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http://www.uefa.com/competitions/uefacup/news/kind=1/newsid=800547.html As the UEFA Cup resumes with the Round of 32, uefa.com takes its pick of ten players likely to catch the eye. 歐協盃重新點燃戰火 來看看歐足總官網推薦的十大焦點球星吧 David Beckham (AC Milan) With the likes of Pato, Ronaldinho, Kaká and Andrea Pirlo in the ranks Milan are the star attraction in the Round of 32, but the firmanent is shining even brighter since the addition of David Beckham. The 33-year-old, who is on loan from LA Galaxy, has surprised many with his impact in Serie A having left the European scene two years ago. A UEFA Champions League winner with Manchester United FC in 1998/99, he will be hoping to add the UEFA Cup to his long list of honours. 貝克漢(米蘭,義大利) 現在的米蘭眾星雲集,但是貝克漢的到來無疑讓他們更加璀璨奪目 這名從洛杉磯銀河租借過來的英格蘭中場巨星,已經有兩年沒有參加歐洲賽事了 他過去曾在1998/99於曼聯期間奪下歐洲冠軍 如今他也希望能和米蘭一同擁抱歐協盃桂冠 Danny (FC Zenit St. Petersburg) Zenit have a ready-made replacement for Andrei Arshavin in their ranks with Russian record signing Danny looking to emulate his predecessor by leading the club to UEFA Cup glory. A 30m summer signing from FC Dynamo Moskva, he dazzled on his debut by scoring the winner against Manchester United in the UEFA Super Cup in August and, after settling quickly into the side, will be looking to hit the ground running in his first full campaign, starting on Wednesday against VfB Stuttgart. 丹尼(聖彼得堡天頂,俄羅斯) 天頂在夏季轉會期以打破俄超轉會金紀錄找來了阿沙文的接班人 葡萄牙人隨即在擊敗曼聯的超級盃賽事上有了出色的表現 也很快融入了聖彼得堡的陣容當中 他們的對手是德甲的斯圖加特 Diogo Luis Santo (Olympiacos CFP) After missing out on a place in the UEFA Champions League, Olympiacos are determined to make their mark on the UEFA Cup and with striker Diogo in brilliant form they could do just that. The Greek titleholders beat a host of top clubs to the 21-year-old Brazilian's signature last summer and his reputation has blossomed since. Strong in the air and with excellent technique, Diogo has taken Greek football by storm and impressed in Europe too, notably with a two-goal match-winning performance in a 5-1 rout of SL Benfica in the group stage. 路易斯‧桑托(奧林匹克人,希臘) 雖然奧客們失去了在歐冠前進的機會,但他們在歐協盃依舊大有可為 巴西人桑托去年抵達希臘之後,展現了其超齡的技巧,也在希臘聯賽掀起森巴旋風 他在小組賽痛擊本菲卡中曾經梅開二度 Yoann Gourcuff (FC Girondins de Bordeaux) Zinédine Zidane took Bordeaux all the way to the final in 1996 and they could go far again thanks to the sparkling form of playmaker Yoann Gourcuff. The 22-year-old has long drawn comparisons to the great Zizou and showed just why with a series of commanding performances during the UEFA Champions League group stage. With Milan set to recall Gourcuff from his loan spell at the end of the season, could he, like Zidane, be set for a final swansong? 古居夫(波爾多,法國) 齊祖大神曾經在1996年帶領波爾多殺進歐協盃決賽 如今他們有望在古居夫的引領下重現當年輝煌 這名二十二歲的中場球員長期以來總是被拿來和齊祖作比較 本季的表現更是證明了他的實力確實出色 只是季末古居夫租借期滿返回米蘭後,屬於他的考驗才正要開始 Vágner Love (PFC CSKA Moskva) Vágner Love scored in CSKA's UEFA Cup final win against Sporting Clube de Portugal four years ago and his competition-leading eight goals so far this term have got the club's fans dreaming of silverware again. The first leg against Aston Villa FC will be CSKA's first competitive game under new coach Zico, and with Love eager to force his way back into the Brazilian national side as well, the 24-year-old has plenty of reasons to impress. 瓦格納‧愛(莫斯科中央陸軍,俄羅斯) 中央陸軍四年前第一次拿下歐協盃冠軍就是靠著小愛的進球 而本季他的連串進球讓球迷們開始期待當年榮耀重新降臨 他們將在新教練奇哥的帶領下面對英超阿斯頓維拉的挑戰 Adrian Mutu (ACF Fiorentina) Mutu scored six times in Fiorentina's run to the semi-finals last season and will be hoping to take his side one stage further this time around. Voted Romanian Player of the Year for the fourth time in December, the 30-year-old only found the net once in the Viola's UEFA Champions League group-stage campaign, but has brought the best out of prolific strike partner Alberto Gilardino. 穆圖(佛羅倫薩,義大利) 羅馬尼亞人上季在帶領紫百合殺進歐協四強中出力甚多,本季他希望能走的更遠 去年底再度榮膺羅馬尼亞年度最佳球員的穆圖在歐冠雖然僅僅攻進一球 但他卻是以輔佐的地位幫助隊友吉拉迪諾取得更多進球 Ivica Olic (Hamburger SV) Olic may be on his way to FC Bayern München in the summer, but is intent on signing off on a high as HSV chase a UEFA Cup and Bundesliga double. The 29-year-old Croatian has had an outstanding campaign, with four goals in the UEFA Cup already, and his battling, tenacious style make him a firm favourite with the HSV faithful despite his imminent departure. "HSV is all that matters until the end of the season," Olic said. "I will give 100 per cent until the final whistle of the final game." 歐利奇(漢堡,德國) 這名二十九歲的克羅埃西亞球員有個出色的賽季 雖然他本季結束後就要前往大拜了,不過他還是希望能夠幫助漢堡拿下雙冠王 他在歐協盃已經攻進四球,也決心要將百分之百的精神投注在漢堡身上 David Villa (Valencia CF) The 27-year-old Spanish international needs no introduction – except in the UEFA Cup this season where he has been restricted to a single appearance as a substitute. With the competition now past the group stage, expect to see Villa unleashed sooner rather than later. With a return of 17 goals in 21 Liga games his inclusion would put Valencia right up among the favourites to reclaim the crown they won in 2004. 比利亞(瓦倫西亞,西班牙) 還需要介紹這名球員嘛? 不過他在本季歐協盃僅有一次替補上場的表現而已 如今到了淘汰賽階段,這名西班牙國腳也該是發威的時候了 Axel Witsel (R. Standard de Liège) It is no wonder some of Europe's biggest clubs are tracking Witsel, who was voted Belgian Player of the Year in January just a week after his 20th birthday. The dynamic, technically gifted attack-minded midfielder played in every minute as Standard progressed from a tough Group C and his nonchalant style has fooled more than one opponent. 威斯特(標準列日,比利時) 這名剛滿二十歲的小將才剛在年初獲選為比利時年度最佳球員 也難怪能吸引諸多豪門注目 他帶領標準列日從歐協盃小組賽中脫穎而出,如今他要用自己的技巧征服歐洲 Ashley Young (Aston Villa FC) Young was described as no less than a "genius" by his manager Martin O'Neill after scoring twice, including the 90th-minute winner, in victory against Everton FC in December. Even so, the 23-year-old winger is yet to fully deliver on his considerable promise – a frightening prospect for Europe's defences. If Villa are to progress the England international's pace, poise and passing will be key. His crossing sets him apart; only Cesc Fàbregas set up more goals in the Premier League last season. 阿十粒‧羊(阿斯頓維拉,英格蘭) 這名二十三歲邊路球員被歐尼爾教練稱為天才型的球隊瑰寶 不過他要在人才濟濟的英格蘭國家隊中出頭,還有漫長的路要走 --
JUNstudio:話說回來,根據我前陣子常在這邊中槍的經驗,我不得不說02/05 09:58
GordonBrown:jizz in your pants02/05 09:59
JUNstudio:本文實在太中肯,就請大家在想要酸文前多點同理心吧.... 02/05 10:00
…………………充滿箭靶與賤芭的英超版,唉……… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
German:明明就是愛瓦哥那 02/18 12:25
ohfabJ:推~ 02/18 12:31
JUNstudio:愛瓦哥...嘖,批踢踢誰不知道瓦哥啊(啥麼鬼啊...) 02/18 17:42