看板 Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Asiantennis 看板 #1NQJ2lAW ] 作者: erickin (阿更) 看板: Asiantennis 標題: Tamarine Tanasugarn宣佈退役 時間: Tue Jun 21 20:18:51 2016 現年39歲,泰國國寶級選手Tamarine Tanasugarn, 今天正式宣佈結束長達22年的職網生涯。 Tanasugarn生涯11次晉級WTA單打決賽,曾4次奪冠,單打排名最高第19位。 其中兩座是草地賽冠軍,而她也是有名的草地限定球員, 在1998-2002年連續五年闖進溫網第四輪, 而2008年更成為挺進八強,是首位闖進大滿貫單打八強的泰國人。 2010年她在大阪與伊達公子一同晉級決賽, 寫下巡迴賽兩位決賽選手合共年齡最高的紀錄, 那也是Tanasugarn生涯最後一座WTA級比賽單打冠軍。 而曾六度參加亞運的她,在1998年和2002年單打都屈居亞軍, 在2014年那屆,她與同胞Kumkhum搭檔,在四強和決賽連砍兩對台灣組合, 拿下自己生涯首面亞運金牌,同時也宣佈那她是最後一屆亞運。 她最後一次亮相職業網壇是去年的歧阜比賽,之後她一直暗示即將宣佈退役, 而在她母親上週末離世以後,她正式宣佈作出這個決定。 這幾年她在泰國開了網球學校,培育下一代。 祝福她! http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1016097 Thai tennis queen Tamarine "Tammy" Tanasugarn has officially announced her retirement from the professional circuit after a career stretching over 22 years. Tammy, 39, who recently lost her mother Sunetra, said she would not be abandoning the game, because she planned to expand her coaching activities to teach tennis to schoolchildren. She was also willing to take a role in coaching the national women's tennis team if the Lawn Tennis Association of Thailand still wanted her to do so. Tammy said after her mother died she had reflected on life without her. She would remain in the police force, but concentrate on her coaching. She has opened a tennis school, The Ace, at The Cystal Park, Ramintra, for children below 10 years of age, to help prepare a foundation of young players. She felt it was now time for her to retire from professional tennis, after having experienced both highs and lows in her career. Tamarine turned professional in 1994. Her highest Women's Tennis Association (WTA) world ranking was No 19, which she achieved in 2002, the highest ranking ever for a Thai female player. She won four WTA singles titles and five doubles titles. With the national team, she clinched two gold, one silver and one bronze medals at the South East Asian Games and won two silver and two bronze medals at the Asian Games. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Asiantennis/M.1466511535.A.2A0.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: erickin (, 06/21/2016 20:19:13
iamthebest08: 很nice的一位泰國鐵娘子!!! ^_^ 06/21 20:35
JuiFu617: 恭喜 06/21 21:17
rainww25: 真的是國寶級的選手 令人尊敬 06/21 21:22
Safin: 請問 kimiko date 還有在打嗎 06/21 21:26
erickin: 伊達公子最近膝蓋動了大手術 還在練習走路 06/21 21:31
erickin: 復出之路遙遙無期 但她說不想這麼輕易說退休 06/21 21:32
JuiFu617: 長跑很傷膝蓋 06/21 21:42
rainww25: 對呀 怎麼會選擇長跑作為興趣…… 06/21 22:28
RNLRNL: 回想03年美網的韓娃就是被她打敗 06/21 23:35
pppeeeppp: 她很可愛 祝福她~ 06/21 23:41
dill23152002: !!!!!! 莎娃好像剛轉職業的時候常跟她組雙打 06/22 00:53
todd0101: 話說韓娃還在打耶 真是長青選手 06/22 08:51
joe10227: 但韓娃最近的戰績有點慘 希望能再看到如2013美網的回春! 06/22 10:36
RNLRNL: 11年法網轟垮瓦牆那場還蠻精彩的 06/22 12:26
Jo: 她正式宣佈作出這個"決賽"? 錯字改一下吧.. 06/22 12:54
※ 編輯: erickin (, 06/22/2016 17:27:35
erickin: 已改 :) 06/22 17:27