看板 TheMatrix 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://home.gigigaga.com/hexkiller/script.txt (修訂版) 翻的不夠專業,請多指教! --- Seann William Scott(美國派1,2; 進化特區)、Justin Timberlake(“超級男孩”N’Sync主唱) Timberlake: You know I’ve knew it Ashton the whole time. 你知道,我一直都知道是阿須頓在… Scott: Right. Ladies, In a few seconds, we'll be sippin on some Chris(?) and watchin the 2003 MTV movie awards. 是啊 小姐們,馬上我們就會進去觀賞2003年MTV電影獎典禮 Timberlake: Quit playin around, Sean. 別鬧了,尚恩 Scott: I'm not, dude. My key won't fit. 我沒有啊,我鑰匙插不進去 Keymaker: You must be the ones! 你們就是救世主吧! Timberlake: Oh cool! It's the super. 喔酷啊,帥呆了 Keymaker: Actually, I'm the keymaker. Don't worry; you'll be inside in just a moment. 事實上,我就是關鍵人物 別擔心,你們馬上就能進去了 Scott: Awesome! Thanks! 帥啊! 謝啦! Keymaker: What's happening hot stuffs? 辣妹們, 發生了什麼事啊? Scott: Ugh! Dude! 喔! 靠! Timberlake: Where the hell are we?! 我們在什麼鬼地方啊? Andy Dick holding lots of glow sticks and wearing a Dr. Seuss hat: We're in Zion Baby! 我們在錫安啊! Scott: What is this place? 這事啥米地方? Dick: Duh! It's obviously an underground city where the last remaining humans live and the robots are coming to kill us. Doesn't that make you just want to party? Yeah! 很顯然的這是個僅存人類的地下城市 而且機器人準備殺進來了 你不覺得這真令人想開派對嗎? Timberlake: Dude let's get out of here. 嘿!我們快閃吧 Scott: I don't know man, these girls are pretty hot! Check it out you can totally see their nipples! 我不知道, 這些馬子都蠻正的! 你瞧可以完全看到他們的奶頭 Dick: Oh my God! There's Morpheus! Woo! I love you Morpheus! 我的天!莫菲斯來了! 喔喔!莫菲斯我愛你! Morpheus: Zion! Hear me! 錫安的人們,大家聽好! Dick: He's having a huge orgy at his place later; at LEAST, that's what many of us have heard. 今晚他要在他家開一大型性愛派對 至少,我們是這樣聽說的 Morpheus: It is true what many of you have heard. 你們所聽說的沒有錯 (Crowd cheers.) (歡呼聲) Dick: Yes!!! Morpheus, what can we expect at this orgy? 太棒了! 莫菲斯,我們有什麼可以期待的? Morpheus: Machines. 機器! (註:情趣道具?) (Crowd is silent.) (靜) Timberlake: Man, I'm out. 靠,我要閃了 Scott: Sounds kinda kinky! Heh heh! 感覺起來怪怪的! Dick: I-I-I'll see you guys there! And bring plenty of lube! 我…我到那裡再見你們! 還有多帶一些潤滑油! Scott: What? 幹嘛? Timberlake: Nothin. 沒事 Scott: Great--an infinite hallway of doors. 太棒了…無盡的門和迴廊 Timberlake: One of these HAS to lead back to your apartment. 某扇門一定可以回到你公寓 Scott: You know what? You try that one; I need to use this one. 聽我說,你試看看那間,我要用這間 Neo: I see Trinity and something happens. Something bad. She starts to fall, and then I wake up. 我看到崔妮蒂,然後發生了一些事,不好的事 她開始墜落, 然後我就醒了 Wanda Sykes as The Oracle: Now, that's fucked up! 那可真他媽的糟! Timberlake: I'm so sorry to interrupt you guys but I'm really lost. 不好意思打斷你們,但是我真的迷路了 Sykes: Wait a minute! You that boy from NSync. What happened to your gerry (?) curls, man? That was a good look. Yeah, that was hot. You know them boys, right? 等等! 你不就是超級男孩的嗎? 你那好看的捲髮呢? 挺帥的啊! 你知道他們吧? Neo: I've never heard of them. 沒聽過 Sykes: You never heard of NSync? 你沒聽過超級男孩? Neo: No. 沒有 Sykes: Those boys can dance. C'mon man, show him your moves. 他們很會跳舞 快啊,秀你的舞 Timberlake: Do I have to? 我一定要嗎? Sykes: I'm the oracle, dammit. 他媽的我可是祭司 Neo: If I had to guess, I'd say you were a program from the machine world. 我猜,你是母體裡的一個程式吧 Timberlake: Nah, man. I'm just doin the robot. Here, you should try it. 嘿,我只是在跳機器舞 來,你試試看 Sykes: Ye ahhh! Work it! C'mon, Neo. Get in there, man. Do the robot! 好啊!跳啊! 去啊尼歐,一起去跳啊! Neo: Why? 為什麼? Sykes: C'mon, man. You da one, you da one. You can do it all! 來啊,你可是救世主,沒問題沒問題! Neo: No. 不要 Sykes: C'mon, man! Doomo arigato, Mr. Roboto! 來嘛!別再客氣了,機器人先生! Timberlake still dancing: You can do the robot with JT. 來跟我JT一起跳機器舞 Neo: What if I can't? What happens if I fail? 如果不行怎麼辦? 如果我失敗了怎麼辦? Timberlake: Ok, dude. Lighten up for real. It's just the robot. 夠了老兄,放輕鬆,這只是機器舞而已 Neo: No. I can't do that. I won't. 不,我不行,我不想 Sykes: Well, hell! I will! Talk to me, boy! Don't be scared! 算了那我來跳 跟我聊聊啊小弟!別怕! Timberlake: Oh god! 天哪! Sykes: C'mon, do the part; do the naked part. 來跳那一段,跳裸體的那段 Scott: Mr. Timberlake. 丁伯雷克先生 Timberlake: Mr. William Scott. 威廉使考特先生 Sykes: You that guy who got peed on in American P-- . Hmmm! Ooo! You hittin the spot! How big is your fist? Good Lord! Hey! Wait a minute man! This shit is dry clean only! 你就是那個在美國派2裡被噴尿的… 喔!被你插到了!你的拳頭有多大? 老天!等等,這件衣服可是乾洗的 Scott: You'll like being a dude. 你會喜歡當一位老兄的 Scott clone: I do. 沒錯 Timberlake: That is a load of Stifflers! 這可是一堆史帝夫 Scott: Stop hitting yourself. 別再打你自己了 (One of the Scotts fart.) (噗) Scott who was punching: Who farted? 誰放屁? One of the clones: Seans! Focus! Let's get Mr. Timberlake. 尚恩們!專心!去抓丁伯雷克先生 Scott: Sean pile! 尚恩疊疊樂! Scott: Wet willy, Mr. Timberlake. 送你濕濕的禮物, 丁伯雷克先生 Scott: Ow! Justin, you really hit me! That is so not cool! 啊啊啊! 賈斯丁你真的打我! 一點也不酷! 啊! 噢! Ferrell: Hello, I've been waiting for you three. 嗨,我正等著你們三個 Neo: Who are you? 你是誰? Timberlake: Yeah! Who are you? 對啊你是誰? Ferrell: I am The Architect. But please, call me Larry. 我是造物主. 但請叫我賴瑞 Scott: Hey, Larry! 嘿,賴瑞! Timberlake: Lar-RY! Ha ha! 賴-瑞! Ferrell: I created the matrix and several popular video games including Cubert and Dig Dug. 我創造了母體,和一些經典電玩遊戲 像是Q伯特,和挖挖特攻隊 Timberlake: Remember that? 你記得嗎? Scott: Yeah yeah! 記得,記得! Ferrell: I did not create Frogger, but I came up with the name for it. Can you believe they wanted to call it 'Highway Crossing Frog?' 我沒有創造青蛙過街 但是名字是我取的 你能想像他們原本想取”過高速公路的青蛙”? Scott: Huh! That is so lame! 那真白爛! Ferrell: I know. That's the lamest thing I've ever heard of. Highway Crossing Frog! 我知道,那是我聽過最白爛的東西! ”過高速公路的青蛙”! Neo: Why am I here? 我為什麼在這裡? Scott: Yeah, why are we here? 對啊為啥我們在這? Ferrell: Is there an echo in here? (Is there an echo in here?...) The MTV Movie Awards are a systemic anomaly inherent to the programming to the matrix. Although the transport process has altered your consciousness, you irrevocably remain human. Ergo, concordantly, vis a vis... You know what? I have no idea what the hell I'm saying. I just thought it would make me sound cool. 有回音嗎(有回音嗎?) MTV電影獎是母體體系反常的一個程式 雖然傳輸過程中改變了你們的意識 但是你們仍然沒有改變人性 因此,一致的,面對面… 你知道嗎?我完全不知道我在講什麼碗糕 我只覺得這樣說很酷 Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你還沒回答我的問題 Ferrell: You're feeling a little vulnerable right now so you just need to chill out. Hmm? Can you do that? Appreciate that. Thank you. Now, origianally Neo was the chosen one to host the show but hosting is a full time commitment and he's been a little distracted lately. 你現在有點激動所以先惦惦 恩?你可以嗎?感激不盡,謝謝 現在,原本是尼歐被選為這次頒獎的主持人 但是身為主持人是全職的責任 而他最近有點分心 Neo: Trinity. 崔妮蒂 Ferrell: See what I'm talking about? That's why I brought in Seann and Justin because you, my friend, are completely pussy whipped. 知道我在說啥吧? 所以我找了尚恩和賈斯丁 因為老兄你是個完全的 娘娘腔 Seann and Justin: OHHhhH!!! *Whip crack sound* 喔喔喔!(鞭打聲) Neo: Bullshit. (Neos on screens: Bullshit!) 狗屎!(狗屎!) Ferrell: Watch the sass, Captain Sassy Pants. 小心你的頂嘴,花內褲隊長 Scott: Yeah, you're kinda spazzin out dude. 是啊,你有點怪怪的 Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你還沒回答我的問題 Ferrell: Yes I did. You see when-- 我說過了.你看,當… Neo: You haven't answered my question. 你還沒回答我的問題 Ferrell: I'm trying! You just need to let ME talk. 我正在試!你只要聽我說就好了 Neo: Why am I here? 我為什麼在這裡? Ferrell: Mmmmm! Would you shut UP?! 哼嗯!你能不能閉嘴! Neo: You won't let it-- 你不會讓它… Ferrell: No, YOU won't let it! I'm the one who talks! K? Mouth shut, ears open! 不!你才不會! 在這裡我是老大! 閉你的嘴,打開你的耳朵 Neo: You haven't ans-- 你還沒有回… Ferrell: You do NOT want to see me get out of this chair! Ergo open your yapper one more time and I'm gonna architect...a world of pain ALL OVER your candy ass! ERGO!!! VIS A VIS!!! 你決不會想要我離開這張椅子! 因此你再開口,我就在你屁眼上創造一個痛苦世界! 因此!!!面對面!!! Neo: This is about-- 這是關於… Ferrell: CONCORDANTLY!!! Justin. 一致的!!! 賈斯丁 Timberlake: Yeah? 怎樣? Ferrell: I apologize. I don't usually like to use my big voice. 我向你道歉,我通常不喜歡大聲說話 Timberlake: That's alright doc. Just tell us how we get to the movie awards. 沒關係博士,就告訴我們怎麼去頒獎典禮吧 Ferrell: There are two doors. The door on your left, leads sissy boy here back to his bitch. Uh-huh. What up G? You can't handle it. The door on your right, leads you to the 2003 MTV Movie Awards. And the mini door is for Muffin to go out and piddle. To Neo: What? Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Hey. No. You are bizarre. 有兩扇門 你左邊的門讓娘娘腔回到他婊子身邊 怎樣?你不行嗎? 你右邊的門能帶你們到2003MTV電影頒獎典禮 還有迷你們讓瑪芬出去尿尿 怎樣? 喂喂! 嘿! 你相當的怪異 Scott: Thanks, Lare. 謝啦,老賴 Ferrell: Don't mention it. Oh and hey, go host the shit out of that show. 別客氣 喔,嘿!去大秀一場吧 Timberlake: Beum! 砰! Neo: If I were you-- 如果我是你… Ferrell: Bite your tongue. Bite it! 閉嘴!咬住你的舌頭! Neo: I would hope that we don't meet again. 我會希望我們不再見面 Ferrell: Why'd you say that? I told you to shut up. I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! 你為啥要說話? 我叫你閉嘴了 我叫你閉嘴了!
kvein17:推~翻譯辛苦了! 推 07/31
hex:不會不會,我本來就幹這行的,仍須多磨練@@ 推140.112.245.216 07/31
※ 編輯: hex 來自: (07/31 14:40)
ray365:感謝感謝。沒人翻的話,我大概還是一頭霧 推140.112.230.238 07/31
qqmango:用力推! 推 07/31
chicman:推一下 讚! 推 08/01