看板 TheMatrix 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《startrek (愛情的文法)》之銘言: : 在The martix2中 : 祭司和尼歐相遇後 : 有一段耐人尋味的對話 : 尼歐:如果不能選擇,那存在還有甚麼意義 : 祭司:因為體驗.... : 這一段 thanks Oracle: Candy? Neo: You already know that I am going to take it? Oracle: I wouldn't be an Oracle if I didn't. Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice? Oracle: Because you didn't come here to make the choice. Oracle: You have already made it. Oracle: You are here to try to understand why you made it. 這段說明了 Neo 已經做出一些選擇, 可是卻不清楚選擇背後的意義. Neo: But why help us? Oracle: We are all here to do what we are all here to do. Oracle: I am interested in one thing, Neo. The Future! Oracle: And believe me that I know the only way to get there is "together". Oracle 說一個預言是由眾人按照腳本中自己的角色去演, 一同完成. 接下來這一段, Oracle 暗示 Neo 和吸血鬼狼人這些異常程式沒什麼兩樣, 也就是其 "正途" 都是必須返回 Source. 重建 Zion 似乎是 Neo 這個角色的任務. 但是這是否暗示 Neo 在 Zion 重建後會被 delete? 我就不知道了. 接下來 Oracle 詢問 Neo 的夢. Oracle: You've seen, in your dreams, haven't you? The door made of light. Neo nods. Oracle: What happens when you go through the door? Neo: I see Trinity. And something happens. Something bad. Neo: She starts to fall. And then I wake up. Oracle: Do you see her die? (Trinity) Neo: No. Oracle: You have the sight now, Neo. You are looking at the world without time. Neo: Then why cann't I see what happened to her? Oracle: We can never see past the choice we don't understand. Neo: Are you saying that I have to choose between that Trinity lives or dies? Oracle: No, you have already made the choice. Now you have to understand it. Neo: No... I can't do that. I won't. Oracle: You have to. Neo: Why? Oracle: Because you are the One. Neo: What if I can't? What happens if I fail? Oracle: Then Zion will fall. Oracle 似乎認為 Trinity 會死, 而這和 Neo 的抉擇有關. 此外, 也再次強調 Neo 的任務和 Zion 的存活有關. 也就是暗示, Neo 必須為了 Zion 而犧牲掉 Trinity. 不過 Neo 顯然不同意. 所以總結來說, Neo 一開始是依循救世主傳說而作出回到 Source 的選擇, 但是其實他並不是很了解這個選擇的意義, 後來, 也就是第二集的結尾, Neo 決定打破這個傳說, 做出對他有意義的選擇, 也就是救 Trinity. 有人說, 這是在大愛和小愛之間做出選擇. 我卻覺得它有另一層的意義. 也就是在 "控制" 和 "反控制" 間做出選擇. 在我們的社會中, 有很多控制手段, 是藉由說服人類 "犧牲小我", 以 "完成大我", 然而被犧牲的人通常到後來才會發現, 所謂的 "大我", 其實就只是 "控制者" 一人的私慾而已. Architect 將自己的私慾 (以人類為電池), 和 Zion 的存活綁在一起, 要迷惑 Neo, 迫使他犧牲自己和 Trinity 以重建 Zion. Neo 不甘被控制, 且一心救 Trinity, 因而做出不同於以往救世主的決定. 這究竟會導致什麼樣新的發展... 只有看第三集才知道囉. PS. 上面對話是我用 "聽" 然後 "寫" 下來的, 如有聽錯, 還請多多見諒. ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
anywhen:好利害~ 給你一顆糖! 推 06/25
ray365:難道你已經知道我會拿這顆糖了嗎? XD 推140.112.230.238 06/25
bokaka:不管你有沒有吃糖,錫安還是會毀掉的 推 06/27
kirkquiang:很棒喔...推! 06/11 04:25