看板 U2 關於我們 聯絡資訊
消息來源 http://0rz.tw/f14ld "TWO hearts beating as one? Adam Clayton was dining a deux with a mystery lady last week in Expresso Bar in Dublin. Has the dapper U2 bassist found what he's looking for? I, for one, certainly hope so. Early last year, he sadly broke up with his fiancee, Suzy Smith. (Adam and Canadian beauty Suzy had chosen St Valentine's Day 2006 to get engaged. They had been going out for eight years. Another time, another country, and besides...). My Deep Throat in the U2 camp refused to be drawn on Adam's new romance, as if I would tell anyone that three months ago, Adam started seeing a girl who worked in a bank. "She looks very similar to Suzy. It was a very low-key relationship, if it is still on. That's all I know." I know, however, that last Friday week, in Dublin, U2 listened to a rough mix of their album. Presumably, there was some celebrating in Han(g)over Quay afterwards." 就是Adam被發現和一位長的和前女友Susie很像的女生約會(難忘舊情嗎 = =) 根據這位秘密證人表示,女生是樂團裡的工作人員,大概在3個月前開始約會這樣 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Susie以前是他們經紀人的助理,兩個人交往8年訂婚後沒多久就退婚了 而和Susie的破局已經是Adam的第二個退婚了ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ 第一個就是和那惡名昭彰的超級名模Naomi Campbell 每次看到Naomi又上了新聞(被逮捕那種)我都好慶幸他們沒結成婚啊... http://0rz.tw/1c4jw http://0rz.tw/9d4mG http://0rz.tw/074lf http://0rz.tw/ad4mm 雖然Adam和新女友他們現在很低調,不過難保不會哪一天被大嘴巴Bono掀底了 當初Larry的第三個小孩也是Bono說溜嘴的  ̄▽ ̄||| -- Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ VERTIGO ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ Yeah Yeah Yeah ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ ◢◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Nilthoron 來自: (07/04 20:58)
windshape:照片中的adam不太像說 07/04 21:57
Nilthoron:因為那是快20年前的樣子了啊 07/04 22:50
Nilthoron:不到20年那麼久 不過差不多15年啦 07/04 22:53