看板 U2 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我在網路上看到一段話 In response to Pitchfork's critical drubbing of U2's newest album, fans attacked their server this afternoon, crashing their site but notbefore sending a stern warning to Scrhrieber & co. Last time they mess with a band as "media savvy" as Dublin's finest. Their fans have leet skillz and aren't afraid to use them. I wonder what effect thiswill have on music journalism, will sites think twice before unleashing a scathing review when a band has fans as rabid as U2? pitchfork在3/6發出的評論,3/9就被駭了 orz 不過我沒有找到其他相關的報導,只是在某個庫存頁面上看到的 U2迷不只駭過這個,連官方網站也去駭過(因為大家覺得U2.com太鳥了不駭不痛快) ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ -- be thankful for what you've got -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Nilthoron 來自: (04/21 23:53)
antiid:U2樂迷的分佈range真的很大..哈哈 04/22 02:31
windshape:唉呦~ 04/22 06:52
※ 編輯: Nilthoron 來自: (05/29 01:09)