13:14
VWilliams:他跟Stosur現在也被猜是一對 因為Stosur之前的病聽說 10/07 13:15
VWilliams:是同志較容易感染 10/07 13:15
lapentti:傳說是什麼病吧?不知道什麼病是同志比較容易感染 10/07 13:16
egaenots:一起打不是很甜蜜嗎? 場上互相的支持 10/07 13:19
kyleyu:同志較容易感染....這會不會戰啊..... 10/07 14:20
VWilliams:sorry 應該是說同志性行為是感染途徑之一 10/07 16:41
VWilliams:不過其實我也不知道那是什麼病 是之前看報導看到的 10/07 16:42
lsnikimo:萊姆症..只是沒看過報導說同志比較容易得 10/07 17:27
rainww25:這篇報導 是真的嗎???? 10/07 19:59
rainww25:那應該是前一晚自己不知作啥才輸小威 說人家是動物.... 10/07 20:02
a9a99:其實同志在國外應該沒什麼了吧~大家也不用太大驚小怪了 10/08 01:18
kaet:真希望大小威也是拉拉 然後兩人再來個姊妹戀 10/08 11:05
kaet:想到就好興奮 >///< 10/08 11:06
currant:樓上...o.Q 10/08 12:06
Kirk:亂倫的拉...可以不要這樣嗎 XD 10/08 16:55