看板 U2 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1JDdXB0V ] 作者: lollygagger (chivalry's alive) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Pop named one of world’s best leaders 時間: Sat Mar 29 15:37:43 2014 Pop named one of world’s best leaders by Fortune Pop 躋身財富雜誌「世界領袖五十強」 http://0rz.tw/WpUxG Posted on March 27, 2014 at 1:45 am by Dan McCarney|blog.mysanantonio.com What do Pope Francis, Bono, the Dalai Lama and Gregg Popovich have in common? They’re among the world’s greatest leaders as rated by Fortune magazine. Popovich shared the 20th spot on a list of 50 alongside a pair of college coaches, Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski and Dawn Staley of South Carolina. They are the highest-rated coaches, and trail only New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter (No. 11) among all sports figures on a list including financial giants, business tycoons and political leaders. 甘冒保守派大不諱也不願論斷同性戀的方濟教宗(Pope Francis),多年來為消除窮國 外債奔走的「一人國家」-- U2主唱波諾(Bono)、相忍為和平的西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛, 以上三人跟NBA馬刺主帥 Pop 有何共同點呢? well, 答案揩曉:他們都名列「財富」雜誌遴選的「世界50強領袖人物」。 Coach Pop 和杜克大學的K教練(Mike Krzyzewski)、南卡女籃女帥鄧恩史塔麗(Dawn Staley)同列世界領袖人物第20強,退役在即的洋基隊長基特則為第11強。 這份多為財經鉅子,企業老闆及政治領袖的名單中,他們也是唯四的體壇界人士。 世界領袖人物前十強依序為: 教宗方濟,德國總理梅克爾,福特總裁 Alan Mulally, 股神巴菲特,前美國總統克林頓,緬甸在野黨主席翁山蘇姬,北約駐阿富汗部隊 總司令 Joe Dunford 將軍,愛爾蘭搖滾團U2主唱波諾,達賴喇嘛,美國亞馬遜總裁 Jeff Bezos 完整名單請見 http://0rz.tw/YgJFH -- 附則 Pop 語錄: Q. Coach, how did your guys manage the last couple of days? What was the mindset like of your team? COACH GREGG POPOVICH: You know, he stayed up late for that one. He didn't just wing it, and his boss sent him a little note. He thought. He had a list of about ten questions and as the day went, he eliminated this one and this one and came up with that one. I think that's a great question. What was the question? (Laughter). I forgot the question. 去年總冠第七戰賽前記者會... Q: 教練,(第六戰將贏未贏,煮熟的戒指飛掉)這兩天球員是怎麼撐過來的?他們心理 狀態如何? A: 各位,這才是深思熟慮、輾轉反側才能想出來的好問題啊。他沒有臨時亂掰瞎問一通 ,或靠他老闆傳小抄給他。他是真的用腦筋。他一定是在紙上寫了十種問法,然後整天 思考,刪掉這個,想到那個,塗塗改改, 字斟句酌,然後才拍板定案要問什麼。我覺得 這真是難得一見的好問題... 等一下,你剛問什麼來著?(笑聲)我忘了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1396078667.A.01F.html
orange7 :U2.....?????????????? 03/29 15:43
sinben :簽名檔 popo老狐狸XDDDD 03/29 15:46
zeches2001 :他是在講記者的問題很白癡嗎@@? 03/29 15:47
rexagi1988 :賤死了XDDD 03/29 15:49
pponywong :XD 超酸的 酸記者事前想一堆結果還是問廢問題 03/29 15:57
remousy :popo太強啦 03/29 16:05
heavensun : 冷笑話 03/29 16:11
ohmygod0707 :U2主唱已經行善多年囉 幹簽名檔...XDD 03/29 16:24
sxing6326 :很像英國人講笑話的方式 03/29 16:41
juniorpenny:轉錄至看板 Spurs 03/29 16:44
MrTen :世界前十廢領袖,我國可以入選嗎? 03/29 16:54
bowenwin :問題超譏的XDDDDDDDD 03/29 17:07
melzard :POPO語錄XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 03/29 17:18
jjkk :怎麼沒有馬? 03/29 17:21
Spartan117 :語錄那個有影片嗎 好好笑 03/29 17:27
meteor007 :有看過影片,超好笑 03/29 17:31
Spartan117 :我找到了! 03/29 17:33
brian980466 :PO神 03/29 18:35
PaulChris :語錄不錯XD 03/29 21:14
GAIEGAIE :記者殺手啊 菜鳥記者去訪問他大概會被電到想轉行吧 03/29 21:43
porterfan :波波神 03/29 21:49
petand86 :每個記者都戰戰兢兢的在問他 03/29 22:37
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: aerymani (, 時間: 03/29/2014 23:52:01