看板 Timberwolves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The NBA's Feb. 16 trade deadline is quickly approaching, and that will provide plenty of storylines over the next nine days. One of those storylines is the supposed availability of Luke Ridnour of the Minnesota Timberwolves. According to Sheridanhoops.com, Ridnour's name has been discussed in trades involving the Utah Jazz, among other teams. 交易截止日快到了,Ridnour的名字也開始在交易留言中被提到 其中可能包含了一筆與Jazz跟其他隊伍的交易 For an explanation as to why Ridnour is on the block, let's give the floor to Chris Sheridan of Sheridanhoops.com: With Ricky Rubio back from an injury that wiped out the first half of his season, the T-Wolves have a glut at the position with J.J. Berea also under contract (for this season plus two more). Ridnour has a reasonable contract ($4 million this season, $4.3 million next season) and is a steady playmaker who has spent the majority of his career with bad teams, having appeared in the playoffs just twice. Rubio季中回歸後 PG位置有點擠,因為我們還有JJB要上場骰骰子 So now that Rubio has come back from his ACL injury, Ridnour has become surplus to requirements. Ah, the life of the average NBA point guard. That's not to say he couldn't help another team, though. Ridnour is a decent player but a journeyman. He's good for about 10-15 points per game and around five assists. Of course, he's no starting-quality guard, but he would certainly be able to infuse some quality into a bench with some team somewhere. 雖然Ridnour不算是頂尖球員 可是也有穩定的輸出,即使在替補表現也是ok的 Since the Jazz were already mentioned as a possible trade partner with the Timberwolves in the aforementioned article, where else would Ridnour's services be put to use? What about the Portland Trail Blazers? After Damian Lillard, there is a proverbial revolving door at the point guard position. That has left Lillard to play heavy minutes because the combination of Ronnie Price and Nolan Smith have been unable to play effectively. 除了阿爵外,把他交易到阿拓那邊好像也是個好選項,畢竟阿拓除了Lillard外 板凳球員的輸出能力是薄弱到聯盟有名的,特別是PG... For example, in Portland's 99-105 loss to the Dallas Mavericks last night, Lillard played nine minutes short of the whole game. In Smith's nine minutes, he scored four points and did nothing else. 如阿拓輸給小牛的比賽中,在哩了下場休息的那九分鐘,Nolan Smith只拿了四分 就沒其他任何的貢獻了,這也顯示出他們很需要板凳上的穩定支援 Or perhaps the New Orleans Hornets? Greivis Vasquez is playing some great basketball this season and deserves all the minutes he gets. But the Hornets have just two point guards on the roster, as Vasquez's backup is Brian Roberts. Surely Ridnour would be able to provide, at the very least, point guard depth. 黃蜂應該也可以當成交易對象,G.Vasques這季大爆發沒錯,可是黃蜂的替補PG 似乎就很沒存在感,還帶傷。Rivers眼看也是轉型失敗(連打SG都沒效率) Wherever he goes, Ridnour will be providing quality point guard play off the bench. 阿反正不管他去哪應該都是個穩定的板凳輸出,其實也不貴... Just waiting to find out where he does go is the most exciting part. 拭目以待Ridnour最後會去哪囉 -- ╦─。┬ ╮╮╮。═╮╭═。。═╮╮ 。。═╮╭ 。 。╭═。╭─。 │ │∥ │││╠═╮╠─ ╠═╯││││ │。 │╭╯╠─ ╰═╮ 。 。┴ 。╰╰╙═╯╙─╯╰ ╰ ╙╯╯╰═。╚═╯╙╯ ╙─╯。─╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄◥ MINNESOTAρM.L.* . ̄ ̄ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kawo:zgoda大叔的文章那提到jjb打騎士拒絕採訪 02/13 07:53
kawo:打贏騎士後拒絕採訪,希望別出啥亂子… 02/13 07:54
edcs:看能換誰回來。 02/13 08:26
sato111:Rivers果真不負期望會先打得這麼掙扎,把他交易來好了 02/13 10:57
sato111:選前很多人希望選他,這樣球隊就可以增加更多人氣了XD 02/13 10:58
duke7814:用兩顆籃球換他我都不想...... 02/13 11:39
yyjack:Rivers是我當初認為樂透最大的地雷阿 02/13 12:42
HeavyBlue:Rivers我本來以為他不會組織跟傳球而已... 02/13 13:00
sato111:在研究他後,我對他的態度就不算太看好 02/13 13:16