看板 U2 關於我們 聯絡資訊
專輯名稱: U218 Singles 曲目加曲名: 2-I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For I have climbed the highest mountains 我攀越高峰 I have run through the fields 我奔過田野 Only to be with you 只為了與你一起 Only to be with you. I have run, I have crawled 我奔跑 我低身爬行 I have scaled these city walls 我攀過這城市每片磚牆 These city walls Only to be with you. 只為了與你一起 But I still haven't found 但是我仍未找到我所尋找的 What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. I have kissed honey lips 我吻過甜蜜的唇 Felt the healing in her finger tips 感受她指尖的療癒 It burned like fire 像火那般燃燒 (I was) burning inside her. (那是我)在她身體裡燃燒著 I have spoke with the tongue of angels 我與天使交談 I have held the hand of a devil 我與惡魔握手 It was warm in the night 在夜晚 (天氣)是溫暖的 I was cold as a stone. 我(卻)像石頭般冰冷 But I still haven't found 但我仍未找到我所尋找的 What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. I believe in the Kingdom Come 我相信王國的來到 Then all the colours will bleed into one 屆時所有的顏色都會凝聚合一 Bleed into one. But yes, I'm still running. 但是 是的 我將繼續跑著 You broke the bonds 你破壞了藩籬 And you loosed the chains 你鬆脫了鎖鏈 Carried the cross of my shame 背負了我不光采的罪惡 Oh my shame, you know I believe it. 你知道我信仰它 But I still haven't found 而我仍未找到我所尋找的 What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. 出處: 英文原詞// U2.com 翻譯參考//http://www.mightypeople.org/user/docs/doc.php?id=84 http://anova.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0 後記: 因為知道是福音歌曲(笑) 所以一整個難翻 有些直白搧情東西我也翻的很保留(羞) the cross of my shame 我實在沒辦法直接翻成"我羞恥的十字架"... 請原諒我身為文字創作者一點小小的自尊 另外 有很多參考資料 謝謝網路上分享的捧由 我不認識你 可是我謝謝你 -- NO ◤▃◥ 我要開動了! |╲.,╱| ▎▃ /" "╲ 笨蛋 ▉= - > ε <) !! ▊≡≡ =◢ ◣ ◢ ﹋﹋| ﹨∫ ╭╭ ) fishhzy123ψ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
NEKObus:翻得真好!! 精彩精彩 05/22 11:16
※ 編輯: eggals 來自: (05/22 12:37)
chrissuen:推翻譯!!! 歌詞很難翻,Bono的歌詞更難翻 XDD 05/22 19:13