看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看了昨天Azarenka vs 小威的女單四強賽, 其實Azarenka打得非常精彩, 尤其是第二盤破回小威發球局後, 自己發球狀態提升, 漸漸適應小威的比賽節奏, 大角度的快速抽球讓小威不易取分, 最後搶七沒結束之前很難預料比賽勝負, Azarenka的對手如果不是狀態極佳的小威或是其他選手, 相信很難擊敗昨天表現的Azarenka 自己很欣賞Azarenka的攻擊打法與拼勁, 但情緒控管還有常常傷退也令人不解, 不過在她今年澳網奪冠成功登頂, 開季連續4奪冠的驚人表現, 卻帶來Radwanska批評她詐傷的負面消息, 還有看到保時捷女網賽與莎娃擦撞的畫面, 她好勝心強, 在意排名第一的位置 也看到一些板友對她的評價, 會覺得Azarenka還是有需要改善的地方, 才能避免一些爭議 Tennis.com著名評論員Bodo在溫網期間發表一篇文章, 裡面形容Azarenka滿狠毒的... 以下翻譯若有錯誤請板友們協助更正 這只是Bodo的看法 希望Aza的球迷不要太過在意 http://blogs.tennis.com/tennisworld/2012/07/a-hard-case.html Miss Impatience [缺乏耐性的女選手] by Pete Bodo Wimbledon, England—At one point in the terrible punishment Victoria Azarenka was inflicting on Ana Ivanovic on Centre Court, a raft of pigeon feathers came fluttering down from the closed roof. It was received as a sign that all was well again—that Rufus, the Harris hawk employed by Wimbledon to keep the pigeon numbers down, was back on the job. 在溫網中央球場進行的女單16強戰, Azarenka犀利的攻擊讓Ivanovic無力招架, 某一分結束後有幾片鴿子的羽毛飛落, 這代表Harris這隻老鷹回到它在溫網的工作岡位上-驅趕球場上空的鴿子 Azarenka was distracted momentarily, but she quickly returned to the job at hand, which was setting poor Ivanovic's tentative rehabilitation back to, oh, January of 2010. In no time, Azarenka polished off the former No. 1, 6-1, 6-0, sending a shiver down the spines of those who have been reveling in how unpredictable and competitive so mamy of the women's matches here have been. Azarenka沒有受到這些羽毛與影響, 以6-0 6-1橫掃另一位前球后Ivanovic (文中提到2010一月這個時間與Ivanovic重新出發有關...不太確定細節) Azarenka was asked about the pigeon right off the bat in her presser, and she said, "Well, I have no idea actually. I just saw some feathers coming down. Actually, I don't know how it got there. The roof was closed. It was kind of interesting, but there is nothing else to say." Azarenka在記者會被問及到關於場上鴿子羽毛飛落, 她說 "實事上我不知道 我只是看到羽毛掉下來 我也不知道為何會在那裡出現" "感覺有些好玩 但沒什麼好說的" It's unclear whether or not Azarenka actually hit the pigeon, but when queried she cut off the theme, cold: "Yeah, I really wasn't focused on that, sorry. It was not my concern there." 沒有人知道Azarenka是否有擊中鴿子, 但Azarenka中斷這個話題 她說 "我不是很在意這件事 這跟我無關" That's a pretty representative exchange for the impatient, impetuous, not entirely sunny-dispositioned Azarenka, aka Ms. Whoooo! Her sarcasm can be as stinging as her forehand, her opacity as grating as her ululations. But the No. 2 seed could re-claim the No. 1 ranking Maria Sharapova snatched out of her hands a few weeks ago by the time this tournament is finished (in any event, there will be a new No. 1 next Monday). The curious thing is that so far very few people seem to care about this aspect of Wimbledon. 這樣的回答顯現出這位急躁, 沒有耐性, 不全是陽光般明媚性情的Azarenka (Ms. Whoooo形容她在球場上的叫聲) 她的叫聲有如她的強力正拍一樣地刺耳 她有機會重回球后寶座, 下週公布的世界第一不再是前幾週重新登頂的莎娃. 但在溫網並不多人關切這個話題 Azarenka has progressed through the draw largely ignored if not exactly unnoticed. It isn't that the game of the former No. 1 and reigning Australian Open champion is unsuited to grass, nor that anyone has established superiority over her. She's not slumping, hurt, or in any other way less than the new favorite. It's just that despite having an exciting game and, if you can ignore the ceaseless cauterwauling, a fundamentally appealing style and look, nobody is getting all fired up about her. She's getting dangerously close to Ivan Lendl territorry in the "champion that nobody loves" category. Azarenka在女單籤表中挺進, 沒有引起太多關注 這似乎不是因為這位現任澳網冠軍的前球后不擅長草地, 也不是因為有比她表現超優的選手 儘管她打出激烈的比賽, 如果你略去不在乎她的叫聲, 堪稱動人的打扮與外貌, 反而沒有人會完全著迷她 (cauterwauling是很負面的字眼 不太適合翻出來 有興趣的朋友請自行查閱) 恐怕她漸漸成為類似Ivan Lendl那種"不受大眾喜愛的冠軍" This mostly comes down to the fact that Azarenka is a bit of a hard case, a volatile combination of blunt and impatient. She's sometimes seems to be in as much of a hurry to leave the interview room as the tennis court, only that quality really only pays off at the latter. I shudder at the thought of how she must treat a waiter who's a little slow rolling out the cheese trolley. 結論是Azareka的個性結合強烈, 直率, 缺乏耐性 有時她會急著想要離開媒體室, 但這樣的態度應該只需用在"比賽後離開球場" 我不敢想像她會怎麼對待一位動作緩慢, 推著起士餐點推車的服務生 Here's an unedited sequence from her presser today. Having demolished Ivanovic in an hour, you'd think she might relax and put her proverbial feet up for a bit: 以下是她在結束與Ivanovic比賽後一小時的訪問內容, 你會認為她大概很放鬆 有點不以為然 Q. Why are there so many upsets in the women's draw this year? 為什麼今年女單籤表出現許多爆冷的比賽? A: "It's not really a question for me. I can only speak for myself." 這不是關於我的問題. 我只回答跟我自己有關的部分 Q. Is there a difference this year in the courts, the balls, the weather? 今年的球場, 比賽用球, 天氣跟往年有差異嗎? A: "You can always find some excuses. You can also find some differences or whatever. I don't know. I cannot speak for other girls. I'm trying to stay focused on my game." 你一定可以找到一些原因, 找得到一些不同的地方 我不知道, 我不能代替其他女選手說什麼, 我只專注於我的比賽 Q. You find it very good, dropping only 13 games? 妳知道妳的表現很好 目前只讓對手拿到13局而已(4場比賽)嗎? A: "Not counting, sorry. Really not counting. Just taking it one at a time." 我沒有計算這個數據. 真的沒有. 只是一場一場打下去 Okay, they may not be genius-grade questions, but most of the other women have no trouble understanding that all they really need to do is jabber away for a bit and everyone walks away happy. That's just not the Azarenka way. Be that as it may, Azarenka's natural impatience may have been a drag on her development as a champion. And while today's match may not have been an exercise in problem-solving for Azarenka, the ones that lie ahead may demand the patience that has never been her trademark, although she did seem to embrace something like it shortly after her grandmother famously told her to slow down and enjoy life and stop being such as sourpuss. 恩 雖然這些並不是非常專業級的問題 但大部分女選手都能了解問題 她只要侃侃而談而且非常開心的結束訪問 這不是Azarenka獨有的風格, 但是她這種天生缺乏耐性的個性, 可能會是阻礙她成為真正冠軍的絆腳石 對Azarenka而言, 現今的賽事不再只是單純在球場上的競爭而已, 她需要培養一些過去不屬於她的耐性. 即使她曾短暫接受她祖母的建議--放慢節奏 享受生活 不再陰沉情緒化 It was almost as if something along those lines crossed her mind midway through her presser, because she suddenly seemed to slow down and relax, and by the end she was a regular chatty Cathy—at least by her own standard. Someone returned to the distractions theme and asked her to catalog the ones she's experienced. 在媒體訪問下 彷彿有一道思緒穿過她的腦海 因為她突然間放鬆放慢節奏 變成一位健談的女生 有人轉回分散注意力的話題 請她分享一些經驗 "Unusual distractions? I can't really think of some. Sometimes it can be annoying when somebody is chewing chips right when you're serving. Doesn't really matter. You just have to stay focused on your game. Whatever is going on around is going on around. It's out of your hand. But the feathers, it was fun." "不尋常的分散注意力? 我真的想不太到. 有時候有人在發球的時候在咀嚼東西會讓我感到厭煩 但這無所謂 妳必須持續專注在妳的比賽上 無論週遭發生什麼事情就只能那樣 那不在我能掌控的範圍 但是關於羽毛 還滿有趣的" Given that this is Azarenka here, that last line make me wonder if she didn't hit that bird after all. 由於Azarenka還在球場上, 最後我只是想知道她到底有沒有打中鴿子 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yyyyy6116:也就是因為這種個性才能照就今天的Aza,我倒是很欣賞她那 07/06 15:32
yyyyy6116:種堅持以及只專注於自己比賽上的態度 07/06 15:33
heidik:所以她到底有沒有打中鴿子..... 07/06 15:37
solemnity:我覺得她的回答還OK 沒有太不得體 只能說不是媒體想要的 07/06 15:40
october9:貓叫春 07/06 15:42
tombknight:我真的覺得他的叫聲討喜一點會更受歡迎... 07/06 15:45
tombknight:他的叫聲 真的讓我不是很喜歡這個人 看到就反感 07/06 15:46
calculus9:為什麼會有擊中鴿子的嫌疑? 球有打飛?? 07/06 16:12
iamgiant:我覺得他打球時似乎少了那種得饒人處且饒人的氣度 有時候 07/06 16:13
iamgiant:看他已經要請對手吃蛋了~拼命追出的致勝球還要大聲喊卡馬 07/06 16:14
iamgiant:感覺不太給對手台階下~雖然努力打每一分是選手本分 但就 07/06 16:14
sandiegopadr:就是得罪媒體被妖魔化這樣 07/06 16:15
iamgiant:像乃哥之前說的 通常在領先很多時 選手偶爾會放掉一兩分 07/06 16:15
iamgiant:雖然他這樣的精神反過來講是很有奮戰精神 但感覺不太妥 07/06 16:16
iamgiant:而且自己打出好球喊卡馬就算了連對手失誤自己得分有時也 07/06 16:16
iamgiant:喊卡馬感覺就有點...不過不可否認他真的打得很好就是 07/06 16:17
yyyyy6116:come on單純是給自己打氣用,不分比數不分時間點不分好球 07/06 16:24
yyyyy6116:或失誤球,管她是以怎樣的方式得來ㄧ分,為自己的得分打氣 07/06 16:25
yyyyy6116:何嘗不可?不懂為什麼比數大幅領先不能喊come on= = 07/06 16:26
tnpaul:波多就一糗爺 專門撰文讓人看笑話的 07/06 16:27
pppeeeppp:認同yyyyy 07/06 16:27
pppeeeppp:我覺得她這樣很好阿 反正就是該下班就下班~ 07/06 16:28
pppeeeppp:頂尖球員就是要夠殺夠狠~ 只是形象是另外一個問題 07/06 16:30
nicholasJCF:他回答得很好阿 不是他的事情幹嘛多費唇舌 還有機會讓 07/06 16:30
pppeeeppp:注重現實 就這樣的形象 有時是否會影響到廠商代言之類? 07/06 16:31
nicholasJCF:記者多做文章幹嘛 Bodo的文章看看就好了 不意外XD 07/06 16:31
pppeeeppp:或許有些廢話不多說的產品 可以找她代言 哈哈哈! 07/06 16:31
Eeli2008:討厭不需要什麼理由...怎麼看都不順眼 我不喜歡她 但覺得 07/06 16:34
Eeli2008:這些東西在不同眼中看來應該大不同 07/06 16:35
Eeli2008: 人^ 07/06 16:35
Makaay:波多是網球板的糗爺 看好誰誰就倒大楣 波多看好的男女單冠 07/06 16:36
Makaay:軍都在八強前倒下了 07/06 16:36
pplilian:不喜歡她+1,但拿記者會談話來說嘴很無謂 07/06 16:36
miel:叫聲有夠誇張的 07/06 16:51
gepenny:我相信有尊嚴的職業運動員 不會希望贏球方讓那個一兩分 07/06 16:52
gepenny:認真打每一分才是對對手最大的尊重 07/06 16:52
solemnity:我也覺得沒必要放掉一兩分 不然Shvedova連得24分... 07/06 17:12
modjo:不喜歡她+1 07/06 17:13
a274775927:不喜歡他每次贏球後,那種揮拳叫囂的動作 = = 07/06 17:16
harkhunt:揮拳喊come on自我振奮這動作分明很多人都有 07/06 17:19
harkhunt:見仁見智吧 以前看小威或是休威特這樣也很不喜歡啊 07/06 17:20
harkhunt:久了也就算了 有時選手做這動作也沒有太多其他意義 07/06 17:20
eidolonspier:揮拳比她誇張的選手多的是吧..... 07/06 17:20
hitoma:人家那個姿勢明明已經改了好嗎.....= = 07/06 17:22
yyyyy6116:a274775927大,你多久沒看Aza的比賽了? 07/06 17:25
fluteyu:鬼叫雖然是她個人自由,但對手也有享受安靜比賽的自由 07/06 17:25
fluteyu:還滿個人中心的~怎麼未曾有對手停下來大叫shut up! 07/06 17:26
yyyyy6116:若連Aza之前的揮拳方式都不能接受,那a大應該也不愛松嘎 07/06 17:27
truth76901:不喜歡一個人就無法客觀看她的任何行為動作 扯太多ZZZ 07/06 17:27
harkhunt:一個好的選手本來就應該專注自我而不受外在影響 07/06 17:30
waitscorpion:某種程度來說還滿喜歡Azarenka 他的眼睛中有那種絕不 07/06 17:32
waitscorpion:放棄的執著 我欣賞他這點 至於他對於記者回話 只能說 07/06 17:32
waitscorpion:他確實不太會(或不喜歡)應對這些 07/06 17:33
truth76901:LIVE文甚至還有人問 耳膜還好嗎? XDDD 07/06 17:34
truth76901:澳網女單冠軍賽 波娃分貝勝一籌 <=== XDDDDDD 07/06 17:35
fluteyu:專注自我而不受外在影響- ok 07/06 17:36
fluteyu:專注自我並且影響外界(含觀眾)- not ok 07/06 17:37
yyyyy6116:澳網決賽莎娃的分貝贏Aza,但Aza會拖尾音感覺較擾耳XD 07/06 17:38
harkhunt:有沒有被影響那也是看個人 至少我看莎娃或是AZA的比賽 07/06 17:38
harkhunt:不覺得那些聲音有影響 07/06 17:38
hanway:我覺得這幾乎涉及人身攻擊了...感覺就像得罪媒體被抹黑 07/06 17:40
fluteyu:是看個人呀,那你去看看他對手的complaints就知道囉~ 07/06 17:40
harkhunt:我的意思是說 當一個人會被影響時 她可以說對手任何行為 07/06 17:41
fluteyu:不過記者是滿不厚道的,她的答案其實都很中肯呀 07/06 17:41
harkhunt:都會影響到她 而選手應該做到的就是讓自己不要受影響 07/06 17:41
Makaay:PTT本來就是個雙重標準的世界 討厭一個人 就算扶老太太過 07/06 17:43
Makaay:馬路 也是會被酸的 07/06 17:43
arjbt:羽毛那段到底想表達什麼 別人爆冷門她真有什麼回應也會被酸 07/06 17:47
Atsuhito:有人可以解說一下藍道為何不受歡迎嗎? 07/06 17:50
Aldousphyx:就不會講場面話 這種頂尖運動員很多..棒子爺也是.. 07/06 17:51
Aldousphyx:我收回"很多"..其實多數頂尖運動員還是很會講話的XD 07/06 17:52
gepenny:倒是許多頂尖運動員都有某程度的偏執 Love me or hate me 07/06 18:00
gepenny:也許就是這份近乎瘋狂的執著 才會達到頂尖的身手 07/06 18:00
chingchao:以觀眾角度而言,叫聲真的是很煩~~~ 07/06 18:08
dora1390:叫聲我倒覺得還好 網球算很無聲的運動了.... 07/06 18:13
dora1390:對網球沒興趣的人 看網球比賽一定會睡著= = 07/06 18:13
dora1390:看看其他比賽 籃球阿 棒球阿 哪個運動不是高分貝在鼓譟 07/06 18:14
fluteyu:serena很體貼,昨天24aces讓觀眾少聽6局的尖叫~ 07/06 18:14
dora1390:而且Aza重點不在吼叫 重點在他掛網或出界會"尖叫" ~"~ 07/06 18:14
fluteyu:觀眾鼓噪與球員鼓噪不同吧 @@ 07/06 18:15
MSme:我只想知道通篇Aza到底說了甚麼可以讓這位作者想那麼多= = 07/06 18:16
dora1390:我只是想表達 網球相對來講 算是夠安靜的運動了啦 XD 07/06 18:18
dora1390:再一點聲音都沒有 再加上如果不精彩 很容易看到睡著 07/06 18:19
IAmaMouse:球賽不精彩居然還要寄望叫聲來提升觀眾興致?這什麼想法 07/06 18:35
musicforever:球賽不精采還一直有叫聲只會煩燥吧= =... 07/06 18:47
brad0104:尖叫卡這兩年實力真的進步很多 07/06 18:53
arjbt:1她又不是每個丟分都尖叫 且有時掛網會尖叫的不是只有Aza 07/06 19:17
ashin1069:很沒水準的一篇評論 07/06 19:37
truth76901:哈 掛網或出界會尖叫的 多的是 會找這點根本是找麻煩 07/06 19:42
kasndjo:就叫聲而言 真的是見仁見智啦 07/06 19:49
kasndjo:像我就覺得莎娃很吵 Aza還好XD 07/06 19:49
miato:從以前就一直覺得Aza是屬於那種個性超MAN的女選手 07/06 20:04
miato:賽後訪問或以前贏得比賽的動作 都超像男子選手的感覺 07/06 20:05
g39958:有時間去批評她的叫聲害自己輸掉了比賽,不如先檢討自己的 07/06 20:13
g39958:球技 07/06 20:13
fluteyu:推樓上,比賽過程中鬼叫,都比賽後才鬼叫有用多了XD 07/06 20:45
justlaver:只有我覺得那幾題她回答得很好嗎XDDDD 07/06 21:33
weibbms:對於叫聲 神仙姐姐的回應我覺得最棒 07/06 22:35
weibbms:他從不抱怨莎娃的叫聲 還說「想要讓他安靜 就是打敗她」 07/06 22:36
kaihsieh:神仙姐姐的叫聲很可愛哈哈哈哈 (咦XDD 07/06 22:53
gamania10000:神仙姐姐:伊哈!!!!! 嗚哈!!!!! 07/06 22:55
blueslovetw:就較自我吧:P 很真但相對也有可能會讓人覺不可一世吧? 07/06 23:02
blueslovetw:不過沒差啦..球迷本來就各有所好!記者媒體也一樣XDD 07/06 23:03
waitscorpion:Aza個性真的有man成分 入場勝利時動作都很像小男生XD 07/06 23:30
linlingraf07:人各有所好,我很欣賞aza!!aza 加油!! 07/07 00:42
vipppppppppp:應該是caterwauling!? 07/07 01:01
valenlarsson:真性情!!Aza加油!! 07/07 01:39
gibyezethe:很直率啊~不刻意討好誰,做好自己的事,蠻欣賞的 07/07 02:01